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Way to go with the attempt at obfuscation, but China is actively engaged in imperial encroachment on Taiwan, abused Hong Kong and is suppressing any and all dissent, and are imprisoning people based on ethnicity and religion in concentration camps. They also threatened Japan with nuclear first strike just in the last 96 hours.

The Africa situation, the spread of misinformation and obstruction with regards to covid, and the endless parade of human rights abuses in their manufacturing infrastructure are also front and center in the world's eyes.

By all means, though, continue with your narrative. Obviously China is just a force for good in the world, and is just misunderstood because of all that nasty CIA propaganda.

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China basically is occupying a foreign country that they annexed 50 years ago and is now subjugating its conquered people to literal fascism. Where is the West's denunciation?

And not to pile on, but, what can you even criticize China over? They are very much a real super power now, they get away with stuff in the same fashion as America. Jail their civilians in camps, threaten Hong Kong, steal foreign intellectual property, and now possibly mishandle the onset of a pandemic.

All very difficult stuff to get international accountability on, they’ve really joined the super power ‘I-do-whatever-I-want’ club nicely.

From my non-US perspective, this kind of views that China has somehow done something to disrupt world order look like obvious delusions, and I don't understand why they seem to be believed in America.

Sure, China is authoritarian. But it has always been. And it has never promised otherwise. Maybe some naive neoliberals expected it to become democratic due to some magical thinking that trade brings democracy, but as far as I know this is just Western imagination at work, not anything that China ever vowed to do, so why is China acting coherently with its decades-long policy is suddenly seen in America as some sort of treason?

And then, there is the military aspect... and sure, China is warlike, threatens Taiwan, etc., but is anyone going to seriously defend that the US is less warlike than China? Come on.

The only real explanation seems to be that China has lately been successful in becoming more powerful (the goal of any country) and the US isn't taking that well at all, the rest looks like blatant propaganda.

China is a threat to the world. They have North Korea in their back pocket, they put their own citizens into concentration camps and are rapidly on the move to expand their territory. We can also mention being the biggest threat to the environment, spying, Covid and a lot more. the bottom line is that something needs to be done.

The problem with China is that while 'protecting' themselves from 'evil West' they keep doing to other countries (in Africa and Asia) the same things they are protecting themselves from.

interesting article - until it gets to the "USA is the good guy (pacifying the world... yeah) and China is the bad guy" act.

What exactly is wrong with considering China as the enemy? China is a genocidal, totalitarian state that actively tramples over human rights. IMO it is the closest thing to pure evil in this world next to the DPRK.

China is involved in no less than 18 different border disputes. Is encroaching on India territory. Bribed Solomon Island government to switch. Refuses to abide by the law of the seas. Is debt trapping nations in Africa and claiming they aren’t because they don’t directly take control of the projects and instead have Chinese businesses but large portions of ports and natural resources. Abusing trade agreements. Treating everyone under the sun. Lied about covid. Tried to cover it up. Spreading propaganda about how it started everywhere other than China. Holding Canada citizens hostage. Persecuting races and religions and ethic minorities. Destroying religious buildings under the guise of “illegal structures”. Building wind and solar farms on land stolen from farmers.

List could go on forever.

China has an authoritarian government that

* is ruled by a secretive group of old men [1]

* produces pollution that threatens the entire world [2]

* uses the great firewall to attack tech companies in other countries like github [3]

* ignores human rights and free speech [4]

* creates artificial military island near neighboring countries [5]

* supports dictators in Russia and Africa [6]

* and prints up to 282% of GDP [7] in order to buy their way into other countries real estate and companies.

If China gets anymore powerful, the world is doomed. We need to curb commerce with China.

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13904443

[2] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/02/08/reference/chines...

[3] https://citizenlab.org/2015/04/chinas-great-cannon/

[4] http://www.theguardian.com/news/2014/dec/04/-sp-case-against...

[5] http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2015/06/26/philipp...

[6] http://thediplomat.com/2014/03/china-backs-russia-on-ukraine...

[7] http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/02/11/c...

Nobody is blockading China. Nobody would dare. Biden just said he's fine with slavery in China, he won't so much as voice a negative opinion about their human rights atrocities. The Europeans aren't much better. Absolutely nobody is blockading them. The Saudis and Russians will sell China all the oil it cares to buy, and the Russians can deliver it via pipeline trivially.

Besides that, they're not going to need most of that oil in ~20 years.

Quick question: what has happened to China as a result of what they did regarding the pandemic? Millions of people just died, along tens of trillions of dollars in economic destruction. They lied about the pandemic, they hid the outbreak as long as they could, they're still hiding information about its origin and the early days. Barely anyone even cares to dispute that, they all just shrug about it. Where are the sanctions? Where's the blockade? Right. Nobody dares. Barely so much as a squeak in their direction. If I'm China I'm starting to ask: well then, what else can I get away with so easily?

Let's see here. They don't care when I enslave 500,000 people to pick cotton. They don't care when I commit cultural genocide and put millions of people in camps. They don't care when I violate prominent international agreements at will and strip Hong Kong of all of its rights. They don't care when I support a military dictatorship and coup in Myanmar. They don't care when I prop up and enable a crazy nuclear dictatorship in North Korea. They don't care when I destroy Tibet and culturally strip the entire nation. They don't care when I annex territory the size of France - from numerous of my neighbors - in the South China Sea by military force. And so on. (and before anyone bothers, that I pointed out these facts about China doesn't simultaneously imply the US is The Good Guy, I'll save someone that logic failure)

But oh boy, the world is suddenly going to care about Taiwan as China begins their annexation formally. The buck stops there, no doubt about it. Un huh.

Before another 10-15 years goes by they're going to have the world's most powerful military overall (they'll still lag in tech in some areas). It's exceptionally obvious. The US can't afford to continue its global projection, it's rapidly weakening (courtesy of the extraordinarily stupid decisions it has made fiscally over the past 20 years), and China is just beginning its global projection phase; one will contract, one will de facto conquer the world. The pandemic helped tip the US over fiscally into a more rapid downward spiral, it pulled that future forward by a lot.

Have you seen China's export machine during the pandemic? They took market share. They've become far more potent economically while their competitors have been severely weakened. As a future bet, who's taking Boeing versus China at this point? Intel & Co. vs China's future in semiconductors? The US is in a very bad position.

Within that 15 year span of time China will be sailing aircraft carriers past Hawaii and off the Pacific US coast, as a show of force, which the US will be entirely unable to stop.

I've rarely seen anything more obvious geo-politically than what is about to happen regarding China. Asia is theirs, absolutely nothing can stop that outcome. They'll even compete toe-to-toe in Latin America for influence, right in the US backyard (as we have been doing in their backyard for so long). The best the US and its allies can hope for is to hold some political & economic ground in Asia and not be entirely neutralized in the region.

The age of the American superpower is over. Act accordingly. The only thing the US is good for now is resource - wealth - extraction, while it lasts (debased by the minute). Then, afterward, get out while you can. Go somewhere nicer, somewhere sane, somewhere with a functional government, a decent culture, a future of prosperity and reason - that isn't the future of the US.

China is an evil empire.

China is acting like that global villainy country now. They problems with all it's neighbors, well even with a country which is separated by 100kms by sea (AUS). They're quite intelligently meddling in Nepal govt. to threaten India, at the same time taking over villages of Nepal. .They have problems with Mongols, Muslims, Tibetans, Hong Kong. All while actively debt trapping poor nations. They foul cry when a nation blocks chinese tech, but every foreign tech is pretty much banned in entire China!

I don't see any end to this. In the current COVID situation, not even a group of nations could stand up to china's domination. Maybe it's just too late to take any action. They're playing dirty, so ideally we should to. But could we? I doubt. They're lobbying power is way too tremendous. At least my country, no leader has a spine to stand up.

Watching James Bond this weekend made me sad. No mention of China at all, as the cause of many geopolitical crisis around the world, as well as the source of atrocious acts against muslims (go check out cnn's china whistlerblower interview recently that detailed the hanging of uighurs and raping of them). If you want a super evil villain, look no further than Xi Jing ping and the CCP, who has threatened literally most democracies (nuke Australia/Japan, conquer Taiwan), sent pirate ships to plunder all sealives around the world, continue to build up coal power plants to increase global warming, and let's not forget COVID.

Also, let's not forget CCP is the reason why North Korea still exists and why Vietnam is still a communist country.

China is a totalitarian regime quickly turning the entire world, not just the US, into its enemy. The relationship is whatever China makes it to be.

The China mentioned in the article is not China, actually it is the China belong to Communist Party of China. It will be the enemy and virus of the world until Communist Party of China step down.

China is the adversary of the free world.

I find it funny how much we in the west demonize China while we have attacked them, colonized them, consistently tampered with them, didn't recognize the PRC till the late 70s.

China has never laid a finger on the west, we did, yet we keep demonizing them, meddling in their own business (HK, e.g.) all while we fight wars all around the globe, spy everyone and overthrow governments left and right.

And this is why China is hated passionately in the West. Because it is the only credible potential deterrence in the future against the West doing whatever they want on whomever the want (outside their territories that is). It is of course possible that China itself will turn into another hegemonic military power with scant regard for non-Chinese lives the way the US has been for decades, but nevertheless in a multi-polar world it will be more problematic to simply invade whichever country you wish, when other significant powers have economic/geopolitical interests in those countries.

The false dichotomy of comparing the “evils” of USA whenever horrifying news comes out of China is worrying. Stretched to the extreme it’s the equivalent of bringing up Obama droning killing innocents when comparing The Nazis and Hitler. Our minds conflate the 2 things as bad and we compartmentalize them as such together.

There is a world of difference between the 2. Imagine if the world order was not created by US and instead China, things would be 10000x worse. When you are the sole superpower, other countries would abuse that privilege to benefit themselves a thousand fold more than the US does. We didn’t think about China as a serious threat 10 years ago because they were poor and not powerful yet the barbarity was worse then. It’s just more pronounced now because they have more power.

The same is true for all countries going to the world stage. Nigeria doesn’t seem like a threat now but in 50 years when it’s more population than the US the racism and backwards beliefs will result in terrible world crimes. The same can be said of Vietnam, and India too. (I am Indian). If these countries get as powerful as China you’ll see them expanding military, bullying neighbors, petty tribalism stuff.

It seems nationalist but I agree with trump to bring our economic industries home. Improve quality of life in these countries and improve human rights, wealth etc. but not to the degree where they are untouchable militarily and economically. Because China is not the worst to come, they are not even close. We don’t think of Vietnam and others as a threat but their tribalism runs deep as well. It takes 1 nationalist leader to increase the pace but when they have power like China almost everyone will abuse it.


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