Found this on CBS news. "Al Hakam Ralial, admits he hacked the IT system of the billboard operator but claims that the broadcast of the porn movie was accidental." Now we have two "how did this happen?" questions.
It's funny they go on to speculate whether he worked alone or not. If creds show up on a billboard broadcast to the general public, I doubt he needed to call in a favor from the Dark Army to pull this caper off.
Look at the picture. The billboard is reflecting just a part of some bigger desktop. It can be that some real user who used that desktop got careless, moving some opened notepad file with the login details to that area. Even if it wasn't too long, enough for that "hacker" to make a photo with his phone.
Then the "hacker" later logged in himself, and also, being presented with the full desktop (over the VNC, probably?) but not seeing that part of what he does is also continuously reflected on the billboard, but seeing that he has full internet access (or maybe just the access to the local mp4?) carelessly clicks and watches. There's Chrome bar on the billboard, again just a part of the desktop. And he watches more. And doesn't get it at all what he's doing all that time: according to some reports, it lasted 20 minutes(!) until the power was cut to the billboard. Of course, a lot of photos with the phones again.
If you hacked a billboard in the US and displayed a porn movie, you would be in some serious shit. Not only is hacking a federal crime, the RIAA and their ilk would also do their best to nail your ass to the wall (no pun intended) for broadcasting without permission.
Does someone here own this site or something? It's simply a WP blog with a .net and a sweary name that copies/scrapes and reposts articles (and images) from other sources.
This one for example is a direct copy from the Independent, down to the bold text and blockquote:
How did that even happen?