Contrary to popular belief, everyone is allowed to take picture of you, as long as you are in public space. They only need your authorization to use the picture.
As a quad and plane RC pilot, I have to say that incidents like this make me uneasy about the hobby, as a whole. It certainly seems like a code of ethics ought to come out of these incidents .. from the pilot side, I'd say for sure I wouldn't stand down if someone tried to assault me for exercising my rights to fly in public spaces, but on the other hand if someone clearly had an issue, I'd also be willing to demonstrate good will and show/share the videos to ensure the person has the ability to know what they look like in the material. Its only fair to share, I think, and I'd sure like to see other drone pilots take that option, and post video's of successes, sooner rather than later. The problem with these incident video's is that they are only the negative angle of the hobby; we don't really see many videos out in the blog-o-sphere where people have been happy to see drone pilots around, but .. as a pilot .. I know a lot of people (at least in my neighborhood) like the things too.
Seems like an opportunity for drone pilots to excel and do good for the public, anyway. Would this woman have minded, if she'd been allowed to see the footage freely?