It's a reasonable question; I don't know the answer. It might require damaging the device too much to return it to the consumer at that point? Or maybe they can't due to contractual reasons? It might be worth asking them on Reddit.
Because the seller(in this case, the manufacturer of the device, as the carrier will be their customer) is required to repair a faulty device. They can't provide this service conditionally.
Even if it had functioning warranty, it would cost me at least half of the original price to post the item to them for repairs (it's halfway across the world). That's not a win, really.
> It'll fail in 3 weeks, there will be no way to get it returned or repaired, the company won't exist, and the product listing will be gone next time you come back to it.
We're talking about Amazon though right? You can definitely return that, that's even inside the official return window (one month).
Yes, you may repair it if you want, that's never been the issue. But then don't come back asking for free service or free replacement parts when you can't fix it or when it breaks next time.
The manufacturer has no moral or other obligation to provide help, info or assistance beyond conditions under which I've sold the device or equipment. If you don't like a deal, find yourself a better one.
If I’m spending thousands of dollars on these devices, I expect them to not screw up something like that.
It would not be the first time someone sends a device for RMA to be told it’s out of warranty because it has been tampered, when in reality it was a manufacturing mistake.
He made the decision to buy one that works, if there's a flaw it's perfectly reasonable to be reimbursed.
Most countries also have laws to give consumers a time period where they can return whatever they bought, no questions asked (as long as the product is in good condition)
> "Any Nexus device can be reflashed to a custom Android build for example. Of course you void your warranty that way."
Maybe in the USA you do (I'm not sure about consumer protection law there), but in the EU you certainly don't. The law states clearly that: It's up to the manufacturer to prove that the unintended software modification caused the hardware problem.
So, if your software modification doesn't pose any problem, or even in the case it does, if it doesn't affect the part of the device you are asking to repair under warranty, then the manufacturer has to make the repair under warranty.
It seems totally reasonable for 3rd party repair to void warranties. 3rd party repair will be of varying quality and it doesn’t seem logical to make the vendor liable.
I would count software problems as manufacturing defects, but I'm no lawyer. I wonder if anybody tried getting their old hardware replaced for free after discovering a software problem.