Not to worry, you can still search google/etc., which scrapes Reddit, or Reddit itself through its native search. No need to use an API explicitly to access content like that.
Not particularly. The one thing that helps but most people don't know about reddit is the fact that adding a .json to the end of each url displays the content of that page in json format.
for example:
This make crawling/fetching content from reddit much more trivial than old school web crawling.
They are fine with it as long as you abide to their terms, they have a subreddit dedicated to reddit development and the reddit api which has discussion of scraping:
There's an open-source Reddit client out there, if yc provided some kind of API (you don't want to do page scraping on the iphone) it would probably be pretty easy to adapt it.
I built -- It uses the pushshift API for the back-end. It was thrown together and barely works but hey, I'm just one guy maintaining this as a labor of love. :)
It's supported through their api.