I really can't wait to use the IRB Autocomplete feature. Aside from the obvious advantage of tabbing (convenience, fewer typos etc), it's a subtle way to improve discoverability of available methods. Very cool.
I mean I would take AI autocomplete in the style of copilot. That feels conversational enough already, it would be even better if it’s optimised for prose instead of code. The MS word autocomplete is getting pretty good and I would love more of it personally.
I’m a strong coder. AI assistants can effectively be considered a really smart autocomplete. It simply saves time to insert the characters I was going to type anyway. If it suggests something other than what I want, I just simply don’t press tab.
I seem to recall something similar which does pattern matching comparing the code that you're typing with a database of code in accepted stackoverflow answers and gives "smart autocomplete". Not sure how I stand on the overall impact of such a thing but technically it was cool. :)