There's nothing baloney about SSA form. I'm sorry to say it, but C is just not close to the metal any more. Even if you are able to hand optimise something so it works well on one architecture, it likely won't be optimal for another.
As for Haskell, it does pretty well being 100 times faster than Python with 100 times less the number of people working on it.
I believe that your interpretation of what’s actually happening is what’s baloney.
The fact is that you Haskell people only talk about the optimizations that can sometimes open on immutable data in specific circumstances. What you generally ignore is the optimizations that immutable data permanently locks you out of with no recourse.
As with most things programming, immutability should be considered a tool, not a rule.
You seem to think that functional programming and in-place updates are mutually exclusive. This is not the case, e.g. Haskell supports mutation as a tracked and controlled side-effect. It can even give static guarantees that a function is pure even it uses mutation internally.
Recent research even suggests that compilers can add the in-place updates for us:
I don’t really care which functional programming advocate you’re quoting. They’re all liars when they make these claims.
You can say SSA, static guarantees, internal mutability, blah blah blah all you want. When third party, not specifically chosen anecdotes to make FP look good, measurements stack up to the claims, we can have a better conversation.
It’s not looking good though, cause these claims of “actually, Haskell is faster than C because compiler magic” have been going on since well before stable Haskell like 15 years ago, and they’ve been lies for just as long.
I think the persistent collections are generally worth the cost. IIRC, for HAMT maps/sets for instance, they're about twice as slow for reads and four times as slow for writes. For bulk updates, you can also slip into using transients, and then when you're done, "freeze" it back into a persistent data structure.
I only wish that the transient collections would support more different kinds of writes, like support all operations on java.util.List/Set/Map kind of thing. Forget which ones aren't present but I remember there being a couple...