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The Problem with Kickstarter (www.xconomy.com) similar stories update story
34.0 points by dpryan | karma 62 | avg karma 2.21 2013-01-17 12:49:13+00:00 | hide | past | favorite | 39 comments

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> Kickstarter has taken a half-measure when it comes to hardware projects. It should take a full measure—and remove hardware as a category.

Agreed. Hardware projects are too high-risk for a model like Kickstarter's, and it's difficult for crowdfunders to be fully informed about that risk when even the makers are often inexperienced.

Worse, they're all or nothing. If one of the major videogame projects runs out of funds, they can still release a beta version or even open source it. If someone is unable to finish a book, they can still send you the latest draft. When hardware projects fail, they probably can't ship anything.

This is we like the selfstarter model. Backers don't get charged until the product is ready. And project creators are incentivised to use efficient techniques that get their product to market quickly.

There are flaws with this too, which I touched upon in the post. I think this is an opportunity.

s/Backers/"People who just pre-ordered something that doesn't exist yet"

I thought the whole point of Kickstarter was to "kickstart" your project with an infusion of cash allowing you to quit your job/outsource more work/whatever to get to market?

Yes - but it doesn't work for hardware. It leads to projects failing to deliver on their expectations. Failures hurt the Kickstarter brand. They know that. Which is why they're moving away from hardware.

The "kickstart" part is what's missing with the selfstarter approach. We're funded so we didn't have this problem.

Maybe a new model could be a hybrid of incubator and crowdfunding. You apply with an idea. The incubator provides some up-front capital to get you started. They have expertise in hardware mentoring. Logistics, manufacturing, customer support, IP, warranties etc.

The incubator could build a brand and network of supporters, but be purely focused on cultivating innovative consumer product ideas and getting them to market.

Hardware incubator sounds like a really good idea.

Many people are not interested in funding hardware projects at all - hardware just has a lousy reputation.

But having a hardware incubator means you concentrate expertise in all the stuff that's traditionally thought to be hard about hardware. Things like suppliers and distribution and stock control and sub-contracting etc etc.

I believe there's an opening for a crowdfunding model focused purely on hardware startups. Perhaps some of you are already working on it.

App.net, Lockitron and most recently Lumawake helped kick this off, with selfstarter. We contributed some changes back to help push it along: https://github.com/lockitron/selfstarter

There are flaws with this approach (no third party payment verification, no established network of donors). Which leaves room for further improvement.

Kickstarter is clearly focused on creative (which they're doing incredibly well with). The 2012 Kickstarter summary didn't mention any of the massive hardware projects.

I'm curious, what made you go with Lockitron's model? We've been working very hard on our cf product - IgnitionDeck, and would love to get into your head about how/why you chose that over other solutions.

I've been following the space pretty closely and I agree that there's a ton of opportunity. I'd love to pick your brain over beers - where are you guys located?

It's not correct to label this "The Problem with Kickstarter".

It's a rant about how complicated it is to finish hardware projects.

Kickstarter does movies (I didn't know that, I learned it here in the Kickstarter 2012 retrospective), lots of software, comics, publishing, etc.

So please rename to: "The problem with Kickstarter hardware projects" or something.

Kickstarter needs praise and applause because it is great and bringing joy to many backers and founders. Not criticism because one type of project have a 75% failure rate.

Kickstarter has been responsible for funding Oscar nominations, museums, and countless creative projects. Their 2012 summary is full of stunning success stories.

The goal of this post is to kickoff a discussion about alternative crowdfunding models that work better for hardware startups. It's clear that Kickstarter is moving away from these and focusing on creative.

Being rejected by Kickstarter doesn't make Kickstarter the problem.

Exactly. There are good points about the problem with kickstarter's hardware section, but when they keep pushing their own bytelight or whatever it sounds more like complaining cause they didn't get accepted. Comes off as, 'we didn't get accepted and we have a plan, so there must be a problem, and thus kickstarter should remove hardware projects entirely', as opposed to, 'based on the failure rates, kickstarter should reconsider if it needs to include hardware projects at all'.

Can we talk about bytelight? What the heck does that thing do?

Indoor positioning using LED lights. Our market is in enterprise (not the home).

We're using selfstarter to experiment if there's enough demand for individual developer/hacker kits. It's not economical for us to sell small orders unless they're batched together.

You've got a nice site but I think the product is not useful enough. You've got to install those bulbs and any enterprise I've been in uses fluorescent lights and not the classic fittings. I couldn't even use those in my home.

If you want a mobile device to locate itself indoors, why not use WiFi? Probably the entire place is flooded with access points already.

So If I outfit my home with these lights, (which are also functional for lighting?) I can leverage them to locate what? Anything with a camera?

The site is strong so I'm intrigued but I have no idea what a practical application of this would be. I take it you guys don't either? :p

I don't think it is a good idea that the backers are only charged when the product is ready to ship. After all, this is all about getting the resources so that you are able to ship. When the backers don't pay upfront, you don't have those resources. So to me it seems you are looking at Kickstarter as a distribution channel, not as a funding opportunity.

I would suggest respectfully engaging the Kickstarter folks in a discussion about your project. I had a hardware project rejected in the same manner, except I did not leave it at that. I engaged the KS staff, stated my case, qualifications, and had a general discussion about the project. A few days later they authorized it. In fact, I have more than one approved project in the pipeline. I have found them to be nothing but reasonable.

The project isn't up yet because my approach --having owned a hardware manufacturing business at one time-- is to have a fully engineered, DFM'd, production-ready product prior to launching the KS campaign.

I hate surprises. I've run into plenty of them in my design and manufacturing career. Things like sole-source components discontinued by the manufacturer a month before you go into production after THEY recommended we use that component and we spent eight months developing product using it.

Yes, hardware is different. That does not mean it is impossible.

Have you written any blog posts about the process? I'm sure many people would be interested in what happens.

How did you engage them? Do you know someone? When I got rejected I just got a form with a few characters to explain why I wasn't violating the rules (they did not say which rule I was violating).

I need to look through my email to reconstruct it. I'm in meetings most of the rest of the day. I'll try to get to it tonight.

OK, as best as I can tell I simply used the online form to state my case. I don't have any outgoing emails pleading my case, so it must have been an online submission. I do have an internal email address that I got after the fact but it would not be cool to post that here.

I'd suggest perhaps emailing support@kickstarter.com and respectfully stating your case. Remember, this ain't Google-bots, there are people just like you at the other end of that email. Talk to a person, not to a machine.

Hardware is expensive. Plastic injection tooling, PCB fabrication, PCB assembly, component purchases, FCC and EU and UL testing and certifications. Something like Kickstarter makes it possible for an engineer, such as myself, who does not have $200K in the bank, to use the skills I use every day for large companies, and create something new in the world.

For somebody to suggest that the one endeavor that needs Kickstarter type pre-funding the most, be the one endeavor that should never be entitled to it, all because they're mad because their own attempt at funding was rejected, pisses me off.

Promoting some sort of system where I get money only after I'm ready to ship, leaves me scratching my head. If I have a warehouse full of product ready to ship, I can go get traditional purchase orders the old fashioned way. What problem would such a system be addressing?


Hardware needs pre-funding more than anything. The article is opening up a discussion for alternative models that work better than Kickstarter.

The problem with Kickstarter's approach is that oftentimes, the reality of the product is divorced from the perception of the product. There are countless examples of high profile hardware products that failed to deliver on expectations. That hurts the Kickstarter brand.

Kickstarter can't be expected to guarantee projects. It's too costly. And it opens them up to liability.

I'm not suggesting that self-starter is the final version of this model. It's an evolutionary process - and an opportunity for a new startup with a different approach.

> Hardware needs pre-funding more than anything.

If you can demonstrate demand, funding will become a second order problem.

If this were true, would we not see more truly hardware startups in existence? There are countless hardware products that have demand, yet go unfunded or are not attractive to VC's because of the large upfront costs or various market / IP concerns. Ever tried to develop and then manufacture an ASIC before?

Hardware is just that, "hard". Crowd funding, or crowd "pre-ordering" is just one approach to give these types of companies a fighting chance at marketing and developing a product. If it were not for the lack of project accountability and poor hardware track record, I think Kickstarter would be a very good solution towards some of these issues.

Unfortunately until this changes, I think backers might have a better chance at the casinos. At least you have fun losing your money there (usually)!

I think there are plenty of reasons one does not see more hardware startups, but I would argue that 'lack of funds' is more likely being used as an excuse to mask deeper problems.

One can expect bad things in any venture where the development costs exceed the expected return. If anything, this would be an argument for general purpose computing and not shouldering the cost of developing an ASIC.

If you would like to see a Kickstarter with better project accountability and a hardware focus I suggest looking at Christie Street: https://christiestreet.com

I agree.

One of the problems with the Kickstarter model is that companies were offering product in exchange for funding.

They should have been offering stickers and mentions on a "Thank You" page, or tours of the factories, or some such. That would have created better expectations in the minds of funders.

Or they could have offered vouchers - "Pay $X, we give you a voucher that entitles you to one free widget if we go into production".

The current "challenges" question is not being answered as well as it could by several projects. It feels a bit like the "What are your weaknesses" interview question, where people are dodging the real answer and giving feel good sound bites. I have a lot more trust in the projects who make a solid attempt at answering that question fully.

Given the amount of experience and equipment required for hardware projects perhaps there's room for a hardware incubator?

There are hardware incubators. Lemnos Labs is the one I can think of off-hand.

A pledge to buy something can be converted into money. In traditional industries it's quite common to get bank loans against accounts receivable and/or outstanding purchase orders.

Without a history of delivering product, a bank won't give you a loan against pledges (aka PO's), but there certainly should be lots of people who would give you a loan or buy equity.

If you can say to a VC "I've got a million dollars worth of orders, I need $500K to build them", you've got a much stronger story when talking to VC's than most do.

You really think a bank would give loans against Kickstarter agreements to purchase something?

I think that's his point. A bank wouldn't do that if you did not have a history of delivering.

Loved that article, it is an excellently crafted critique of Kickstarter (general interest) which is melded to a call to action for their rejected Kickstarter (Bytelight). So at one level it reads "Kickstarter rejected us, we're bummed we don't have all their eyeballs, we used the Lockitron example to try to fund our product design."

When I saw Kickstarter I had the same feeling I had about Ebay (although initially Ebay weathered its risk storm) which was given the larger audience for the product (Ebay occasional sales, Kickstarter small investment) you could get better results than the customer could on their own. And people abused EBay too (selling stolen or counterfeit goods, ripping off buyers when nothing was shipped).

Perhaps there is a 'Craigslist' model of funding referral service to achieve the wide reach but stay hands off enough to keep out of the lawsuits. Ebay's solution to monetizing that was both a listing fee and a selling fee, something Kickstarter could also do (assuming it isn't patented).

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