Servo, for example, doesn't deal with this; it's a web browser.
Think of the use cases where you'd use C or C++, and Rust should work there.
You probably can rewrite Ruby scripts in Rust if you want, but the productivity benefit depends on the kind of script. But for the purposes of learning the language it doesn't really matter.
We use Rust extensively for much higher-level (platform & apps) level stuff, and it works very well for that, too. There is a learning curve, of course, and language preferences may legitimately vary -- but I don't think Rust is just "for making super low level stuff". (Oh, and we're hiring more full-time Rust developers).
There is nothing about the Rust language that makes it ill-suited to higher level work. It's a much easier, safer, language than C++ (which is used for higher level development in MFC) or Objective-C (which is used for higher level development in Cocoa).
At this stage though, the library support for higher level functions is lacking – mostly due to relative youth of the language. At this stage, you won't find much support for UI code and there's a relatively small number of libraries supporting HTTP servers and services.
You could write bindings for these things yourself (and they'll certainly be written over time) but you won't find it out-of-the-box right now.
It doesn't. Use C#, Java, or even python. If you're low level and dealing with low level code and constructs, you're better off using C, or C++ just for the language features like templates.
Rust is genuinely only useful for the niche application of a desktop application, that doesn't reach low level, but you need a bit more fine grain controls than C# or another higher level language will allow. For example, a web browser is like the ideal usecase for Rust, and it makes sense, since that's really where it's got most of it's teeth with Mozilla.
I personally don't see why you would do something like Grep, in Rust, when C#, Python, Go, exist. But I do see like Unreal Engine or again, Firefox/webbrowser in Rust being nice.
And I'm still not certain why not. You'll have a "hello world" in minutes. Even through something like Actix. Probably faster than your average "ruby on rails hello-world" or "react hello world". As those require a lot of up-front tooling to be set up.
I guess my reluctance is that Rust very early on requires knowledge of memory-management (borrower) and intricacies such as Result and Option.
While those are good to learn for a beginner at some point, that beginner probably wants to defer them to a moment that they have actual software deployed and dabble into multithreading, get runtime exceptions back and see the software crashing.
Still, I think languages that don't even allow you to think about such stuff, like Python, Ruby or JS, do the beginner a disservice: typing, shared-memory, runtime exceptions and undefined behaviour are a real thing, and a beginner should at least see that the libraries and examples all take these issues into consideration. Instead of waving it away with "we have tests to cover most of it. probably"
I'm Ruby dev, I deal with this daily; Learning Rust and using it in production has made me a much better Ruby dev.
I think "web development" is too generic to say something like that.
I'd consider a small data processing service, maybe a service invoked from the web server you're already using in Ruby or whatever, is a perfectly pleasant place to use Rust, and often likely to be 1:1 identical to those other languages.
I agree with you that "Re-write your Ruby project in Rust" is a terrible suggestion. Pretty much only "Re-write your C++ project in Rust" makes any sense.
But it's not all bad. Elixir is pretty widely considered to be the Ruby successor. Types are replaced almost everywhere by pattern matching, the widely accepted unexpected behavior response is to just not handle it, crash the "process" (green thread) and continue on with life, integers don't overflow, and the macro system is powerful enough to do just about anything you want.
Not really, rust is unusable for interactive programming because of this reason. I understand that's not rust target domain but still there's downsides to be had with their approach.
Unless Rust itself solves a problem specific to your startup, I'm not so sure. I like Rust, but the language seems very complex compared with Ruby or JS, so your talent pool will be considerably smaller and probably more expensive.
I can't imagine messing with pointers and ending up with something anywhere near as productive as Rails. Rust and Ruby target completely different domains.
What kind of systems are you developping with rust? Especially if you also do javascript? Genuinely curious as I also want to start working with some lower level languages.
Is Rust a high-level language or a low-level language? Does rustlang's development prove you don't have to choose? My impression of Rust is that it's intended to replace C/C++, and that web frameworks are high-level libraries (whereas something like an HTTP library would be low-level). I guess you could write a web framework in C/C++ but I don't know of any that are popular or widely used off the top of my head. IIRC I think golang was meant to be low-level, but the community mostly came from high-level scripting languages that saw a visible boost in performance.
Congratulations to the authors/contributors of actix-web on the 1.0 release!
You think Shopify should've written their backend in Rust? I really wonder if people saying this have ever used Rust.
Ruby is great for developers of all skill to learn and be productive.
Rust is fast as the devil but you have to be a damn good coder to learn it. Even then I doubt you can be as productive managing memory all the damn time. It's a low-level language great at low-level things.
Ruby is a great option for Shopify. Rust is a great option for Firefox's Servo (though that project failed so maybe not).
Servo, for example, doesn't deal with this; it's a web browser.
Think of the use cases where you'd use C or C++, and Rust should work there.
You probably can rewrite Ruby scripts in Rust if you want, but the productivity benefit depends on the kind of script. But for the purposes of learning the language it doesn't really matter.