I think this would be one of the few cases to list video games on a college/job application. I'll be honest that I didn't watch all 10 minutes, but it seems like he's using some complex methods, especially for a 16 year old. Props to him, one hell of a hacker!
He applies next round and gets an interview. He surreptitiously brings a boom box. When asked what it’s for, he says “please, hold your questions till the end of the interview”. After all of the questions have been asked and answered, he slams play and rips off his shirt to reveal that he’s been covered in strawberry Pop-Tarts and rainbow Spandex the whole time.
Verily, this is the hacker equivalent of professionalism.
Oh... my bad. The two sentences above the "Real hacker" statement were my favorite parts of the article. It has no relation to him being a hacker. Sorry for the confusion.
Calling this guy a hacker is a joke... as is this whole story. He is a scammer who got famous for accessing phone numbers of authorities using tricks he learned while scamming bank clients.
This guy is an idiot who will soon be working at a non-accredited university. Nice little publicity stunt for his non-credentials. White hat hacking is a myth and an ego-booster for guys with no balls.