Brian from Instapaper here. We have no plans to shut the app down, and a big part of the value the app provides (parser improvements, aggregate information on links) requires the ongoing operation of the service.
They definitely buried it, but it seemed extremely clear to me that they're shutting it down:
> To that end, we’ll begin winding down the Yik Yak app over the coming week as we start tinkering around with what’s ahead for our brand, our technology, and ourselves.
The app Tink gave notice to its users and just closed down. The motivation was basically "we're moving on to other things".
This was probably pre-pandemic.
What irks me is that I loved the app but also that we the users of the app basically classified purchases that the app couldn't classify itself. So we trained their database on how to classify bank statements into categories. And then they just close down and take all that data with them.
But they did acquire and shut it down. They may have future plans at some point but it has been (or will be very soon) shut down
> On Wednesday October 10, we’ll shut down our Astro apps for Mac, iOS, Android, Amazon Alexa, and Slack. As of today, we’ve also disabled signups of new users.