He seems pretty chill about Rust, maybe even positive.
He hates C++ with a passion though. (Like CVS.) And .. it's understandable. C++ did not fix anything back then, that he cared about. Quite the opposite, only made things even worse for low-level code, because it was even more undecipherable by mere mortals. (And ... mostly still is.)
I found it curious that he entirely failed to understand what differs between C++ and Rust. He used the same words people use, but assembled them in a way that diverges from reality.
Interesting,I absolutely despise C++, and I find rust to be incredibly nice (though admittedly, I'm a neophyte, I've barely had to use lifetimes, so I may be unaware of my own lack of knowledge).
It seems to me he, first, talks about all the wonderful code he has seen written in C, then complains about C when he runs into terribly written C code but wants to blame it on C. I have a problem with that.
He then concludes that he likes things about Rust but then states Rust is a lot harder to learn but you become a better programmer cause you have to work harder on it. But isn't that what he complains about with C?
Your experience is highly incongruent with mine. I work with a lot of Rustaceans, and while they're often able to articulate why they prefer Rust over C++ for many applications, many of them would probably be reaching for C++ if not for Rust, and certainly don't spend time hating on the language. Speaking personally as a Rust fanatic, C++ is still my 3rd favorite language. (Out of a large N.)
I guess my point is, this is a weird (and IMO, flat-out wrong) dig at the Rust community.
I think you see some of that since quite a few people have spent decades in C/C++(myself included) and have had exposure to experiencing these exact problems.
I'm still a huge fan of C++ but Rust gets me to where I want to go with C++ with much less fuss and a lot more confidence.
I can't help but feel like he's missing the point a bit. Sure, you can get a few Rust features in C++ if you (1) stick to specific syntax forms or else tools can't detect stuff or report false positives (2) use a collection of third party tools that work together by accident more than by design, so they end up being glued together differently in each project, and (3) they're not part of the language.
I've not worked with Visual C++ much (used it once and thought the CLI pointers were a cool feature, though), so maybe that's better. However, my experience on Linux has always been… Uncomfortable? I don't know what to call it.
Sure, all of these things kinda and almost work. Technically they make things marginally better. So, he's not wrong, but only by the strictest possible definition of "wrong". And Jesus Christ, they always made me feel like I stepped into a time machine and traveled back 30 years (and I'm only turning 30 this year), and induced so much friction into both set up and workflow.
Rust on the other hand? I don't have to think about it any of those, and it borrows (no pun intended) great FP type system features to boot.
Also, I don't know what went wrong with C++ Concept, but I was excited about them initially, and now I'm just underwhelmed by them. The coroutine stuff is also a bit frustrating.
C++ is a language that has jaded me with a thousand small frustrations over the years. I still have a small hope that it'll one day rebound (as I used to write it for a long time), but in the mean time I'll stick to Rust.
Also, since he's deliberately chosen to be petty about memory safety in Rust, it probably doesn't warrant addressing, but I'll take the troll-bait this time: nobody EVER said memory safety is the ONLY safety. Ever. I've not seen a single person make that claim, or tout Rust as a "safe" language. Memory safety DOES however eliminate a whole category of bugs (a lot of which can be security or stability bugs in real world environments). That's literally all there is to it.
Edit: my experiences predate a having a Cpp LSP that works (idk if that has changed in the last few years)
Rust is fantastically expressive for a low level language.
And modern C++ is not 15 years old C++. You have auto, lambda, etc. I just think it's silly to try to pretend to be more expressive than scripting languages.
It's like Schwarzenegger trying to pretend it's as flexible as gymnast. What for? The guy is amazing at what he does.
I'm not sure about that. I've spent 18 years programming in C++, for much of that time in a senior professional capacity and am excited to learn Rust for whatever my next project will be. Most of my colleagues and peers feel the same. I think the person you are characterising is quite rare. I like C++ but don't love all of the baggage and am delighted that things are moving forward.
I love Rust but man, what a weird way to introduce it. The bashing on C++ was a bit silly - the biggest benefit over C++ IMO is that Rust makes it much easier to avoid certain kinds of memory bugs.
Note that I said easier: C++ allows that avoidance of bugs too, especially modern C++, and the ISOs do a lot to encourage the right stuff, but its still a very mixed bag in my personal experience. There are also plenty of bad idioms in the C++ space that people blindly follow, so there is some diligence required.
Also, I have to add for that one guy typing a reply to me now: this isn't to say C++ devs are inferior. In fact far from it, there are some seriously smart people in that space that I deeply respect. But its important to distinguish the devs from the tool, and when we are talking JUST about the tool, Rust seems like a good pick here.
Yet. I like rust. It has a deep, thoughtful approach to many problems. But, C++ is pretty long in the tooth. Of course it's weird and inconsistent. Give rust 30 years to really entrench itself as a systems language. It'll be wierd also.
I think a lot of those issues are more related to how bad C++ s rather than how amazing Rust is. I abandoned C++ several years ago for D and I can't imagine ever going back to C++. Similar issues, header files, no package management.
Fascinating how defensive C++ lifers can be. Rust builds on the knowledge of decades of C++ programming. It’s basically a compiler enforced set of C++ best practices. It’s strange how hostile some in the C++ community are to Rust.
He hates C++ with a passion though. (Like CVS.) And .. it's understandable. C++ did not fix anything back then, that he cared about. Quite the opposite, only made things even worse for low-level code, because it was even more undecipherable by mere mortals. (And ... mostly still is.)