Hey now, as a Don't-Take-Myself-Too Serious Moderately-Well-Paid UX Professional much of my job is trying to get sites to something as simple as this one.
I would do something about some of the text contrast here though. Maybe an additional form of feedback when editing a comment as well.
All it would really take IMO is picking a nice colour for the links to give the site some kind of recognisable brand/theme/personality. Perhaps move the other text away from pure black to decrease the contrast slightly.
I like the redesign however it has some slight readability issues.
1. By reducing the contrast of the text font the text becomes harder to read.
2. BY selecting a font with a narrow text-width the text becomes more difficult to read.
Suggested Improvements:
Use a darker font for post names.
Use either a dark font or a dark background to create contrast for items on the menu above.
However, I approve of the emphasis placed on the post's author and number of comments. In fact if it was your design plus the minor additions I would gladly use it via some add-on like Stylish.
That's not a bad solution. But doing things like that should be a last resort. It's just really easy to change the styles on your website to make it more readable. So I'll see if it gets changed. Maybe there's good reason to keep it this way that I'm not seeing?
First, the comment's points are important and right now are hard to read/notice.
Second, I'm not a designer, but I've always heard you shouldn't use black typo on white background as it's a little bit to hard contrast, it's better to use a (very) dark grey on the type.
Oh yeah, I see. I think I'm going to try and implement a low contrast theme, with grey links and easier to read text. Thanks for the link, I'll have a look at it!
I would do something about some of the text contrast here though. Maybe an additional form of feedback when editing a comment as well.