mine is (say D750 as a source, with raw+basic jpeg):
- move all jpegs from card, keep raws there
- go through jpegs, select "best" (ie worth further work), for worthy ones take RAW from card instead of jpeg
- select panoramas to join in autopano
- join panoramas (source is jpeg, if anybody knows how to do it with Nikon Raws, please share!)
- select best panoramas (often quality is visible only after all is rendered)
- if I have multiple sources (photos, panos with different naming, GF camera, Gopro, phones etc.) I make one single unified ordering based on file names (this is crude process, but no clue about anything better)
- process those Raws in Lightroom, put them back
- post on flickr for parents (don't have FB)
- select even more for FB albums for all rest
- delete all raws on memory card (ie except those few worthy processing that were moved from it)
cumbersome process, but I simply don't like the workflow Lightroom is forcing me to use, so I use it only for Raw edits. Now where to backup those selected few is another question, since I don't want to pay...
cumbersome process, but I simply don't like the workflow Lightroom is forcing me to use, so I use it only for Raw edits. Now where to backup those selected few is another question, since I don't want to pay...