> the fleet size increases and becomes a more valuable hacking target.
Tesla has a (IMO rediculous) high market cap and stock value. A severe hack could affect that, which, combined with a short position, would allow attackers to make a large amount of money.
What I'm saying is: Tesla already is a valuable hacking target.
This is nuts. And tbqh hard to believe. Part of me thinks the lack of mechanic knowledge around Teslas make it really easy to exploit owners. With most other vehicles, you can usually cross check with other mechanics
Sorry, this is just absurd. Tesla is the only company designing for massive scale and ruthless simplification from the start. Their entire DNA is based on YAGNI.
Every other legacy automaker is pinned between their dealerships, their dependence on consumer debt, their own massive debt, and the fact that they'll need to cannibalize existing business to pivot to EVs.
No other company owns their own destiny by being more in control of their supply chain than Tesla.
> I’ve talked to multiple Tesla owners (despite being a group I actively try to avoid)
This would be impossible in California; perfectly normal people who don't particularly like Elon Musk own Teslas here.
> Everyone else will flatten Tesla because ultimately the premise that people want this much computer in their car is flawed for the vast vast vast majority of people.
Unfortunately, all the other carmakers seem to be putting a bunch of software and spyware in their cars as well. :/
Seems pretty hard to get a decent, working, analog car these days.
> If you buy a conventional car, your interaction with the people who made it has ended. With Tesla, that interaction has only just begun.
There's something unnerving about this. Your car has access to so much information about you. Where you go, where you work, what stores you like to shop at, and what restaurants you like. To me, a car is a tool. When I purchase a car, I'm purchasing The engine, the wheels, and the right to use the software running behind the scenes. I couldn't care less about forging a one sided, Orwellian relationship with a large company. Even if that company is freakishly awesome.
> Sensanionalist article. So Tesla makes sure to manually fix flaws in the parts of cars that are manufactured before using them. Sounds like every manufacturing line ever.
> Part of me thinks the lack of mechanic knowledge around Teslas make it really easy to exploit owners.
This has nothing to do with Tesla or mechanic knowledge, as actual mechanics working on non-Teslas routinely scam owners. Scumbags are just always going to exploit people without knowledge.
I've got a news flash for you my friend: everything is basically hacked together.