No, but exploiting the language of rights that fascists don't believe but the wider society does in to advance their interests is a common (but not at all unique to them) tactic of fascists.
At this point people throw around the word fascist at the drop of a hat. Commonly used these days to mean using violence to suppress, intimidate and silence. I'm sure there was a more nuanced historical meaning once but that is being lost.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Fascists have been acting as agents provocateur for years, infiltrating non-violent leftist demonstrations and turning them violent to justify police violence against unarmed protesters.
Fairly sure you just described a honey pot. It's often times fake petitions and email groups, but this is a common tactic among anti-fascists (and fascists too for that matter). Removing the element of anonymity of your opponent is a hugely powerful weapon.
Using violence to coerce people is fascism. How a violent activist group can claim to be anti-fascist is beyond me. They have become the thing they claim to hate.
You are enabling a fascist government. You are complicit.
This is the strategy to vilify any movements from the people: focus on how they are acting violent, when this violence is very well in proportion to the enemy’s first move.
This is just Propoganda 101. Call yourself anti-fascist on TV for decade enough times and then you can go indiscriminately kill everyone you call fascist.
Huge opportunity here to censor your disfavored groups by calling them fascist, which has, in recent times, evolved from being a political science term, to being a very broad type of insult/accusation usable against almost anyone you don’t like.