With all the financial products the banking world creates, I'm sure someone will come up with an insurance policy for this. Sure it won't be cheap, but will be a solution.
Too much liability issues and because of (most likely) an irresponsible driver now they're (or better, someone that can pin any cost on the injured) goes after the car renter, car manufacturer, road authority, etc. They'll probably make a way for Steve Jobs to be liable as well if they can, I guess
"no longer theoretical" No crap sherlock. People have been getting injured in car accidents for the past 100 years.
By getting into a car and driving you assume a non zero risk of being injured or killed in a car accident. Do you want zero risk? Live in a bubble
Now his suddenly becomes a multi-million dollar cash cow for several 3rd parties.
Except for the victims of course, who'll have to deal with giant health costs (because of similar excess liability and regulation meandering by the authorities and greed by the medical industry)
Sure, liability is important, if it involved a drunk driver for example, or a fault that comes from the car maker.
But there's always a risk! And preventing some risks causes even more risks sometimes.
Also, I've thought for some time that P2P car sharing should be over longer terms, like months.