Of course I'm serious, and I'll run my mouth all I like. You don't post that many identifying details about someone without wanting, on some level, for the person's name to come out, so it's time to stop screwing around.
HN is high-profile enough for Mark Suster to see this (hi, Mark!) If I've done a terrible, horrible thing by pointing out this guy fits a whole lot of the things Mark mentioned in his post, Mark can correct the record here by telling us I'm completely wrong and it was someone else.
> If I've done a terrible, horrible thing by naming this guy based on a whole lot of circumstantial evidence, Mark can correct the record here by telling us I'm completely wrong.
You're asking him to risk his legal strategy to fit what is a cheap debating tactic.
I think the parent responder's point was that you're using a throwaway account because you're making a claim of which you're so uncertain, that you're not willing to risk staking your own reputation on its accuracy. Ironically the claim you're making affects the reputation of the person you're identifying at least 100 times more than your own, whether it turns out to be right or wrong!
In short, whether or not you're right, you're a) being reckless and potentially libelous given that you don't actually know any details about the issue in question other than what was stated in the blog post, b) completely aware of what such statements can do to someone's reputation, and c) simultaneously more concerned about how your actions affect yourself than how they may affect others.
Now, I'm not saying that I disagree with your sentiment. If someone is a bad actor, then I'd prefer to figure out how to help others avoid getting taken by them. But how many witch hunts do we have to see happen only to find out there's another side to the story, before we stop encouraging witch hunts?
HN is high-profile enough for Mark Suster to see this (hi, Mark!) If I've done a terrible, horrible thing by pointing out this guy fits a whole lot of the things Mark mentioned in his post, Mark can correct the record here by telling us I'm completely wrong and it was someone else.
We'll just wait for him to show up.