I can only guess here. But remember that software package management was a pain too and it took someone to do a Ph.D. on the topic to give us NiX (and it still isn't perfect).
Ah I see where you're coming from. I don't see any reason to expect that's the case here though. Package management has some fairly obvious tough CS problems inherent in it -- dependency resolution with version upgrades inherently feels NP-hard, for example. Whereas booting is about making hardware that initializes quickly and then making software that abstracts over a variety of hardware well... within the development budget you have. And then you're stuck with backward compatibility as everything changes. I could be wrong here but it feels like a costly engineering problem more than anything else.
(Note I'm not saying you can't do a PhD in it and improve the situation -- you could probably do that for any problem, honestly. Just saying that I think you could get most of the way there by just paying the engineering cost.)
I'm just seeing that this is a forever lingering problem and I think if only engineering costs were involved the problem would have been solved by now.
Dependency resolution with versions is indeed NP-hard, if versions "conflict" (2 versions of the same package can't be installed at the same time). What if they don't conflict, and you just wanna install the fewest possible package versions to satisfy all dependencies? That's NP-hard too.