Politics play a huge part in our lives, whether we’re thinking about them or not. Most of us have an opinion on how things are run and feel we could do better. But to do that, first you have to be elected. Politics With Allies lets you test your ability to be elected to power and exercise that political power to make your allies happy. It’s a new card game that’s up on Kickstarter now.
Wow, that is a really cool idea! Usually I don't like political games but this seems like it could actually be fun and avoid preachiness, all while exploring the high level social planning issues.
Playing politics might be to abstract of a term. How about if someone in a position of power above you likes you or not. If say your bosses boss thinks your amazing then they can pull you up. Keep in mind though this big boss might only want to pull you up to undermine your current boss. that's the political part.
If anything, you make a great point that "playing politics" is a skill in its own rite, is worth mastering, and it is (dependent on the system) productive in bringing about people's wishes.
I'd say it's extremely important as a foundation to understand and better influence all kinds of politics, whether it's governmental, workplace, family, or any other relationships.
Most people have a very simple view of the nature of politics, and therefore, tend to think the people charge are out to get them in some way, when really, they're just operating under some kind of game that forces their hand to make difficult decisions. By understanding a little game theory, a person might at least be able to better understand what's going on, if not even influence the odds in their favor.
Obviously, ordinary people might not want to play this game, but the game will still play with you.