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China is a mass-copying, intelectual property stealing, communist dictatorship. The other countries in Asia dont like them. China is the mordor of Asia

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Xi's China is evil. It props up North Korea, a country that mercilessly starves and punishes its millions of citizens, a country that can soon strike with nuclear missiles at Japan, South Korea, US, Australia, India, etc. It pollutes the air and its neighbors air with reckless abandon. It floods the river and ocean with plastics with no regard. It acts like a baby whenever Taiwan, a small but free democratic country, wants to be recognized by the world. It acts like a bully against its neighbors regarding south asia sea. It acts like a bully whenever dali lama visits other countries. It suppresses muslims in Xinjiang and buddhists in Tibet. It has a massive censorship/surveillance on its own citizens. It props up other dictators around the world in Venezuela, Russia, Laos, Cambodia, etc. It floods the world with cheap shoddy products that destroy manufacturing, communities, and families in democratic countries.

And we are the ones helping. We buy products made in China.

Please, stop doing business with China. Please, punish China with sanctions and tariffs. If you wish for your kids futures to not be run by dictators.

China is an evil empire.

China has an authoritarian government that

* is ruled by a secretive group of old men [1]

* produces pollution that threatens the entire world [2]

* uses the great firewall to attack tech companies in other countries like github [3]

* ignores human rights and free speech [4]

* creates artificial military island near neighboring countries [5]

* supports dictators in Russia and Africa [6]

* and prints up to 282% of GDP [7] in order to buy their way into other countries real estate and companies.

If China gets anymore powerful, the world is doomed. We need to curb commerce with China.

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13904443

[2] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/02/08/reference/chines...

[3] https://citizenlab.org/2015/04/chinas-great-cannon/

[4] http://www.theguardian.com/news/2014/dec/04/-sp-case-against...

[5] http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2015/06/26/philipp...

[6] http://thediplomat.com/2014/03/china-backs-russia-on-ukraine...

[7] http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/02/11/c...

A few decades of international trade does wonders for making the rest of the world forget what kind of an entity China is. This is the beginning of an Asian holocaust and nobody gives a damn because what's a couple million poor people in a country of over a billion?

What exactly is wrong with considering China as the enemy? China is a genocidal, totalitarian state that actively tramples over human rights. IMO it is the closest thing to pure evil in this world next to the DPRK.

You're talking to a Chinese nationalist or propagandist. No one in Asia agrees with China except for North Korea (and most of them are starving anyway and don't think about world affairs).

The PRC bet on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and got burned. Their constant whining about Taiwan and childish insistence that Tienanmen Square never happened makes them the laughingstock of the world. Their continued support for the demented lapdog regime in North Korea is similarly laughable. Their deification of gangsters like Mao and Deng puts them on a par with other unserious regimes as North Korea and the former USSR.

China's massive digital divide is shameful, as is its neglect and brutalization of ethnic minorities. China's sexism is notorious the world over, as is its noxious pollution and the utter disregard its companies have for environmental laws. There's little for the West to copy, and even less the West should copy.

The problem with China is that while 'protecting' themselves from 'evil West' they keep doing to other countries (in Africa and Asia) the same things they are protecting themselves from.

Also take into consideration that the biggest anti-China propaganda is coming from the one country which is afraid of being overtaken as the world's biggest economy by China.

China doesn't seem to be a big problem in any other country across the globe. Strange. It's also quite funny how so many more countries in the world are afraid of the USA, particularly those with oil reserves and other natural resources.

FWIW, China's neighbors in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines don't appear to share your characterization of the situation. Neither do Australia, India, or Indonesia.

China is repressive and has very low standards for human rights. If China becomes more powerful they may decide to conquer the US properly. This may be along way off but this is the fear that's behind not wanting China to surpass the US economically.

China is a cancer.

China has enemies around it with India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and so on. And it hates Japan with a passion. If it can get rid of even one country without blood on its sword, it might.

China is powerful.

China isn't even a friend to the east. At least that's the impression I get from my Korean, Thai, Viet, and Japanese friends.

jeez, i don't know who is worse: apologists for japan, or apologists for china.

the hilarious thing is the aforementioned two groups are vehemently anti-each-other.

GUESS WHAT. east asian interests don't align with your western ones.

China is not our friend.

China is not our friend.

China is not our friend... I hope that by repeating this often enough and loud enough that peoples, politicians, and companies will get the hint.

Government sponsored, or not, it doesn't matter. The anti-world behavior exhibited by China and its populace clearly shows they are not a friend to anyone by themselves.

Trade with China should be reconsidered on a global scale.

China is becoming expansionist. What China does not have though, is many allies.

I find it strange China isn't in this list.

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