Everything we do, every place we choose to work, incorporate or just live is subject to rules. These rules are largely decided by politics. As a consequence, politics have always been here, visible or not.
Politics play a huge part in our lives, whether we’re thinking about them or not. Most of us have an opinion on how things are run and feel we could do better. But to do that, first you have to be elected. Politics With Allies lets you test your ability to be elected to power and exercise that political power to make your allies happy. It’s a new card game that’s up on Kickstarter now.
"Politics emerge when the players believe the game is zero sum. In a recession, the players are more likely to believe the game is zero sum."
I'd put emphasis on this, but with the difference that in a recession, it's a negative sum game and not zero sum, which explains why there will definitely be politics.
One thing is a rule where you know what happens, and there's a social safety net in place, and everyone knows how it works, and has voted on it, and so on.
One-off actions are kind of another thing, in my book.
Anyway: politics. Article flagged. I'll happy talk politics here in Padova with anyone who wants to stop by and have a drink.
No, it's the human condition, not limited to some special group called 'politicians'. Politics starts shortly after three toddlers get together. It's part of the continuum of social interaction.