A lot of basic high value interactions are more directly encoded in HTML today than a lot of developers expect to need JS for. Some other tags to pay attention to: summary/details, progress, meter, input type="color|date|time|datetime|range".
It's an interesting relearning project, sometimes, how much the high level interactivity bits of HTML have changed since, for instance, the jQuery era.
You can do all of that with very lightweight JavaScript though. 10+ years ago I did autocomplete using a few carefully crafted lines of code and the page still renders just fine.
The problem is JS frameworks make development easier but have high real world costs that are often ignored.
Autocomplete.js is the successor of twitter/typeahead. It's a source-agnostic autocomplete JavaScript library that has just been rewritten to allow for more autocomplete UIs and better stability.
Of course it works with Algolia indexes, but it can also work with any type of asynchronous data sources.