This particular link has some info about that situation. GC pauses are deterministic starting Go1.5. Application code will run for at least 40ms out of every 50ms. The upper limit for the GC pause is 10ms and its typically lower.
It's not "deterministic". It has limits on time consumption of GC defined. But you still can't tell when, and if, at any given moment you'll have a pause.
As soon as you put limits like that you have to compensate by risking that you run out of memory -- if you can't meet the deadline, you can't fully scan the heap[1], free, and so on. Or is that wrong?
That seems like another variable to consider if you're in an environment where you have to somewhat control how much memory you use. But I don't know really know anything about the details of garbage collection, I just figured that that would be one of the trade-offs. So correct me if I'm wrong.