Moto Z has a nice innovative design - big magnetic attachment plate in the back for external modules. Still waiting for the killer mods like slide-out keyboards and gamepads though
I wish the Moto Z's mods became a standard - an Android phone that you can slap onto a device to make it "smart" would be best of both worlds.
Sadly, the Hasselblad camera mod available for the Moto Z is widely considered an overpriced joke, but it demonstrates how you can make a "have your cake and eat it too" design using the Mods concept.
The Moto Z family has something similar (an internal battery plus an optional removable external battery). And from what I've read, the technology it uses seems to be in part based on Google's modular phone prototype.
Yes, this is the rough idea, except that it was "designed exclusively for the moto Z". The fact that one proprietary mod standard didn't take off is hardly strong evidence against the general idea, and especially the viability of an open standard.
I've been using the Moto Z Play for 6 months and it's my favorite phone yet.
The battery life is insane, easily can make it 2 days and I'm an extremely heavy user. I love the plain vanilla Android stock and I got a deal where I got the Hassleblad camera Moto mod for free which is a great addition.
I wish Motorola wouldn't cancel their superb Z line of phones. MotoMods were a great idea, which worked especially well for batteries. I never had to worry to run out of power for the last 4 years I use these devices.
Anyone else remember that magnetic accessory connection port? Seems like a killer feature if done correctly. Or just another "Moto Mod" style feature that went wrong...
Motorola did exactly what you're asking for. It's called Moto Mods and if it isn't abandoned as a failure within 3 years I'll eat my hat.
FWIW I'm very happy with my new Moto Z series phone so far. I haven't sprung for any mods yet but the phone itself is good. Battery life isn't great without the battery moto mod, but seems typical. For $350 unlocked I'll take this any day over an $800 phone.