Why do PHP developers insist on calling themselves artisans?
Give me a call when PHP ditches backwards compatibility and cleans out all the shit from the standard library - 5845 global functions always available, most of which you are just supposed to know are shit... Just a nightmare.
Isn’t "software craftsman" rather common? And artisan is just a synonym of craftsman. This is nothing specific to PHP. There people out there who take pride in delivering code that was created more as a piece of art.
Which by the way is heavily mocked by PHP developers actually using OOP, dependency inversion, hexagonal architecture etc. Which is not the "artisanal" way of development it seems :)
Mocked as in made fun of? Personally (in 7 years as a PHP dev) I've not found this. There was one company I interviewed at where the lead engineer thought facades were dumb, but then couldn't explain why he needed to rebuild the entire backend in Node. Perspective.
Yes, made fun of. Philosophy of Laravel crowd seems to be similar to "the rails way", which means a lot of framework-specific solutions, disregard for TDD etc.
Well, static service locators disguised as "facades" are a bad design. Rebuilding entire backend in Node for that reason alone is dumb.
Laravel features a PSR-compliant DI container and supports dependency injection with autowiring, you can very well write a nice, decoupled, SOLID code using Laravel. But it's rather not the thing people have in mind when picking it over Symfony or Laminas.
You can of course take a TDD approach with Laravel. I think I know what you're getting at, but I do find the Laravel has a lot out of the box now that I would otherwise have to write from scratch. I suppose the Spatie packages (for example) fill some of those gaps. I hadn't heard of Laminas before
Do you think the problem is that I want the function name mysql_real_escape_string for myself? No, I just don't want thousands of confusingly named, completely worthless and/or actively harmful functions to always be in scope.
> No, I just don't want thousands of confusingly named, completely worthless and/or actively harmful functions to always be in scope.
Again, why would you care whether some functions that you don't use are available should you want to use them someday? It's not as if there's a huge list of thousands of functions stapled to the beginning of all your code files that you have to scroll for 5 minutes before reaching your code.
As the one who did the comment, I've never seen or heard PHP devs calling themselves artisans. My phrasing was an analogy. What I meant was, don't confuse PHP with the bad practices that were propagated for years from careless devs.
I'm definitely not the fondest user of PHP. There is an extreme gap between the users and the ones being able to develop the language. That gap for example, is a lot smaller in Golang.
Language improvements didn't happen until Hack started being a thing. The performance was a shitshow for 20 years until they got help from Intel engineers. Some of those fixes were extreme low hanging fruit, simple profiler based optimizations -- again, why was this not picked up sooner, imo due to said gap.
Also the community has a severe case of Stockholm syndrome. Always on the extreme defense of the language and the big frameworks (Symfony, laravel). It's a community which shuns other languages and makes fun of Enterprisey Java solutions, yet the average project made in Symfony reminds me of one thing, Java Enterprise projects. The practical difference being they swapped XML for YAML.
That said PHP gets a lot of undeserved flak and also even if it is not the best tool for everything, - if you end up using it you definitely should know how to use it to your avantage.
[1]: Java is so nice and low ceremony these days and even .Net can now update dependencies without running exe files and clicking next-next-agree-next and I also prefer typed languages a lot.
The beauty of perl scripts, and later php templates, was in their BASIC-like simplicity. They were not secure or structured in any way, but very accessible.
Once you add these frameworks, you realize you could have started with Python or Java in the first place and get more mature infrastructure and better language along the way.
It's moving somewhere from "not quite there yet" to "substantial, qualitative improvement" as we speak. I'm following what happens in that space with React/Node based things like Next, and Redwood (soon v1.0), and others. The building blocks are there and the integrations get better and better.
The big win of those will be tighter frontend and development integrations that are just not as feasible with a different language stack (PHP/Laravel, Python/Django, Ruby/Rails).
Shared hosts are still there, and are cheaper and much simpler to use than your average cloud based deployment. Some even support these new hipster programming languages ruby and python.
> I hoped the sarcasm using the word "new" would come through.
It did ;-) . But I frequently meet devs (young and old) that believe Python, Ruby and others are "new" languages. So I think it's worth mentioning they are not in any way.
Of course age does not equate maturity. Neither social acceptance.
Same here. None of my web projects is designed for a larger audience, hence the biggest advantage of my tiny public Linux host is that it has a fixed cost. An HN “hug of death” would bring the respective application server, and possibly the whole machine, to its knees.
It very much depends on how code is written. A typical LAMP (style) stack wouldn't be any better on the cloud than it would on shared hosting. But if you can make use of serverless (eg lambda, S3 and/or DynamoDB on AWS) then that's where you'll start seeing some advantages.
https://murex.rocks is a static site that costs me pennies each month and has zero scaling issues. The site is fully automated too, built from CI/CD (Markdown converted to HTML) upon commits to a master git branch. But it was purposely designed to run on the cloud.
This isn't to say that shared hosting isn't a worthwhile option, just that cloud can be cheap albeit you do need to architect your project for using the cloud rather than lifting and shifting your existing LAMP stack and expecting that to behave the same.
PHP still has a vibrant ecosystem.
1) cost
2) simplicity
3) scalability
With the advent of Chinese frameworks that solve C1000K problems like swoole, workerman and so on it even found its place as high performance interactive backend server.
PHP is performant compared to other similar scripting languages, and in any case, the database is usually the bottleneck.
If you look at the "multiple queries" results of the web framework benchmarks, you'll notice that the frameworks that use blocking database drivers have similar numbers e.g. raw Symfony is 13,543, whilst Spring is 15,979, despite the JRE being much, much faster.
Complicated frameworks means the “shared nothing architecture” is unusable and you have to use fcgi/fpm to get acceptable performances out of your website.
At which point there’s little difference from <everything else>.
"Acceptable" is different for different folks.
I don't understand the general sentiment of either you have enterprise level performance or it's a fail. Not everyone is building next Facebook or Amazon and yet most developers think that they are and vastly overestimate their needs. Also most hosting provides already have fpm configured for you and if you need to do it yourself for your VPS then it's not complicated.
As I understand it, adding fpm doesn't change the "shared nothing architecture" as each request is isolated from the other. There is no application server that can potentially store state between requests.
For the PHP-side application developer, PHP is in 99% of use cases shared-nothing no matter the hosting environment - CGI, FCGI, FPM, mod_php. The exceptions are persistent socket (database) related, obviously you don't have these in a CGI environment.
The mod_php "share-something" question was always more relevant for ops people.
PHP has a deep history of less than ideal defaults and Tutorials/Examples. This makes scaling a codebase without some kind of framework (even if homegrown) even more of a challenge.
And in my opinion PHP tends to be ugly and less readable by default.
> Once you add these frameworks, you realize you could have started with Python or Java in the first place and get more mature infrastructure and better language along the way.
And, with things like Flask or FastAPI, you get BASIC-like simplicity and immediacy with a language that has a concept-space that scales with your understanding of it.
I have used PHP as a replacement for even shell scripts, like perl and python, a lot in the past. The best thing is the very strong standard lib. Everything's built-in. I like node as well, but having to install so many packages just for that one file script is a major annoyance.
PHP is a conceptually awful language. It is created by language amateurs and it shows in many early decisions such as the multiple thousands of built-in functions already mentioned.
It had its benefits since those amateurs understood their use case and their users' capacity very well. But now all of that is gone and they are still stuck with a subpar language at the core.
> created by language amateurs
> all of that is gone and they are still stuck with a subpar language
The argument is that the language is "awful" and "subpar" because it has "early decisions" like "multiple thousands of built-in" global functions introduced by "language amateurs"?
Sorry, but I remain unconvinced.
I agree that there are real reasons that PHP fails as a language in particular use cases, but it seems rare that those reasons get articulated in these threads.
That is another consequence I don't like about the quirky namespace approach. It collects more and more problems like a ball of dust that gets bigger and bigger.
The consequence you mention is that one depends more and more on tooling and services.
But you suffer the indirections caused by the fat stack that is needed to deal with the missing import system.
In Python, "import" actually imports the code.
In PHP, the "use" statement you see everywhere does not. It only works because the code has already "magically" been imported.
Usually by composer. Thats why there are tens of thousands of hits for "clear composer cache" on Google. To just point out one issue with the dependecy on a fat stack to deal with a missing import system.
I don't think that will work with any code that came out in recent years. Because it all expects that its dependencies are automagically included via composer.
In practice, every PHP based web application starts with Laravel or Symfony these days. So you are thrown into the composer workflow right away. And it would be a nightmare to fight it.
Web applications come in all shapes and sizes. If you have an application that just mediates data from database and exposes API to frontend then for couple of endpoints you don't even need router or any other packages, PHP has lots of stuff baked in. You just check if the request is GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/PATCH, work with data, output a header 'Content-Type: application/json', send the data and be done with it. Or output a html template with data or whatever. Or you can not use templates and mash it all together in PHP which already is a templating language. You can do it as simple or complicated as you need.
And then if you start needing additional functionality you can start adding packages with composer one by one. Of course it'd be stupid to build your own version of Symfony with it, but the beauty is that you can stop at any point you want if it covers your needs. This sort of thing would be much more hassle with say Java, without using any frameworks.
The autoloader in composer offers several alternatives, and while all of them are namespaced per convention - nothing stops a project from deciding to write their own - something super easy in PHP but impossibly hard in other languages.
I find PHP packaging and dependency management to be painless compared to both Python/Ruby.
Java solved this by using domain names as unique identifiers. I can use com.banffy and be sure only a complete a*hole would make a package in this space.
This is roughly PHP’s approach. In this case, Illuminate is the vendor prefix and Mail is the package name. This often but not always corresponds to the rules around the composer package name, which would be illuminate/mail in this case.
This is similar to NPM’s organisation prefix (@foo/bar).
But yeah, I’m not defending the hacky way namespaces are resolved through autoloading. I do prefer actual language support for a module system (but Ruby suffers from this problem too).
I actually prefer auto-loading, which lets you iterate through a package manager much easier/faster - PHP iterated through PSR-0[0] before landing on PSR-4[1], and you can always build your own (which is what most frameworks pre-composer were doing).
With Rails 7 and Zeitwerk, the Ruby community has landed on a very similar auto-loading system as PHP now[2] with constants translating to paths by convention.
Yeah, I prefer an actual module system over PHP namespaces plus autoloader. It feels like a hacked on module system tbf. BUT I do get lots of real work done using namespaces and a PSR autoloader so it works.
I do wish they would extend auto loading for standalone functions and constants though.
The way I see it is that you alias the import mail as mailer. You hope there are no other libraries called mail in your import path. PHP fixes that by requiring all libraries called mail to be dependent on their own namespace so that there will be no collisions.
I think that neither do make assumptions on how the code is called when used, only one is preventing name collisions.
That is not exactly true, you can tweak composer to put dependencies anywhere you want them. What I feel is that there is a minor inconvenience, as many other languages have, and you try to build a case to bring down a whole ecosystem.
The difference is that in PHP, the developers of "Stuff\Mail" and "Tools\Mail" would have to define "Stuff" and "Tools" as the namespace for their code.
In Python, they don't have to do anything. The project that uses the code decides.
Namespaces in PHP are totally fake, they are not real as it is in C++, where you can actually store data within them.
In PHP the namespace is just a name added to every class construct and nothing else.
This is basically
class MyThing
the same as this
namespace My;
class Thing
However namespaces was a pragmatic design choice that solved the community's problem with code organization and ever increasing project sizes and for that it worked pretty well because introducing namespaces didn't break any existing workflow.
Today though I agree that proper module system would be nicer and now with PHP evolved even further it is perhaps time to introduce them.
Without having deep knowledge about PHP internals it feels like it would be possible to do because you can already today implement your own module system. Here is just something quick & dirty as a proof of concept.
return new class {
public const MY_CONST = 47;
private const MY_PRIVATE_CONST = 127;
// with PHP 8.1 you also have readonly properties
public string $myPublic = 'foo';
private int $myPrivate = 17;
public function helloWorld(string $name): void
echo "Hello, World {$name}!";
final class ModuleException extends Exception {
function module(string $name): object
static $modules = [];
if (isset($modules[$name])) {
return $modules[$name];
try {
$module = @require $name;
} catch (Error $error) {
throw new ModuleException("No such module {$name}", 0, $error);
if (!is_object($module)) {
throw new ModuleException("Module {$name} is not an object");
$modules[$name] = $module;
return $module;
$my = module('module.php');
$my->helloWorld('Module system');
$other = module('module.php');
assert($my === $other);
The building block in PHP internals is the class - interfaces, traits and enums are all classes in disguise. Could it be possible to use classes for modules as well? Perhaps just add some syntactic sugar on top.
I'm currently using Nuxt/Vue (static) on the front end, with Apollo (this latter bit I will probably swap out).
What is nice about Lighthouse is that it is schema-first. I am far less fond of the "auto schema" approach that e.g. WP-GraphQL uses. (Though WP-GraphQL is not bad; I'm also using that in a project).
> What server language today except PHP (and its forks) is actually designed for the web and works as the web was intended?
I'd say Rails is a very nice DSL for building web applications that's written as an extension of Ruby.
We have two dimensions here, one for how easily a language allows you to build a website, and how expressive, consistent and error-proof a language is. It's easy to build a simple website with PHP (as it was with ASP and JSP, or even Cold Fusion). I actually like that approach, that maps running scripts to state transitions. But I also like the consistency and expressiveness of Python, Java, Scala, or C# (which I have used). As languages, they are "nicer" (and that's completely subjective) than PHP, and that niceness more than compensates for being unable to write code inside templates.
What server language today except PHP (and its forks) is actually designed for the web and works as the web was intended?
The implication of the question is that there's something designed into PHP that makes it better for working with web things. Why does the language need to be designed to work with the web? That part of any language can be filled out with a framework quite easily, and arguably that means it's much easier to change how the language is used. That seems to be the case with every major PHP application anyway - most use Laravel or Cake or Symphony or something. Just as most Ruby web projects use Rails, and most backend JS projects use Express, and Rust web projects use Poem, and so on.
I don't think there's a good reason to design a language specifically for web projects. If that's how PHP works these days (I haven't used PHP in a decade or so), I'd suggest that might be a bad thing. It's very rigid, and if the language gets anything wrong that compromises the design of every project that uses it. Languages should provide simple primitives that frameworks and libraries build on.
> I don't think there's a good reason to design a language specifically for web projects. If that's how PHP works these days (I haven't used PHP in a decade or so), I'd suggest that might be a bad thing. It's very rigid, and if the language gets anything wrong that compromises the design of every project that uses it. Languages should provide simple primitives that frameworks and libraries build on.
That has always been the goal of PHP, to be a web framework in itself (and now we have frameworks on top of that framework). It's trivial to read POST data as understanding POST requests are built-in into the language. With Rust or JavaScript you either will pull down a external library to handle that for you, or write a ton of code to make it easier for yourself. With PHP, it's literally one-line of code.
It is not as rigid as you might believe, as we have frameworks on top of the native PHP framework already. That's not to say PHP is without compromises, it's not suitable for a bunch of different projects (you wouldn't write mobile/desktop apps with it for example). But if you have a simple CRUD application that just needs to output some HTML data and persist stuff to a MariaDB/MySQL database without wanting to pull down a bunch of 3rd-party dependencies, PHP will make that effortless compared to basically any other language.
I think the popularity of PHP for web development speaks for itself, it basically conquered that segment of development when it first appeared, and is still more-or-less king, even with its warts.
As a last word, I like that languages specializes in different things, not every language has to be a general-use language, and I hope we see more of that in the future. Darklang specializes in building backend APIs for example, others specializes in being for UIs and so on. As every language more or less looks like C today, there is plenty of room for innovation in programming language design (and no, not talking about TypeScript which is basically just C# that compiles to JavaScript, but more different languages).
> That has always been the goal of PHP, to be a web framework in itself
This is untrue. PHP was a templating language and form-handler first and foremost[1]. It took a long time for it to move out of that (I'd argue up to 5.6) and become an actual programming language rather than a template language on steroids. Edit: we still have to move out of template mode in every file by adding a <?php at the top of our files - and don't ever add a whitespace char before that, or else.
So, essentially, we now have web-frameworks built in a templating language. With, ironically, template languages written in that templating language.
Nice, if you like recursion though.
[1] Early PHP was not intended to be a new programming language, and grew organically, with Lerdorf noting in retrospect: "I don't know how to stop it, there was never any intent to write a programming language - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP#Early_history
We're saying the same thing :) Templating language (for the web) and handle forms (on the web) makes PHP a web-language first and foremost. That's also the impression I get from reading the following section from the Wikipedia page you linked:
> PHP development began in 1994 when Rasmus Lerdorf wrote several Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs in C,[16][17] which he used to maintain his personal homepage. He extended them to work with web forms and to communicate with databases, and called this implementation "Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter" or PHP/FI.
He was working on his homepage (on the web) and wanted to make it easier to handle forms and communication with databases. That's basically everything the early web could do, and PHP aimed to make that easier.
I think I focused too much on the word framework, which is a vague word, and probably means a lot of different things depending on perspective.
My reply was more to explain why I think it is not a framework, but rather a language, to handle web-stuff. But looking at it from other perspectives, that can be "framework" just fine.
Yeah, that's true, my bad for being a bit ambiguous. I always saw PHP as a framework on top of C for writing web applications, which can also be called a language.
But no harm done, thanks for clarifying yourself :)
With Python and any of the Python frameworks, it's two lines. And one is most likely not explicitly bringing in HTTP request parsing, but just connecting all the plumbing.
> With PHP, it's literally one-line of code.
In that narrow domain, few things are simpler than Cold Fusion. If you go further, the Zope application server offers lots of nice ways to iterate over datasets that involve almost zero code.
> As every language more or less looks like C today
You seriously need to play more with other languages. I suggest you learn one or more of the "weird" ones, such as APL (avoid the ASCII notation, dig deep into the symbols), Erlang, or Lisp. It'll bring in a lot of perspective for you.
> With Python and any of the Python frameworks, it's two lines. And one is most likely not explicitly bringing in HTTP request parsing, but just connecting all the plumbing.
Yes, but in the case of PHP, PHP itself is the plumbing. You literally write `$_POST['param-name']` and you have the data. Using Python would require you to either write a bunch of logic enough to abstract it to have it like PHP, or require a 3rd-party library (or framework) for it to be one line.
> You seriously need to play more with other languages. I suggest you learn one or more of the "weird" ones, such as APL (avoid the ASCII notation, dig deep into the symbols), Erlang, or Lisp. It'll bring in a lot of perspective for you.
I'm saying this as someone who does play with lots of languages almost every day and my day-job is writing Clojure code (for both backend and frontend work). I might have missed a "As most of every new language" part in my previous statement. I'm not saying all languages are C-like, they're obviously not. But most of the popular new language do have a syntax-heritage stemming back to C (compared to languages with S-expressions), like Rust, TypeScript/JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, Golang and more, and they are mostly focusing on being general purpose useful.
Btw, I don't think lisp-like languages are the weird ones, the C-like languages are the ones that are weird. You should play around with more languages and you'll see why :)
Continuing on Rails: It's suprising how little Rails does with the web. Rack is the layer handling the HTTP stuff. Which then sends its requests to ActionDispatch, which calls the correct ActionRouter.
IMHO this is still too much HTTP, as I'd prefer to keep the entire HTTP out of my app, but after your routers, there's nothing "Web": it could all be "domain specific".
Ruby, the language, is, indeed, hardly "Web" at all. Ruby stdlib has some HTTP stuff but that is both lacking and optional.
> That part of any language can be filled out with a framework quite easily
Consequence of that is that every other language is de facto is dominated by one framework provider that you almost always have to use. That in it self is the basis for a stagnant community.
Frameworks solves a general problem, you on the other hand solves a specific problem, sometimes those two are aligned, but many times they are not and then you are on your own.
> I don't think there's a good reason to design a language specifically for web projects
It definitely is because web has some unique properties and I think that one of the reason why we are unnecessarily shuffling JSON from backend to frontend where it is then transformed to HTML by async JavaScript (which gives a rather disjointed user experience), instead of sending a proper HTML document immediately from the server, because most backend languages suck when it comes to doing proper web.
Thus the industry creates these band aid solutions that constantly makes both the web and web development worse.
> language gets anything wrong that compromises the design of every project that uses it
Language design is overrated when it comes to producing customer value. What is important is how the general architecture works
* memory model (shared, per request, etc)
* request model (by the app or by the web server)
* resource model (mapping URL to file)
* compilation/build step
* deployment
* hosting
* tooling (IDEs, linters, testing, package manager, etc)
* how to scale
* available programmers
* community
PHP wins by these metrics.
But if you want to have some fancy language feature to print out a proper HTML document, or what is more likely a JSON blob, go ahead, but it does not improve the end user experience at all.
> Languages should provide simple primitives that frameworks and libraries build on.
This had tons of disadvantages.
Say CoolLang is such a language. Since is msall CoolLang has a micro standard library so has no DateTime or JSON, so you have a package manager and maybe 1 repo where 15 different JSON packages, you decide to use JSON_A but you also want to integrate with Amazon and they used JSON_B in their API and you also need to integrate with other API and this guys used JSON_A2 witch is an incompatible version of JSON_A. So now repeat for each web related function you have to decide for what package to use, if is compatible with whatever you use and review all it's dependencies, in the end you notice you depend on 100 packages and 3 years alter you have issues upgrading.
You maybe now will complain that JSON is included and the solution is to use the CoolFramework_V13 for CoolLang, with is incompatible with previous versions and is based on 100 packages that could explode when some dev decides he had a bad day and purch is package.
There are more languages not only JS, with small standard library and the community offers multiple packages for same thing(like more packages for json) but you install them at your own risk - though this weaknesses are promoted by Cool.lang fanboys as features.
Isn't Poem just... several months old? Your examples of frameworks for other languages are mature and established. Is the Rust ecosystem moving that fast?
> But, really, I suggest using other tools. We have nicer tools now.
Debatable really. Within the web development space the options are rather limited in my opinion.
* Spring based apps - Downside JVM is a Resource hog
* Python, Ruby, etc - The web frameworks are in my opinion not as full featured. Same with CMS systems. Also requires more resources. Also have limited OO features.
* Go, Rust, etc - Really good choices for APIs but their web frameworks are also really lacking.
The tooling around PHP is really good and stable. The language itself, the downsides are very limited and the main one that remains valid is inconsistency of function parameters. The issues with bad code are generally the same ones that can be done in another langauge.
> The language itself, the downsides are very limited and the main one that remains valid is inconsistency of function parameters.
Usually one would have an IDE's auto completion to take care about function parameters, and in any case PHP8 has named parameters now to reduce whatever confusion (especially when optional parameters come into play) remains.
We use Asp.NET and it is a giant surprise how good it is. We are unix ppl, Linux & MacOS so not a MS shop at all. We deploy to on-prem and AWS so no Azure.
It's been so long since I've done ASP that it just when .NET was coming out. I would be interested in checking it out nowadays. WHen I last used it all the cool features were heavily coupled to MS products, is that still the case?
Not at all. We actually use it from F# with Falco. I am not sure which features you are interested in particular but the ones we like are the basic HTTP handling (requests, responses, etc.), a high performance HTTP server (Kestrel) and we use Falco's html engine as well. On the top of that there is a decent authentication and authorization solution.
Same here, the latest asp.net is definitely one of the best performing options out there (maybe except rust in this list), and C# is a great general purpose language to code in (despite the legacy that's in there, like the reflection going on in the framework. unfortunately).
Great questions. I am going to write a detailed article about it because you are not the first person asking these.
We have two deployment modes:
- lambda
- ec2 instance
Depending on how you would like to target Lambda you have multiple options. On ec2 too.
We use VS Code on both Linux and MacOS. The tooling is kind of meh at the moment, Ionide is not ready for prime time we run into issues frequently with it. We are considering to switching to Rider soon.
The question is not can you use something else, it's are they nicer/better tools to work with. I haven't for example seen many things that can honestly compete with WordPress. When it comes to eCommerce, not many systems can compete with Magento/Spryker/Sylius. The list goes on. PHP is a top player in web development while being one of the most hated languages for a reason.
I've spent a lot of time using PHP professionally and then coding all my personal stuff in Python/Go/Scala/Kotlin/etc. I know the downsides of PHP and I know the upsides and I often prefer coding in other languages but PHP really does have it's place.
> I haven't for example seen many things that can honestly compete with WordPress.
I'm sorry? Compete on what parameters?
Almost all frameworks win, hands down, in developer-friendlyness from WordPress. Many, if not most, modern CMSes can easily compete on security or performance. Many CMSes will win in user-friendlyness - for distinct use-case even more so. Many web-frameworks win easily in versatility: there's no way you can build a solid payment-service-provider in WordPress, build a Bookkeeping app, CRM, project-management, etc in WP. Yet these are fine in Java, .net, Rails, Django or even Rust.
The only place where I consider WordPress king, is for standalone, reasonably simple, blogs. This is a giant niche.
* standalone: not integrated into CRMs, or editorial workflow software. reasonably simple: no complex editorial and publishing workflows. blogs: anything slightly more than simple brochureware, but simpler than an avera CMSes.
I was saying this exact thing: WordPress is just a CMS, which severely limits what you can sanely do with it. You won't build a PSP in a CMS. That was my point.
I have seen something similar to a payment provider being done in Wordpress. The only silver lining is that the ledger was technically maintained by a third-party and WP was just the frontend to it.
Me too. And I've seen CRMs built in WP, eCommerce, an auction marketplace, financial dashboard, and so on. But, indeed, processing financial transactions through WordPress is amongst the most scary things I ever saw in computing.
> not many systems can compete with Magento/Spryker/Sylius
I'm evaluating eCommerce solutions for a Magento 1 upgrade path. I'm already evaluating Magento 2 and Sylius, but I've yet heard of Spryker. I found the PaaS offering, but even from their Github account I don't see any PHP application that would be an alternative to Magento or something based off Sylius. If you have any links or further information I've love to know. Thanks.
I have to disagree. The JVM is one of the biggest pluses and might be one of the most battle-tested pieces of software out there.
> The web frameworks are in my opinion not as full featured.
Again, have to disagree here. Django is by far one of the most full-featured, well-documented web frameworks out there (IMO).
> The tooling around PHP is really good and stable. The language itself, the downsides are very limited and the main one that remains valid is inconsistency of function parameters. The issues with bad code are generally the same ones that can be done in another langauge.
I agree here and I think with PHP 8 incorporating JIT compilation, I think the future looks bright for PHP. I think the biggest foot guns these days are to be found in the JS ecosystem...but again, IMO.
> I have to disagree. The JVM is one of the biggest pluses and might be one of the most battle-tested pieces of software out there.
Your points don't seem to conflict with the fact you need more resources to run a mimimal Spring Boot application than you would a Go application, a Python applicaton, a PHP application, etc. Because the JVM by default by the nature of how it operates needs more resources. I'm not saying anything other than that.
If you're conversing with someone who believes that the JVM is a resource hog, then you are likely conversing with someone with decades of experience. I would phrase my opposing viewpoint in a more respectable manner, as you might have a lot to learn from someone like that.
> If you're conversing with someone who believes that the JVM is a resource hog, then you are likely conversing with someone with decades of experience
As someone who has actually read the JVM specifications many times, has actively worked on a JVM implementation, and has a pretty good grasp on virtual machine design, I beg to differ.
But hey, I'll take the bait, what makes you think the JVM is a 'resource hog'?
I no longer think that the JVM is a resource hog. In fact I implied that it was an archaic mindset by suggesting that someone who thinks so has been decades in the industry.
That said, many Java applications themselves are resource hogs. Even my preferred IDE, the Jetbrains suite which I love, are resource hogs. Perhaps I'm simply not configuring it properly, but arguably I wouldn't ask an end user to tune JVM parameters any more than I would ask a car buyer today to set his timing or tune his mixture.
> Even my preferred IDE, the Jetbrains suite which I love, are resource hogs
Ok, so you're saying that because a large, complex desktop application uses a lot of memory and is also written in Java that therefore the JVM is a memory hog?
Well then, given how much of a memory hog Chrome is, I guess we can all shitcan C/C++ as well.
Look, in any reasonable apples-to-apples comparison the JVM blows anything PHP has out of the water, including haxe, hiphop, etc.
And even if you write a PHP-to-bytecode compiler (e.g. https://github.com/jphp-group/jphp) then there are certain limitations to how fast and efficient any dynamically typed language can be. Look at all the shit V8 has to go through to do field lookups: https://v8.dev/blog/fast-properties
And then there's so much useless request-level overhead to PHP, even with pre-cached bytecode, you're never going to get even close in terms of latency to a well tuned JVM running something like spring boot.
And if you really hate Java as a language, you can always use something like Kotlin.
> Ok, so you're saying that because a large, complex desktop application uses a lot of memory and is also written in Java that therefore the JVM is a memory hog?
Actually, no. They said they didn't believe that.
> And then there's so much useless request-level overhead to PHP, even with pre-cached bytecode, you're never going to get even close in terms of latency to a well tuned JVM running something like spring boot.
I think the point you need to specifically define that the JVM needs to be well tuned kinda shows you know there is a grain of truth to the fact that you dislike so much.
And really comparing performance of a compiled language to an interpreted language is kinda cheating. Compiled should be faster.
From my experience I can run a Go application with the same performance requirements as a JVM application with less resources. For example, for the same requirements I had 50mb of ram assigned to a Go docker and 250 mb assigned to the JVM. I'm sure we all agree 250MB is not so much but that adds up. Then we get on to the fact it's quite common in the real-world to see lots of apps built on the JVM needing lots of resources, sure you can say that's the devs problem and if they just did it properly it wouldn't be the case but if so many people are doing it wrong then maybe it's being the JVM makes doing it wrong so easy. (Which was PHP's problem so many years ago)
You don't need to tune it to beat the pants out of a PHP-based solution.
Honest question, have you ever owned a large-scale, low-latency service in both Java and PHP, and have you compared latency characteristics between both runtimes?
> Honest question, have you ever owned a large-scale, low-latency service in both Java and PHP, and have you compared latency characteristics between both runtimes?
No, if I've worked at a shop with a large scale low latency PHP app, they aren't not bothering their ass with Java, no need. They clearly have a highly comptent dev team who know their tools.
The only time I've dealt with Java is when companies are moving away from Java because their Java app is bloated beyond hell. They have a dev team that aren't highly comptent and think switching languages will help.
If I was dealing with the two, I would most certainly expect the Java one to handle scale better. But if I'm at lower level scale I would expect the PHP one to require less resources. Once PHP starts to scale up it can be a resource hog.
The reality is the comptency level of your dev team is the most important thing.
A think you need to remember, the JVM can scale massively well but the majority of systems don't need to scale well.
I really like Django as an opinionated framework. I have also used Flask, Falcon, and FastAPI, all with good results in their own niche. I also like Play and Scala and Spring Boot with Java.
> For folks not wishing to switch frameworks and tooling every year, you can get a lot done with PHP.
You can also get a lot done with wood and nails, but that doesn't mean it's the best tool for all kind of jobs.
Comparing PHP to using wood and nails feels misguided. PHP is a web framework, which makes it easy to handle writing web applications. It's more like using Python for web stuff is wood and nails, while using PHP is using wood and a nailgun when you need to stitch planks together (or something like that). PHP is made for the web, and you can tell by the specialization of the API interface it offers, which ships with most things you need for doing web stuff, while most languages does not. Getting the body from a POST request is trivial in PHP, while in most language you'll use a library for that, or write a bunch of code.
The nail-gun is a surprisingly good analogy. There are lots of other things you can do with a hammer, from hammering nails, to shaping metals, to removing nails, to getting things unstuck. With a nail-gun you are kind of limited on what you can do.
If they are required for the compile and someone manages to get something malicious into them, they can certainly affect the produced/deployed artifact.
This comment shows perfectly that people has no clue what they're talking about, these dev dependencies will never be pulled into your project, they're just for typescript's own development.
Typescripts has an insanely complicated type system (at least for the low level of type safety you get), is dog slow to compile and has cryptic error messages.
With PHP you can have your cake and eat it too. Have the productivity of a dynamic language, no compile step and a really smooth gradual typing experience with great tooling and linting.
I really can't think of anything other that familiarity why one would prefer JS/TS for server side stuff. Maybe async story but PHP 8 got fibers now so it might be catching up soon as well.
This is very strange to hear. Typescript error messages will show you a type mismatch and explain why one type isn't compatible with the other. What's an example of a cryptic typescript error message?
Have you ever used Elm or Rust? Maybe you expectation of how decent error messages should look like is just lower.
The problem is that the type system in TS can get crazy complex and has many uncommon features like structural typing. You need to have a really good mental model of how TS works to be able to make sense of what TS tries to tell you.
> You need to have a really good mental model of how TS works to be able to make sense of what TS tries to tell you.
Won't this sentiment hold true for Rust as well? You need to have a good mental model of how Rust works, with all its borrowings and lifetimes, to understand what its errors are trying to tell you, and especially how to fix the problem?
The difference is that errors do a great job and telling you what went wrong and how you can fix it. You just fix one error after another and the borrow checker will guide you to the correct solution.
For example you get an error like:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Environment`
--> src/main.rs:9:19
| let mut env = Environment::new();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this struct
| use foobar::test::Environment;
You could fix this error without knowing Rust.
You obviously need to know the basics of systems programming to effectively program in Rust and some type errors get tricky, still it is a more interactive experience and you can just jump in while in TS just jumping in does not really work and the level of type safety relies on your skills as a developer.
Hah, let me just chime in with a recent TS error that almost drove me nuts[1]:
Type 'Record<string, any>' is not assignable to type 'T'.
'Record<string, any>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'Record<string, any>'. (2322)
Would you have figured out that the solution to the problem was to omit the - factually correct - return type of the method?
Rust is not just better at error messages, it's playing an entirely different game.
> Would you have figured out that the solution to the problem was to omit the - factually correct - return type of the method?
While I would not be able to figure out the solution to this problem from the error message alone, I would gather from it that typescript is telling me here that it cannot guarantee that if will satisfy the type contract, i.e. that the function will return a thing of the same generic type T as it received. This is useful information in debugging the type declaration of the function.
As someone who had to learn a bit of PHP recently, I really don't see why would anyone pick it up these days other than vendor/business lock in. Laravel is great but there are hundreds of equally as great frameworks on dozens of more moderns and better though out languages: go, python, nim, ruby etc. A bunch of useful functions expanded into the default namespace is no longer that special.
> there are hundreds of equally as great frameworks on dozens of more moderns and better though out languages: go, python, nim, ruby etc
Have you actually tried using for Nim for building a scalable web service or even just complex websites with auth of your choice? Nim does not even come close to what PHP has to offer in terms of solutions for every need you may have.
I'm not the OP, but I have plenty of comparative experience working with Python and JS on the backend (node) and I find PHP to be a very decent option compared to those two.
PHP has an amazing infrastructure of third-party libraries/packages around it, particularly if you're using PHP for web development. In comparison, Python simply does not have the same quality of framework for web like Symfony or Laravel. Django is good, but just that - good. And then there's the matter of speed with Python which is by all metrics slower than PHP.
Then there's node. Node is significantly faster than PHP, but all that speed is wasted away because of all that nightmarish mess that is node_modules. Node infrastructure for backend web dev is nowhere near close to where PHP or even Python is.
At least for Go and Rust, they have a much steeper learning curve. If you are a startup with limited funds you are not able to target engineers workings with those languages.
If it's just a matter of speed, PHP already is good enough for the great majority of cases. The bottleneck is the data layer, usually. If your problem is being faster than the latest versions of PHP can achieve, you can certainly look for Go/Kotlin/Rust. But if you start your startup optimizing trying to shave off some milliseconds out of a response time you are setting yourself for failure.
And in any case, languages like Go have their own part of quirkiness around the language or tooling (should we talk about how dependencies are managed in Go? that's ages behind npm/composer). Or shall we talk about the lack of exceptions, but then people regularly ask for them?
> At least for Go and Rust, they have a much steeper learning curve.
Agree about Rust, but I should differ from Go, as a disclaimer I never used Go, but read a lot of people switching from JS to Go and they have a very easy time doing so, maybe not everyone find it easy, and also it might to happen that the architecture you are used to work with in NodeJS is similar than the one that Go uses?
> If you are a startup with limited funds you are not able to target engineers workings with those languages.
I think Ruby/Rails will help you to build your project much quicker than Php/[Laravel | Symfony].
> If it's just a matter of speed, PHP already is good enough for the great majority of cases.
Again also Ruby is pretty fast these days (if you want more speed you can use JRuby or TruffleRuby).
> If your problem is being faster than the latest versions of PHP can achieve, you can certainly look for Go/Kotlin/Rust.
Go: I should say yes, if PHP/Ruby isn't enough, this should your go to.
Kotlin: I cannot speak about it, I'm not sure how popular is in this space.
Rust: I love rust but I think this should be your last resort, if Go isn't enough
But I can agree that work with Php is pretty easy (I worked with Php since 4.2 till 5.3, then tried it with some projects here and there with 7.x and 8.x) but I cannot stress how bad the tooling around php feels if you compare with others (ruby is bad too IMHO), JS with vscode, rust with rust-analyzer, etc. The only way I found a decent tool was with PhpStorm, but you need to pay for it (even the Laravel plugin needs a subscription), while the RubyMine is almost the same at least Rails works out of the box without an extra subscription for the plugins.
> At least for Go and Rust, they have a much steeper learning curve.
Yes for rust, not really for Go. I was able to pick up the basics of Go in less than a day, and the more advanced topics I was able to pick up not long after. OTOH I've tried to pick up Rust several times, and every time I just sit back in defeat.
> should we talk about how dependencies are managed in Go?
I'm curious what you're referring to here. Go's package management works, and is decent enough. No centralisation, and can work with just about any git repo.
- PHP gets you all the way from typeless prototype code to prove an idea, to expressive, runtime-enforced type checks that you can run in production.
- PHP doesn't require static compilation, but can be configured to compile to efficient Opcodes on the first run, making it competitive with Java/Kotlin/whatever speed-wise.
- PHP handles HTTP requests statelessly, starting with a blank slate in extremely short boostrap time. This pretty much eliminates memory leaks for common work loads. This execution model is very simple to reason about, and the major edge, I would argue.
- PHP has an exhaustive ecosystem with a great package manager. All code is namespaced, fetched directly from the source repository (eliminating several security concerns), and usually of high quality. Common frameworks are mature, solidly built, and feature-rich.
- PHP can also be used for other workloads outside of web applications: I've built a realtime message processing system handling thousands of messages per second, spread out across a dynamically scaling number of worker threads. It still happily processes messages as far as I know, and if you've ever received a business communication via messaging apps, chances are it was sent by my system.
All of these things make PHP an excellent choice for a wide range of projects, even compared to statically compiled languages, which you seem so keen to compare a dynamically interpreted language to.
The main comparisons I have are building sites with Ruby/Rails and doing JS front ends attached to REST APIs. All three types of project have their own pros and cons.
There is one aspect where it wins hands down that trumps almost every other concern that you might have: availability of developers. This is a hard problem to solve.
Raw number of developers doesn't matter at all. The ratio of offers to developers out there determines how easy the hiring actually is. I've tried to hire some quality PHP developers and it's as hard as Ruby/Python if not harder. First thing is, that you always get all the Wordpress people, who fixed one plugin and claim to have 10 years of PHP experience. Then you have to filter out all the 10 YoE who actually have 1 YoE done 10 times. For some reason all this is less of a problem in less popular stacks.
It does if the number is '0' vs 'some'. It usually depends on how and where you do your hiring. For those that only want to hire local developers it is very well possible that there are no local Rubyists, it is also possible that it is the other way around.
Typically there are a lot more proficient PHP programmers than Ruby programmers around here, but if a company were open to remote workers the situation would right away change considerably.
There is also the price factor to take into account.
All in all, more often than not developer availability works itself into these choices.
A good dev with only PHP skills becomes a better dev when he/she has other experiences. Ruby or Kotlin would not be off by too much. In my experience they productive in days and are up to speed in a few weeks.
It's a small investment.
Having your code in PHP is a liability considering great free alternatives exist. If you can do it in Kotlin and have your code in a well types language, that is a bit win down the line.
I'm not religious about languages, I probably used to be, but I grew up and grew out of it.
Having your code in PHP is no more a liability than having it in any other framework/language combo if you don't know what you are doing, and people that don't know what they are doing abound in any eco system.
PHP is just a tool, Ruby is just a tool. If you haven't spent an equal time in both you are probably not in a very good position to judge either. I've done a lot of PHP work, I've done a lot of Ruby programming and I dislike either with roughly equal passion to the point that if I never have to code up another website back end my life will be measurably better. The same goes for Python, Java, .Net, Go and whatever else we use to cobble together websites.
All of these are broken and leaky at multiple levels and the 'perfect' solution to build websites doesn't exist, in fact I don't think there is even a half decent one. This is a direct consequence of trying to shoehorn application development into a platform that was never meant to be used that way, but that's another discussion entirely. So you pick whatever is least offensive to you and your team, and probably you'll pick that which you are most familiar with or that seems to come closest to a fit for the kind of problem you are trying to solve.
I'm more of a fan of PHP/Symfony rather than PHP/Laravel.
But you know what? I would expect I would like Ruby/Rails as well, as it follows the similar kind of philosophy, which is server-side rendered templates with Javascript sprinkles.
I think Rails and Symfony both have the benefit of being a fairly consolidated solution. You don't seem to have the same proliferation of packages, as with Javascript.
What I'm not a fan of, is Javascript SPAs where there is no reason for using them.
I think one of the key things about Laravel is that the creator, Taylor Otwell, is only focused on Laravel. Imagine if DHH didn't ever have Basecamp (or 37 Signals) and only focused on Rails and the Rails ecosystem. The Laravel team now has several full time employees working on making the entire Laravel experience as painless as it can be.
Of course Taylor and the Laravel team have paid products, but they are all 100% focused on the Laravel ecosystem and developer experience!
Some of the things that the Laravel ecosystem has as first party packages / services:
• Vapor - Serverless Platform. Run your vanilla Laravel apps on Lambda.
• Forge - Server Management. Builds Laravel ready servers on any cloud.
• Envoyer - Zero Downtime Deployment. Deploy your apps with push-to-deploy.
• Nova - Administration Panel. Completely code-driven admin panels.
• Dusk - Browser Testing and Automation. First party browser automation for tests.
• Sanctum - API / Mobile Authentication.
• Laravel Scout - Full-Text Search. Wrapper around Algolia, Melisearch, or full-text database searching
• Socialite - OAuth Authentication. Log in with GitHub, Google, etc. Dozens of community packages as well.
• Telescope - Debug Assistant.
That's all first party. It's unbelievable to me how many batteries are included. Then you start looking at the surrounding ecosystem beyond that and it gets even crazier.
Laravel as a community is an extremely welcoming place, and I have found that most people care deeply about their code and architecture, but don't pick each other to death on details that don't matter. I think all in all it's a pretty pragmatic group.
>How is PHP/Laravel better? I'm of the opinion it loses hard in every aspect.
Performance. Ruby (with the official implementation) is brutally slow compared to PHP on Zend Engine [0], which is probably only behind the JVM in terms of VM performance and optimization for any language. PHP, if done properly, is a really great choice nowadays for a scripting language that can approximate C++/C#/Java levels of performance.
Actually, that make me remember statements of Linus Torvalds on Git at Google Tech Talk Conference:
But I did end up using CVS for seven years at a commercial company and I hated it with a passion. When I say I hate CVS with a passion, I have to also say that if there are any SVN users in Subversion, users in the audience, you might want to leave because my hatred of CVS has meant that I see Subversion as being the most pointless project ever started, because the slogan for Subversion for a while was, CVS done right or something like that.
And if you start with that kind of slogan, there’s nowhere you can go. It’s like — there is no way to do CVS right. So that’s the negative kind of credit.
I (not parent) have PHP hatred. It is fuelled by decades of PHP development and -exposure. My hatred is based on failing projects, missed deadlines, burnouts, money stolen, severe downtime, and companies going bankrupt. PHP had a role (not the primary, mind you!) in all of them.
Not only that, I can almost guarantee that computers were involved in all of those failing projects as well, yet are not receiving any blame for it. Neither does the chairs. Damn chairs always avoiding blame.
Come on, CPUs aren't bedroom project hacked to write a bit of HTML. The depth of knowledge required to make one chip dwarfs all of PHP powered websites.
How about "there are no sides only progress in different areas"? I'm not saying writing PHP is more "valuable" than designing chips. Besides that, what does that have to do with anything mentioned in this very thread?
You mentioned computers hardware. But computers are not a shim like PHP. It's surprising if not disturbing people think PHP is a progress of any kind. But at least it's improving.
No. In each and every of these cases the design of the language, the quality of community-code (libs) or the quality of the language was the cause.
I'll admit that in all cases, the humans involved where the actual root cause, but that is silly, because it always is. What PHP lacked in all these cases, was guidance, support or limitations to direct these humans to better architecture, or guide them away from bad decisions.
I'm not disliking PHP for silly designs inconsistencies, or hard-to-deprecate insecure functions. I'm disliking it for how it has taught generations of developers to not care about quality, to avoid software design and architecture, to work around hacks, to ignore failing tests, to "it's not a bug, its documented", etc.
To take a more famous, public example: MtGox, the primary Bitcoin Exchange, was hacked, BTC crashed, millions were stolen. Because adversaries breached a poorly written PHP backend service. Yes. MtGox was a bitcoin exchange moving millions a day, written in mostly PHP.
1. MtGox could have been written poorly in any other language and it could have been hacked. We find SQL injections in every language.
2. Facebook started with PHP, still runs a lot of PHP. It's not unsafe.
I've avoided, with care, the statement that PHP is unsafe. I've not even hinted at the statement that it is impossible to write good software in PHP.
PHP is not unsafe. You can write magnificent software in PHP.
But PHP makes the safe often harder than the unsafe. The community even more so. It direct newbies to write crappy software more than that it guides them to learn about architecture, maintenance, patterns. All the stuff the article we're discussing is promoting.
And yes, mtgox could have been hacked even if it was written in pure functions only (well...). What the exact reason is, is unclear. But researchers have pointed out that the sourcecode (leaked by the hackers), contained self-written elliptic curve cryptography, in PHP, which was flawed[1].
Before you comment 'writing your own cryptography is always dumb, has nothing to do with PHP', please note that 1. PHP lacked any libraries for this at that time (it still does?), 2. someone has to write these libs or bindings and 3. in this case it was written, in a language that is -and certainly back then was- unsuited to write such code in.
It was not the language itself. But PHP is more than a language, it is an ecosystem. And that ecosystem has brilliant code and magnificent contributors. But is overwhelmed with crappy wordpress hacks and similar WordPress "developers". As well as, apparently, frequented by people who think it is wise to write their own crypto libraries in PHP for a Bitcoin Exchange.
I haven't worked with recent PHP versions, other than through WordPress, which, if I understand correctly, does PHP a big disservice.
My last serious encounter was when I build and scaled a WordPress hosting company 5+ years ago. Which meant all my exposure to PHP was WordPress, which meant I wanted to avoid it as much as possible.
It looks like your projects employed PHP poorly. PHP has been great for my company and my developers. We have never had to face such grave consequences because of it, and we've employed it in companies generating millions of $ of revenue.
I will pick it over any other interpreted language.
One mistake was that PHP was chosen, when it really was unfit for the task at hand. Another one was that CMSes like WP or Drupal were shoehorned into projects that were really unfit for them. etc. But also being unable to upgrade underlying PHP versions due to breaking changes, or just p*ss-poor, bug-ridden PEAR packages. As well as the language design prohibiting proper TDD, isolation, etc.
I explicitly said that PHP was but one of the causes. But the language-design and the community certainly did play a significant role. I explicitly never said that you cannot achieve properly designed and maintainable software with PHP. I know you can, because I've also encountered many of those.
> Another one was that CMSes like WP or Drupal were shoehorned into projects that were really unfit for them.
I think this hits closer to the mark than the PHP blame. PHP is just a tool, WP or Drupal are very large codebases that each have their own inherent problems that you are not going to code your way around.
FWIW I've used PHP for a decade and a half and it never let me down.
I would imagine that your team picking WP or Drupal and attempting to shoehorn in your use case had more to do with your projects failing than PHP itself.
I see that happen a lot in the wild, and not just with PHP.
I bet you could have picked a python/node/c#/go CMS with a similar outcome.
I consider WP and Drupal (And Joomla and magento etc) all part of the PHP ecosystem. I consider them part of PHP.
Just like Rails is part of the Ruby ecosystem. Technically, it is wrong to blame Ruby for poor design decisions made in Rails. Like Rails monkeypatching stdlib classes. But Rails can monkeypatch stdlib classes because Ruby lets it. It did a lot of monkeypatching stdlib classes, because it was common thing to do in the Ruby ecosystem back then. So, I therefore, place just as much blame on those poor decisions in Rails as I place them on the language, Ruby. Whats more: I blame both for promoting this idea in the first place. A new dev may open the Rails code and conclude "if a popular framework is doing X, X is probably a good way to solve my issue".
The latter is, and always has been, my largest gripe with PHP. No, WP is not a good example to learn proper PHP development, but it is the thing most new PHP devs encounter PHP and are then stuck with horrible "best practices" for the rest of their carreer.
>> My hatred is based on failing projects, missed deadlines, burnouts, money stolen, severe downtime, and companies going bankrupt.
One can find example of this in almost all the languages. Most of the time mismanaged requirements, bad project planing, bad financial management are the issues for most of the things you have listed rather than the choice of programming language.
And don't forget the most important part - incompetent programmers. It is we, the programmers, who writes all that code that that ends up as steaming pile of garbage. We can't blame others on that one. We need to become better with the tools we have.
Thus it is naive to believe that by switching language you somehow magically will write better code but without doing any effort to improve yourself first.
Better tools lead to better outcomes if all rest remains the same, so I don't think that holds true even if we ignore the fact that languages (and their communities!) incentivize different things and can certainly lead to better code.
Its certainly a lot easier writing good Python than good C, for a quick example.
True, but they are somewhat different tools with different purposes, writing an operating system in Python is a bad idea and doing web in C is cumbersome.
Thus I wouldn't blame Python if I used it for something it wasn't designed for, similar I wouldn't blame the screwdriver if I used it for punching a nail into a board.
There seems to be a constant drive to have one language to rule them all, instead of using specialized languages that are designed for a specific domain.
That is why I think PHP is such a good fit for the web because it is actually designed with that in mind.
One of the gripes that I -and many- have is that PHP wasn't ever "designed" in the first place.
This is changing. Has changed. But for people, like me, who started with PHP back in the 3.x days, and left in the 5.x days, PHP has a bad history. It might overcome this, or already have. But the history sticks to it.
And it begs the question: why make PHP into a new Python, or Ruby or JS, if we already have a Python or Ruby or JS (or Typescript)? Because if any language is actually designed (for a broad sense of that term) for the Web, it is JavaScript.
PHP was made for the web and yes it was never formally designed, more of an ad hoc evolution, thus string functions differ from array functions and so on.
Today however in respect to the many improvements, not only for the language itself but also to tooling, frameworks and libraries, this is largely irrelevant.
And this is also the case when it comes to history, the past is the past, when comparing technologies it needs to be an up to date comparison and not how it was 20 years ago. And with a relevant comparison PHP has won that every time, today as in the past.
But it seems like many out there carry around these grievances about PHP and even if they know that PHP has changed they can't let go, thus we are no longer in the realm of technology but in the realm of the human psyche.
JavaScript early days was similar to PHP early days, ad hoc evolution made by one person. It was much later JavaScript became more formally designed with committees, standards and backed by billion dollar companies.
But JavaScript was actually never designed for the web, it was designed for the DOM, a browser technology. It was much later that JavaScript got things like template literals, tagged templates and multiline strings, these things are essential when doing web, things that PHP has had from the start.
If your language can't put out a proper HTML document without doing tricks it sucks as a web language. Early days of JavaScript was full of unreadable string concatenation, arrays as string builders and just a bunch of functions calls to the DOM API. It was awful.
Because PHP is a community driven language and it is not backed by billion dollar companies, PHP does not afford to invent new language constructs out of the blue or take the risk of designing fringe features that could potentially alienate large group of programmers, PHP needs to stay mainstream so to speak, thus the design of PHP is largely affected by what is happening in other languages, good and bad.
Funny thing here is that much of the criticism against PHP is that it becoming a Java like language, where Java on the other hand is designed language, but still Java has become a mess with things like Collections, Iterators, Iterables and Streams - all work differently and requires clunky casting between them, and then the checked exception and unchecked exception debate, especially combined with Streams where checked exception is non-compatible.
Thus somewhere along the line a language that historically was designed becomes a language based on evolution because of the simple fact that we still can't predict the future. Therefore the "not designed" argument can eventually be applied to every other other mature language or at least large parts of it.
You literally said you had only experience with WordPress. Yeah those failing project make a lot of sense now.. Do you know WordPress was build by web-designers, not actual developers?
Using it for anything else then a forward facing website is a bad idea. Even using it for a website is a bad idea btw, because it was made for blogs, but whatever, nobody listened then, nobody will listen now. But I have peace with it, as long as it's only used for simple stuff.
For clarity: I never said I only have experience with WP. I'm not grandparent commentor. Though I am old :)
I started serious with PHP early in the PHP 3 era. Back in 1998. Coming from Perl and C (in cgi-bin). Like everyone back then, I wrote my own CMS, hacked on PHP and Perl portals, hosted PHP forum software and finally did most of my work in Drupal.
I've seen stuff. And many of it requires eye-bleech if you ever want to look at code again.
This such a typical response of people who live in a bubble, and get angry when nobody else in the real world agrees with their insane ideas.
Just because people think PHP is garbage doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. In fact, in my experience, the hatred many experience people in the industry have of PHP almost always comes directly from having been forced to use it.
In my case, I've worked on several large PHP projects (100k+ sloc, developed over 10+ years by many people) and it's by far the single worst language and set of tools I ever used.
Literally everything from the language, to the runtime, to the standard library, third party libraries, etc. is just complete and utter amateur hour, and is done so much better in almost any other language ecosystem out there.
I'm glad you're somehow able to make it work for you, but don't pretend it's good. It's really not.
There's trash projects in every language, and I'm not defending any of them. The terrible projects you have seen are written by terrible programmers, of which you have a lot in any popular language. But modern PHP, with Laravel, Symfony, Composer, and not least of all the features of PHP 8 are unequivocally excellent and as good as or in many ways better than what is standard in the rest of the industry, and most certainly not "amateur hour".
I didn’t mean to stretch anything, that just the immediate thing that popped in my mind when I red "PHP – The Right Way".
Now, I don’t mean PHP is never the right way to go. Especially if you have to deal with a large existing code base, rewriting everything in whatever shiny bright language there is available currently on the shelve is probably a far worst option.
He seems pretty chill about Rust, maybe even positive.
He hates C++ with a passion though. (Like CVS.) And .. it's understandable. C++ did not fix anything back then, that he cared about. Quite the opposite, only made things even worse for low-level code, because it was even more undecipherable by mere mortals. (And ... mostly still is.)
That sure is a big a web page for having no table of contents!
There’s a ToC on https://leanpub.com/phptherightway but I can’t link directly to it as the in-page link uses JS. (I’m on mobile though, so I can’t read the source. Maybe there’s an anchor someone else could link to.)
I'm not sure what you're seeing, but for me the page starts with a massive ToC. On even smaller screens it turns into a button fixed at the bottom of the screen that opens a ToC in an overlay.
To answer the immediate question, I had a look and nooope, no <a name="">, not even <a> anywhere, that I could find. However I just (begrudgingly) realized this is somewhere text fragments can shine: https://leanpub.com/phptherightway#:~:text=Getting%20Started
To answer the bigger-picture question, the first thing I see (the above-the-fold part) upon loading the page (on both desktop and mobile) is a stylized ToC.
A language that changes the semantics of functions between minor versions has no "right way".
"count()"less examples of crap. I have currently two weeks of code migration behind me because code running correctly on 7.0 fails on 7.3 -- while I see the reason for change was necessary I also see the hopelessness of rebuilding a flawed house with a fundament build on a pile of manure.
And the good news given to me by a colleague is that they pulled the same stunt going from 7.3 to 7.4. It's like depending on stumbling alcoholics instead of language designers.
Not much has changed since core devs tried to mitigate an overflow by testing for "$variable < MAXINT".
Totally agree. This is beyond taste or preference.
Yes you can build a great app in PHP. But so you can in Kotlin or Ruby or ...
Yes some have a career by starting with PHP. But that does not make it a good language for beginners. Same can be said (and to me is verrrry true) fro JavaScript.
Language design matters. It shapes how you think about code. Talk to people who've learned AND USED many languages including some esoteric ones like Haskell, a LISP or OCaml. Then see what they have to say PHP and JS for beginners.
And I'm still not certain why not. You'll have a "hello world" in minutes. Even through something like Actix. Probably faster than your average "ruby on rails hello-world" or "react hello world". As those require a lot of up-front tooling to be set up.
I guess my reluctance is that Rust very early on requires knowledge of memory-management (borrower) and intricacies such as Result and Option.
While those are good to learn for a beginner at some point, that beginner probably wants to defer them to a moment that they have actual software deployed and dabble into multithreading, get runtime exceptions back and see the software crashing.
Still, I think languages that don't even allow you to think about such stuff, like Python, Ruby or JS, do the beginner a disservice: typing, shared-memory, runtime exceptions and undefined behaviour are a real thing, and a beginner should at least see that the libraries and examples all take these issues into consideration. Instead of waving it away with "we have tests to cover most of it. probably"
I'm Ruby dev, I deal with this daily; Learning Rust and using it in production has made me a much better Ruby dev.
#2: Strict Programming lang's. I often seen frustrate new programmers, specially young new programmers making them want to give up on programming all together so I don't know if I would call that beginner friendly, I certainly would not call rust beginner friendly
I guess however we would need to define what a "beginner" target is, are we talking adults that want to learn programmed to change fields, or children wanting to inspire them to peruse programming as a career, or someone between the 2 groups
You are right of course. The thing that many people miss is that learning isn't just one thing from, say, Hello World to a fully fledged application but it involves learning diferent types of things in different orders.
For example, going straight-to-web can be hard since it involves several different concepts HTML is not CSS is not JS is not backend code (mostly!). So it is sometimes better to teach the basics in a desktop or console app using a single language with a single paradigm. Once they understand that, you could introduce other abstractions and explain why sometimes strong type-checking is useful and other times it is unecessary and time-wasting.
While I can understand that approach, I do wonder if my origin to programming is common or not. I did not get in to programming to become a programmer.
I learned programming to solve a problem I was having, in my case I did start out in web development in the 90's. I wanted a website that did something that I could not find premade software that did it in the way I wanted so I wrote my own. I also learned of open source and and other communities via this process.
Had I just stuck with the commercial software solution I bought, that was terrible, I would have missed out on on a skill I eventually learned to love.
The website (and company around it) I built was never successful, but from that experience I learned a skill that carried me to the career I now have
Like sibling comments mention, "beginner" is a broad definition.
I was thinking about someone from school taking their first job. Or someone who has built a WordPress site and theme as a hobby and so on. I was not thinking about a 7-year old wanting to move a turtle around. Nor about an "arts student" looking if she may like webdev.
Though, a friend who has an after-school "tech" afternoon for young kids, includes a lot of arduino, adafruit and other hardware courses. Kids love it when some robot drives around the actual world, drawing lines. More than a virtual turtle drawing virtual lines. It requires C programming. He told me he has 8-year old kids writing some C.
I guess it's a matter of preference because I find writing Javascript tedious, the forced async when not needed, or that for some reason Node doesn't give me a line and a description when I make a mistake, it just ... fails?
JavaScript: the language that can barely understand itself is better than PHP! The language, where JetBrain's IDE (arguably one of the best IDEs when it comes to understanding languages, consistently better than any LSPs among other things) can barely understand it fully, is better than PHP! The language that has consistently added new features, but have yet to fix horrible messes of legacy design.
The majority of Gary Bernhardt's 2012 talk "wat"[0] is still relevant today with JavaScript. PHP's devs at least are actively trying to address the majority of issues people have had problems with, and have done so successfully for many of the issues it had.
In my opinion the only thing JavaScript has going for it over PHP is its ability to develop frontend and backend code using the same language, but then, you know, you'll need a million NPM dependencies if you pull in some of the simplest packages.
Until TypeScript takes over JavaScript I refuse to believe anyone who understands either languages fully prefers JS over PHP. I've yet to dabble in Deno, but I'm hoping that it also addresses much of the issues with JS, but I'm doubtful since it's also based on V8.
I've upgraded quite a few PHP systems, and 7.2 was the major stumbling block that I've seen for most projects. Which "changes the semantics of functions between minor versions" are you referring to? In the 7.0 update there was the changing of order that e.g. $foo[bar]->boom[baz] would be evaluated, but obviously that isn't your complaint.
Also a lot of the positive changes were do to the efforts of Nikita Popov[1] who has now left. It's led to the creation of the PHP foundation.[2] I haven't kept up to date with the foundation's efforts.
> 7.2.0 - count() will now yield a warning on invalid countable types passed to the value parameter.
So in 7.2.0 they started raising a warning in cases where the application was doing a stupid thing (calling count on a non-countable object). Notice that PHP's warnings won't stop execution by default. The expected side-effect here is that you get a warning in the logs and everything keeps working normally. Of course, many development setups halt execution on warnings, but this is a decision that devs make to "force" them to writte better code, not something enforced by PHP itself.
> 8.0.0 - count() will now throw TypeError on invalid countable types passed to the value parameter.
In the next major version, they turned the warning into an error. Pretty understandable way to improve the language I would say. Of course it would've been better if this was an error from the beginning, but given a mistake was made here, this is definitely the best way to correct it I can think of.
I'm sorry it took time for you to fix the legacy apps you've inherited. However, calling this out as an example of bad programming language evolution seems very wrong to me. I for one would LOVE that all languages and libraries in my project's dependency chains where as dilligent as in this example.
> In the next major version, they turned the warning into an error. Pretty understandable way to improve the language I would say.
Breaking changes (at runtime no less) are the worst way to improve any language. They should have created a new count method if they wanted to change behavior in a breaking way. Forcing millions of developers to comb through their code just because some designer doesn't like the way someone else does something is just narcissistic.
p.s. Semver isn't worth the shit paper its printed on, it can't even version itself and all it does is give shit developers shit excuses to impose their own naval gazing induced shitstorms on other developers.
I don't think that having two different count()s with different edge-case behavior is the way it should've been improved. If someone used the method incorrectly in the past it's part their fault for writing it incorrectly and part PHP's that it didn't fail (and "fail" is also kind of a stretch since the behavior was described in the docs IIRC).
For the most part. However one person's bug is another person's feature and given the huge number of PHP users, where many aren't formally trained developers the ways in which PHP is (ab-)used is manifold. Thus sometimes things slip through as Bugfix, which then annoy people. But over recent times PHP got a lot better (maybe since I'm not involved anymore)
If you upgrade without proper testing you are the only one to blame. Seems like that blaming PHP is just an excuse for poorly managing language upgrades.
PHP has one of the best track records for retrocompatibility, this is really the worst thing you could pick to blame PHP for something.
Some of the major criticisms most frequently leveled at PHP relate it's convoluted history, the random ad hoc nature of their built-in functions, the inability to enforce types, overly flexible/dynamic, etc all of which can contribute to, among other things, disorganized code.
But then when PHP does something positive to clean things up, we get threads like this. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
FWIW, how PHP handled `count` was very well done IMHO. The evolution from having `count` throw a warning on non-countable objects to having `count` throw a TypeError has occurred over several years! No one should have been caught off-guard by this very gradual change.
Perhaps ironically, this attitude towards backwards compatibility is a big part of what held PHP back for so many years and part of the reason why PHP 6 was abandoned during development and PHP 7 used none/almost none of that work.
Instead of introducing a warning and informing the community that a feature was going to change or be removed in an upcoming major update, for years PHP just added new functions. You ended up with `mysql` and then `mysqli`. You ended up with the `mb_*` functions. And in order for developers to properly interface with all of these duplicate functions that may or may not be installed on your system, you ended up with jQuery-like libraries that would wrap certain portions of the PHP language and try to make them easier to work with. The comments on this (and most PHP posts on HN in general) are pretty crappy in large part because of decisions like this. It's also why the language basically died for like half a decade in the late 00s.
It's an absurd way for a language to evolve. At some point, you MUST fix the issues break backwards compatibility. You put out documentation and upgrade guides instructing developers on what needs to be done to facilitate the change. And as developers, we accept that we need to make sure we check that documentation before upgrading and in exchange, we get a better experience for developing new applications in the future.
> And as developers, we accept that we need to make sure we check that documentation before upgrading
Not everyone does. I think I've read a couple times how people commented that Python2->3 was the worst decision made by Guido. (I'm personally grateful that Py3 makes unicode default and more sane than Py2)
With every compatibility breaking release, you run the risk of splitting the language into two. Perl suffered that fate (though not only for that reason), and Python almost did (Py2 is still used in so many places 14 years after Py3 was released in 2008).
This is true. You see this happen all the time with frameworks where the community splinters because of a major change. It doesn't happen as often with languages (perhaps because the average developer feels more removed from the development of those?), but as you pointed out, it does occur.
I think one of the differences here is how active the PHP community is. The Core devs are constantly taking ideas from the community and working those into or out of their plans for the future. They have open periods of discussion for any RFC and will engage with questions and concerns on Twitter and GitHub and Reddit and various other places. Those RFCs are voted on by 30+ different team members and requires a super majority to pass. Everything is transparent. Everything is discussed.
It's not perfect by any means (and the PHP-FIG standards group operated similarly and still splintered due in large part to egos), but it's not as one-sided as other languages and if you engage yourself in the community, you'll generally know what is coming and at least be able to voice your opinion in a forum that will be listened to.
But in fact the semantics did not change within the minor revision boundary. This was an ordinary deprecation process, as it should be. Emitting a warning is not breaking anything!
That's precisely what I'm saying: The whole purpose of a major version is to indicate breaking changes. That applies to Go too, for example (talking of reasonable languages...). That PHP ever allowed count()-ing uncountable things is effectively a bug in the standard library.
What happened is that a depreciation was put into place, and in the next major version that depreciation was converted to an error. Just how it should have happened.
On the one hand, people complain about PHP having weird standard library functions and lots of cruft, on the other they complain once things are changed slowly. I don't get it.
> That's precisely what I'm saying: The whole purpose of a major version is to indicate breaking changes.
this is what I don't get. Why would anyone in their right mind use a language ecosystem where each major version upgrade breaks their code?
I just don't understand why people accept this from their tools. Imagine if Google would just randomly change their APIs every couple of months and then stop supporting the old ones. Nobody would use their stuff. But somehow the PHP community thinks this is perfectly normal.
> this is what I don't get. Why would anyone in their right mind use a language ecosystem where each major version upgrade breaks their code?
Great so let's just leave all of the legacy terribleness in it. Let's not address all the quirks and horribleness that sounded like a good idea at the time. Let's not let the language evolve.
For the longest PHP was really great with backwards compatibility, refused to address issues in the name of backwards compatibility. So it became the butt of the jokes it is today.
As you can imagine, I'm on the other end. Providing backwards compatibility is kept for a relatively long time, I don't think it's unreasonable to break changes with a good system (i.e. major version upgrades). In such cases, I welcome it.
> Great so let's just leave all of the legacy terribleness in it. Let's not address all the quirks and horribleness that sounded like a good idea at the time. Let's not let the language evolve.
Nobody is saying that. The golden rule of API design is do not break your customers.
The way you let a language or API evolve is by introducing a new API. For example, instead of changing the semantics of count() you might introduce len() and then try and not fuck it up this time.
> [...] where each major version upgrade breaks their code?
> [...] randomly change their APIs every couple of months [...]
This is just FUD. Breaking changes are announced long-term via deprecations, so they don't catch you out of the blue. Every major release of the runtime has three years of support, so nobody "randomly" changes their API every couple of months.
I find Google to be a funny example, by the way - picking that one company axing another project or API every other day.
Because, suprisingly, Noone is forcing you to update immediately!
Hell, there's still a lot of 5.x deployments out there that work just fine. I even manage one or two (both of them being very old, legacy installations in enterprises. In both cases I'm making slow and steady progress to getting them up to 7.x or 8.x so that we can benefit from engine improvements etc).
> Why would anyone in their right mind use a language ecosystem where each major version upgrade breaks their code
That. Is. The. Entire. Point. Of. Major. Versions.
A big red warning and culutral understanding of "stuff we said would be gone, that we gave you a year+ of notice on, is now gone, go read the migration notes if you've been sleeping under a rock."
You act like this is happening monthly? 8.0 came out in Nov 2020... , 7.0 was Dec 2015.
> I just don't understand why people accept this from their tools.
Actually our tooling is pretty nice. Between psalm, phpcs and rector, we have tooling that can forwarn of deprecations in use, and most of the time fix them automatically.
Should you always use PHP? No. But the debate on the nuances as to when to not use it doesn't tend to go well with those who just throw everything out the pram acting like PHP developers are insane because it's not a haskell/rust docker project.
Oh our company is fully on 7.x and looking to move existing projects to 8.x. (New ones being deployed to 8.x already)
The enterprise client is the one on 5.x (for an interop program for B2B order processing), in a secured intranet system behind firewalls (multiple, on occasion one of their teams breaks one while updating it and we lose access for a day) and a VPN.
They might get up to 7.x this year when they retire the server "our" VM within there is on and reprovision to some new metal.
But by all means, go try and bypass their procurement and change process. I'm sure they'll appreciate your insight into rapidly changing a component of one of their main revenue streams... Just let me grab some popcorn first :)
To be a little less cutting, its admirable to want to be clean and proper, to do it all the right way 100% of the time... But that ain't how the world works and you either bend to accommodate and try to do some good, or scream into the digital void... Your choice.
Before 2017-12-01, the documentation for count() said:
> Returns the number of elements in array_or_countable. When the parameter is neither an array nor an object with implemented Countable interface, 1 will be returned. There is one exception, if array_or_countable is NULL, 0 will be returned.
If the languages developers did not want programmers to use that behavior they should have said that it is undefined when the input is not an array or countable. When you document how something behaves in any particular case programmers are going to use it, especially in a case like this where the behavior is actually useful.
Do you not think languages should evolve? Do you think the count() behaviour should never have changed because at some point the documentation said this? How do you propose languages deal with evolution if not graceful deprecation? This isn't Go or Rust that have been around for a few years, this is a 30 year old language that was designed for an entirely different web than what we have today and has had to reinvent itself multiple times. Let me know when Go and Rust deal with half of the problems PHP dealt with.
> When you document how something behaves in any particular case programmers are going to use it, especially in a case like this where the behavior is actually useful.
This is true and also the reason of the extraordinary warning and the years-long phase-out.
The old count is not really a sharp-shooter, however once we got accustomed to it, we all have our habits.
I assume then that you disqualify Python for the same reason?
Python 3.x has decided that breaking changes in minor releases is fine. My favourite: string prefixes (eg s'foo', u'foo') were legal in 2.x, removed in 3.0, added back in 3.3. There are other subtle breakages (eg open() flags).
>Python 3.x has decided that breaking changes in minor releases is fine. My favourite: string prefixes (eg s'foo', u'foo') were legal in 2.x, removed in 3.0, added back in 3.3.
Python 3.0 was very much not a minor release, so your example is invalid.
The general point that Python does breaking changes in minor releases stands, but they do typically go through a deprecation period first.
The reason why people now care about PHP is that, decades ago they thought PHP would the right way to develop projects, now they are stuck, because they cannot get rid of PHP any more. If you look at any well grounded projects, they try to avoid PHP at all cost. Only handful amount people are responsible for core development. Decision are made based on "copying" other languages like Java, plus you always end up using lots of tools just to make your code safer.
There are tons of tools to get things done, PHP is one of the worst ones.
I used to hate PHP with passion myself (having read those articles too) before I had to take on a large project which used modern practices (PHP 7+, latest Symfony) and I can say it's been a surprisingly smooth sailing so far, most of the time you use nicely designed abstractions over the core APIs provided by the framework (or its modules) and don't use built-in functions directly. The actual annoyances I notice everyday are things like inconsistent argument order in array_* functions (people prefer to use them directly), but you quickly get used to it and there's not that many of such functions in day-to-day work. What you usually do is generic stuff like defining models, writing controllers etc. and most of the time it doesn't feel much different from other enterprisey languages I've used such as C# or Java. From time to time you have to use some arcane PHP function because the framework doesn't provide it for you but there's a custom, at our company at least, to wrap such functions in nice utility classes once and forget they exist.
> What kind of greenfield projects were they, and who was making those conscious choices? Without context it's just non-sense.
B2B shop, Marketplace, lots typical CRUD stuff. I don't think there is much of a pattern.
Developers wanted to use PHP. Though of course here in Germany PHP is much more popular than in the states.
> What other technologies have you used in your experience, that came to conclusion?
For server-side stuff:
Ruby, Python, JS/TS, Squeak/smalltalk (yes actually in production)
Ruby used to have some productivity advantages because of Rails but these day, as PHP frameworks have caught up, I see many shops that did both PHP and Ruby going back to PHP.
> Name features PHP avoided while copying.
Those that PHP does not have? Not sure how to make a negative list.
PHP is a language with various features that might make it attractive to certain people:
• CGI-like execution model when used for the web, making resource leaks very difficult and encouraging scalable design
• not only integers and floats, but also strings, lists and dictionaries as mutable value types (copy-on-write) — this is a big difference from JavaScript and Python
• unusually for a dynamic “scripting” language: true classes and interfaces, and optional type declarations enforced by the runtime
• a standard library that doesn't require import statements!
• (a very new feature:) fibers, a way do asynchronous execution without every function in the callstack having to be aware of it
• binary-safe strings without presumptions from the language about what encoding is in use
• a very nice package manager
• a highly optimised runtime
But its history has made it a quite messy language which can be frustrating to learn, and which will always carry a higher mental burden than something like Python. It is a shame.
> not only integers and floats, but also strings, lists and dictionaries as mutable value types (copy-on-write)
Lists and dictionaries are also mutable in Python. Strings are not. With CoW, are your referring to garbage collection? (value that is no longer assigned to a name will eventually be purged). That would be independent of (im)mutability, so I'm not sure I understand.
It .. really doesn't. (Sure, probably a tiny bit more than Python.)
It's not static types FP like Haskell/Scala (or even TS), as it just recently started gaining some type safety, and while it had map/reduce call_user_func, it wasn't that big in PHP world.
It simply has/had too much mutability for it, and most PHP practice focused on trying to implement OOP ideas in it in a nice way.
FWIW, I don't consider type safety a major issue with FP vs. OOP vs. procedural. I think type safety is just that, a safety net. I've ported things between C#, Scala, and PHP for fun, and regularly find PHP to be more concise due to it's lack of type safety than it being a hinderance. Sure, it sucks that the IDE can't help me out more (lack of generics cough) but static analysis tools really help there, like Psalm and PHPStan. As a side note, Psalm's security scans have pointed out security issues with the original code it was ported from, so that's something...
You can do some pretty fancy things with arrays that you usually only see in FP type languages:
in all of these cases, the original array(s) remains untouched. In most OOP languages, the array would probably be mutable (or require some juggling between mutable and immutable types, like C#). That's why its surprising. It's quite verbose in PHP, but the foundations for a FP approach is all there.
What's even more surprising is when performance is comparable to a language like C# on some random benchmarks I've run[1] (opcache + JIT turned on in PHP, C# in "release" optimized compilation). I'd consider it a pretty good contender for serious things.
so is object(array,map,etc) in javascript, many scripting languages have non-primitives mutable, the OP seems wrong on this claim(e.g. only PHP does that)
They aren't value types in JavaScript or Python, they're reference types (as are all types in those languages). Mutable value types are different from both mutable reference types (Python list, JS Array, strings in both languages, etc) and immutable reference types (Python and JS strings, Python tuples…)
No, I didn't! PHP's string and array types are neither immutable nor a reference type. In this way they are very different from what Python, JavaScript etc do.
Some years ago I was appending underscores to key strings to avoid that. We're talking PHP 5 era. But even at that time stdClass was available. Today, I much prefer either using a stdClass object or actually making a real class when I reach for an associative array. They still have their use cases, though.
I don't think fibers are that great. There's no indication that a function call will create a fiber and do things[1] that might screw with your current state. When you know fibers are around, you need to code more defensively.
> a standard library that doesn't require import statements
I consider this a non-feature in JS. The global namespace is enormous and growing rapidly. As I recall, PHP’s global namespace is similarly enormous (and notorious for its inconsistencies and redundancies). I understand that there are ergonomic advantages to not having to import built-ins, but I think framing it as a feature deserves a healthy asterisk :)
> fibers, a way do asynchronous execution without every function in the callstack having to be aware of it
This isn’t built into JS, but there’s an implementation of it, mostly used and popularized by Meteor. Again it has some ergonomic benefits, but I think it can too easily hide/obscure deoptimizations—eg performing IO operations in sequence which would be better performed concurrently.
It’s increasingly almost the same, aside from very DOM/*ML rendering contexts, and getting more similar as time goes on. Which is good for portability but JS (ECMAScript/TC-39) is huge in itself, and the various compatible things in the JS runtime ecosystem (browsers/Node/Deno) is also huge. Node was historically more limited here but given how much the language itself is expanding they have to choose compat.
1. Core API of stateless functions. Compare this to the bootstrapping requirements of, say, Java or Python;
2. CGI-like resource management in that you tear down everything after a request. Many people get upset at, say, the "global" keyword but "global" here just means "request-scoped". There are no STW GC pauses and it's difficult (but not impossible) to leak resources;
3. Executing code for a request is single-threaded. This is almost always what you want; and
4. PHP's copy-on-write arrays (that are really hash maps) that maintain insertion order are so incredibly useful and is almost always what you want.
Crapping on PHP for things like function inconsistency (eg functions that use underscores vs those that don't, needle/haystack inconsistency) is a tired cliche and boring at this point. It really adds no value complaining about things that just don't matter and/or are historical.
My biggest grievance is that Hack (FB's fork) is basically better in almost every way. The collection types (vec, keyset, dict) are better (eg less weird coercion defaults). The type system is leaps and bounds ahead of anything PHP has. Nullability as part of the type system is amazing. It's a shame Hack didn't become the dominant dialect.
As for the book, I went through it and it's really solid. Good job to the authors and maintainers. It covers a lot of issues like register globals, sanitizing input, Unicode and so on. It also has links to more detailed information on any of these topics.
Aren’t fibers designed from the perspective of usage in underlying libraries, rather than something for everyday end users in the fashion of async/await?
I'm trying to learn https://haxe.org , so that if some target language does not work, I could use some other target language. Currently I have hard time updating to newer version of Node.js, dependencies etc. I tried to code something with PHP 8.1 directly, but I presume any following update could change syntax etc.
One that baffles me is that 8.0 changed it so all scripts default to a "C" (i.e. english, ascii-only) locale. [0]
So this is now a scripting language that requires you to call `setlocale` for every script manually.
Contrast python, which tries to fix the locale so it's at least UTF-8 aware. [1]
[0]: From https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration80.incompatible.php "The default locale on startup is now always "C". No locales are inherited from the environment by default. Previously, LC_ALL was set to "C", while LC_CTYPE was inherited from the environment. However, some functions did not respect the inherited locale without an explicit setlocale() call. An explicit setlocale() call is now always required if a locale component should be changed from the default. "
I want to like PHP, but it seems that there are so many better/modern alternatives out there, IMHO Go and Rust are the most notable new ones, Go is almost (if not yet) ahead of PHP in terms of community and resources (learning and packages), while Rust still needs a few years to establish (the async issue and few others) and the maturity of the ecosystem, there are no killer solution yet (maybe there will never be).
I tried PHP last year (or should I say Laravel) and didn't found any good, the type system is bad for a project like Laravel, you have too many different files where you declare things and the type system doesn't now, so you end up without autocompletions (and warnings or errors from the php interpreter) you only catch those at runtime (I'm too used now to get the errors before run a project, or at least get a hind from the editor/IDE).
Not sure about your experience with Laravel, but I don’t see how the type system is bad for it. It works surprisingly well for me. With a bit of tooling I get even autocompletions for database fields when using Eloquent. PhpStorm with the (paid) Laravel plug-in are pretty awesome and give me more information during file-editing than for example Xcode.
Laravel has also a pretty active and productive community and so many things just work out of the box, I’m not sure if Go or Rust has anything comparable.
I have to mention: I didn’t touch Go for over a year now and never used Rust. I felt that Go is pretty easy to learn in its basics but quickly throwing things together for a prototype with DB access, I would go for PHP at any time.
It also could be that the learning curve is steep to get some things done and this was a side project that I wanted to get done. That could have contributed to my bad experience, also I'm not developing in php professionally anymore and sometimes when I want to get shit done, but this time it didn't worked for me.
I would not go with nodejs/deno because it doesn't feel a resilient foundation, let's say you put your php server out there, it wouldn't crash easily or if it "crash" would not kill the entire server, so there are benefits with php in that regard, it feels more easy to fire and forget.
Go should have my go to, but because never used didn't wanted to go that route, then Rust that is more painful than php in regard of the frameworks, there are not so mature ecosystem in the web category, but I can build a resilient system with rust, even I could write plain old sql that get's validated at compile time[1], that sounds amazing (well there are few drawbacks, but I like to be able to freely refactor the app in the future and the tooling tells me where I broke it, and with all other alternatives, except Go, there is no such library).
So this is more personal preference and php didn't meet my expectations, that doesn't mean that php is bad, but for me and my use case is, we cannot blame to php yet, but I think the core developers must push even harder the type system, offer better 1st party tooling and more guaranties in regard of the integrity of your program, this is one take of rust that if it compiles it works so when you do code review you only need to review the logic :)
It's a decent website - a useful collection of information and links to additional information, that can serve as a starting point to learn more. For those who use PHP, or for those who'd like to learn to use it, this might be useful resource.
The same thing can't really be said of the comments in here though. I don't see how emotionally charged debates over what is the "best" or "worst" language, help anyone.
It's almost as if some people can truly have their ego shattered, by someone on the internet liking another language than they do...
Couldn't we just agree that there is no "best" language for every possible use case, and that everyone is allowed to like whatever language they want to like? It's not like the whole bickering is going to change anyone's opinion.
In its early days (version 4 and below) PHP was a bit of a mess. However it got its act together with version 5, as it implemented an object model almost on par with Java's, which I thought kind of set the standard for how OOP should be done. It's just unfortunate that much of the mistakes with version 4 and below had to be kept in order to preserve backwards compatibility.
More than the design of the language itself, the culture suffered (and still suffers to a lesser degree) from the legacy of those bad designs, such that if you wanted to avoid a whole ton of awful codebases, poor practices and mediocre developers you could have easily done so by putting a language barrier between you and them and "graduating" to some other language.
Many teams and codebases these days have moved onwards and upwards toward a world where sensible design exists.
You're right, but you're missing the emotional damage many hackers of a certain age feel when they remember troubleshooting PHP problems, or constantly having to look things up, before they left for whatever their language of choice is now. People complaining about PHP are mostly just venting frustrations from 15 years ago.
I tend to stay out of these discussions, precisely because I have such negative associations from PHP 3-5, but I don’t want to shit on anyone (or make anyone feel shit upon) who uses PHP today. The language and ecosystem has clearly improved and matured a lot, and while I don’t have any interest in revisiting it, I respect that.
> It's almost as if some people can truly have their ego shattered, by someone on the internet liking another language than they do...
Goes both ways. An argument could be made that your comment is borne out of hurt ego. ¯\_(?)_/¯
So let us (both sides) keep away from veiled ad hominems, shall we? They don't make the arguments of either side any favor.
> Couldn't we just agree that there is no "best" language for every possible use case, and that everyone is allowed to like whatever language they want to like?
Of course. Every programmer who gets stuff done knows this and does not argue it.
The problem is the sunk cost fallacy screaming on a max volume in the heads of the people who can't accept that their favorite language might not be as good as they remember it from 10+ years ago compared to these days. Or to put it more mildly, that the world has moved on and there are languages that do the original strong points X and Y of their language but better, plus they can also do Z.
THAT is what people can't accept and that's exactly what I am noticing when arguing with PHP proponents. There is no one thing these days that this language does that other, also widely hated languages like JS, can't do -- and better and maybe even faster.
(Before you say it: people can make a lot of things work only with duct tape and sticks. That's not a proof that PHP is "good" however. You could use do nested loops in bash while doing pattern-matching on structured data; achievable but good luck with that.)
If we want to get dead serious and talk about the right tool for the job thing then probably nobody should use anything else except Erlang / Elixir for web backends anyway because the runtime of the BEAM VM is perfectly suited for bursty workloads that don't topple machines (as much as physics allows, of course) and because each request is independently served by a green thread in a preemptively scheduled runtime.
But even with that I periodically do Ruby / JS / Rust web work because obviously nobody is willing to listen that the runtime is the most important thing and the language syntax wars are akin to toddlers yelling loudly about whose toy has the most badass pants color.
> It's not like the whole bickering is going to change anyone's opinion.
You are right and that's a shame and one of the huge embarrassments of humanity. I have opened myself to alternative opinions and stopped fanboying over languages at least a decade ago -- and it made me a much better and pragmatic programmer who gets stuff done and gets repeated calls from former customers.
I've known other such people as well. Sadly we seem to be the minority.
Could you say the same for yourself? Have you made yourself uncomfortable by questioning your deeply held beliefs and assumptions about a favorite language?
It's an honest question and I hope you don't get misled by the slightly sharp tone. I've just seen way too many of these threads and they never get anywhere productive.
Slightly of topic, but is Hack a thing outside of Facebook? I'm a little thrown off by the confusing standard library of PHP, but I don't know if using Hack instead would solve more problems than it creates.
> Right now PHP does not support Unicode at a low level. There are ways to ensure that UTF-8 strings are processed OK, but it’s not easy, and it requires digging in to almost all levels of the web app, from HTML to SQL to PHP. We’ll aim for a brief, practical summary.
Updated in January but not really up to date. It doesn't mention union types, the nullsafe operator, matching expressions and a lot of other features you can find here: https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-8
Maybe not everything is "the right way" but at least the nullsafe operator is, I think.