It can't. The problem is that .a files do not record their direct dependencies, unlike ELF objects, and instead depend on the final link-edit having the full tree of dependencies provided, but flattened into a list. That flattening loses critical information needed to correctly resolve conflicting symbols.
It absolutely does. When you use cmake, if you link against the target foo which is a static library and itself was marked as linking to bar, then your final executable will have -lfoo -lbar.
Of course this information isn't stored in the .a files, but in cmake's FooConfig.cmake files - who cares as long as it works ? The vast majority of libraries now have those even if they don't use cmake as build system as they are fairly easy to generate.
Those '.cmake' files only work with CMake, which is an issue if you try using any other build system. There is also pkg-config and the .pc files, which are doing essentially the same job without depending on a build system. But it's really all just patchwork, the files are frequently missing and the whole setup is extremely brittle if you hop between OSs, different library versions or just different CMake versions (e.g. '*.cmake' files exporting different targets and variables). That CMake has to provide those files themselves for a lot of libraries (all those not using cmake) is another issue.
> Those '*.cmake' files only work with CMake, which is an issue if you try using any other build system.
At least meson can parse those. Making every other build system in existence add support for those is definitely less work than changing the format of .a and will yield exactly the same result (not that it matters much, cmake being the standard c/c++ build system for years now)
Also .pc files are near inexistent on the most used desktop OS.
> When you use cmake, if you link against the target foo which is a static library and itself was marked as linking to bar, then your final executable will have -lfoo -lbar.
And that is bad. `-lfoo -lbar` loses important information. It is the linker-editor that needs to have this, and not just the build tooling layered above it. libtool, cmake -- it doesn't matter, they're all broken for static linking as long as static linking is broken in this way.
> Of course this information isn't stored in the .a files, but in cmake's FooConfig.cmake files - who cares as long as it works ?
If the only way to make it work is to adopt a particular build system, then no thanks. But again, it can't actually work -- it can't solve the problems that are in the link-editor itself.
> they're all broken for static linking as long as static linking is broken in this way.
The main app I work on links against
- Qt
- libclang
- ffmpeg
- my app which is itself ~40 libs
- a dozen others
which combined account for multiple hundreds of static libraries on Linux, Mac and Windows and things just work. I could maybe bog my head against theoretical link-time problems which I don't experience or make things better for my end-users and just target_link_libraries(myapp Qt::Core), what do you think is the reasonable option ?