I'm sorry, I thought this was "hacker" news. I Expected people would know that Google's OTR and OTR XMPP spec are different. My point was that you shouldn't be using 3rd party services to talk to people if the information is legitimately sensitive.
The specs are not "different." They are completely different things.
You realize it is impossible to talk to somebody over the Internet, or in real life except in person, without relying on a third party, right? You choose who to trust, and OTR, the protocol, makes it so you only have to worry about the software used, not about the communications channel and anyone listening in on it.
> The specs are not different. They are completely different things.
Do you not have any reading comprehension? That's literally what I said. I haven't said anything against OTR at all. I fully support the use of XMPP and OTR for communications. You can attack me all you'd like, it doesn't change anything I said.