Angular Bootstrap's Typeahead directive does this job pretty well, although we've had to do some template overriding and funky directives to get the functionality we needed (e.g. switching the results to a different set by clicking an item in the dropdown). Glad to see more alternatives being made out there. Nice job!
If you want not use Angular or another other framework, a fully functional autocomplete may be made with 10 lines of JavaScript. See demo:
Adding a scrolling list of choices would requires two or three more lines.
My company did a fairly thorough review of the open options in this space and settled on select2, which has a handy angular support library here: This isn't the most performant one (twitter's typeahead was for the ones we looked at) but it has a lot of great features, nice look and feel, and not terrible graceful degradation.
The big feature that I want in an autocomplete is the ability to click on the text area and get a list of possible completions. I hacked that onto bootstraps angular autocomplete widget, but it's a bit of a mess.