The effectiveness of commercial desiccants and uncooked rice in removing moisture from hearing aids[1]:
"White rice shows promise as an effective alternative to commercial desiccants in reducing moisture in hearing aids when silica gel products are unavailable."
There’s probably a piece missing in the article’s simplified explanation, but if corrosion were in fact “instant” as claimed, nothing should help, as the damage would already be done. Probably it’s not really instant, just very fast, and displacing the water with alcohol is the quickest way to get it out before it can do even more damage.
Everytime I get anything with a bag of silica gel (electronic product boxes, medication bottles etc.), I toss the bag into an airtight plastic tub where I collect them. I've only needed to use the tub a few times, but it's always worked to remove moisture from electronic devices and cost me nothing.
Ive set my my oven to 125 - 175 degrees, then turn it off and put my phone, watch and even a PC in there to dry them out and dehumidify them for up to an hour. I then wait a day and then put them back to power. I’ve restored all non water proof devices this way so long as the battery doesn’t swell it seems to always work.
I remember fixing a graphics card years ago in the oven. Stripped all the heatsink and other removable parts off it and baked it for 15 mins or so. It reflowed the solider joints nicely and worked for several years afterwards.
Sorry, but you are wrong, IPhones is not waterproof, just water resistant.
Put IPhone in a water for a day, it will not survive.
I was thinking the same thing! I was washing my iphone under running (using soap) weekly during covid and have not had any issues. Like they say, try not to get it into the charging port, as you have to wait for it to dry out before plugging the phone into the charger.
> That is because devices are increasingly able to withstand getting wet.
> All Apple devices from the iPhone 12 onwards are able to withstand immersion up to a depth of six metres, for up to half an hour.
> But with cost-of-living pressures driving growth in the global second-hand mobile market, it is likely that many people will need advice on what to do - and what not to - with a soggy smartphone for some time yet.
> iPhones haven been completely waterproof for generations now.
Maybe so but when I went into Apple store to get a free battery replacement under warranty because they had a recall, the Apple employees specifically check for water exposure[1] and if it's ever been wet, they consider it "damaged" and won't do the free battery swap.
It's nice that one can accidentally fall into a swimming pool with the phone in the pocket and it won't get broken. However, one can't be totally nonchalant about letting it get submerged because it will void its warranty status.
When my daughter was a teenager she dropped her phone in the toilet and fished it out and put it in rice to dry.
We didn’t see any rice in the trash, and so we continued to question her and it turned out she had simply returned the rice to the cabinet afterwards. :P
We threw out the entire bag, of course.
"White rice shows promise as an effective alternative to commercial desiccants in reducing moisture in hearing aids when silica gel products are unavailable."