"Un an après son lancement, 16 381 dossiers ont été déposés en préfecture sur l’ensemble du territoire français et 12 012 étrangers sont devenus Français"
from the first link in the article:
> 1. I find it extremely hard to believe that France has a 0.39% fraud rate
I share your doubts... I suspect that there is an error in the article as the document (from French gov, in French) it links to mentions numbers that are much higher, 3.5+% and up to 10% for specific things.
I like how you distinguish between the people who are eligible and the people who have applied, because some eligible people do not know they are and therefore do not apply.
It is brought up in the press [1] from time to time, and the percentage in France is somewhere between 40% and 50% of the eligible people, which is huge!
Having kids and retiring usually do not happen at the same time.
>a few of my friends, who were settling in France for personal reasons
So they're not French. Your first comment is definitely wrong then.
I believe they were referencing the circulaire Guéant[0], which comes from the previous government, wronged many skilled workers & French companies as well -- it sets a 'national preference' for hiring.
>We can't legally compile ethnics statistics in France
This is bullshit, because even if France made it illegal (it's obviously not) other groups would definitely still do it. France is still 86% white people, mostly french. Nobody is being replaced anywhere, because immigration is tiny everywhere.
Maybe there's still more christians in France, but certainly not twice less muslims than jews, France have 2 200 mosques and 500 synagogues (2019), so, go ahead and find another explanation :/
> Have a great rest of your day.
The day is not over, but so far my daughter is safe, let's see how's life for my people (whom you obviously don't love) today:
> I wish you to become less hateful in the future and to start loving all humans <3
I've been saying exactly the same thing for 15 years, anyway, you're saying that I'm hateful but you don't have any argument to back it up, you're just defaming me because your arguments aren't worth anything.
I haven't done anything, I only have love for my people who are victims here, I wish one day you love the victims who haven't done anything neither because so far you're just closing your eyes and not giving a fuck.
> you are not going to make me become racist or xenophobic, so we are just losing time and energy :)
I'm french from north africa so you're not playing that card with me, and I know what's coming to you, and you have no idea. It's not about being racist because it's not about race, it's about culture, it's about protecting our people, our children, which you obviously hate.
Anyway, one day it'll be your turn too, or the turn of someone you love, then we'll talk again, and then maybe, like me, you'll be ashamed of having closed your eyes for so long.
America has great immigration standards, in France we have absolutely none, we even pay them even if they enter our territory illegally, it's insane.
Americans reading this, come spend some time to visit paris and we'll see if you think it's become a shithole or if it's still what it used to be like, keep in mind murder attempts have tripled in the past 10 years, this is called an explosion of criminality. But some people like this guy are too rich to see it, I guess there are still some people who haven't any victim in their circle, but that's definitely not going to last, criminality is rising everywhere in France as they are spreading immigrants including illegals which France doesn't throw out anymore, no matter if they were leading genocides in rwanda (see other comment) or whatnot
> This is because wealthy French people moved to Brussels, where you still have a pretty nice city and you can still speak French
Meh, as a French person, the number of people who did this is pretty low. People hid their assets sure, but the FTB is a bit better at this than the fisc is ;-)
TFDR (Too French, didn't read): Basically, across all media, including the "Figaro" (notorious right-wing paper who often push for privatization), this isn't going that well.
Nit, just for the record, the article is in German, not French. But of course the error is perfectly understandable if the posters above are from non-European-language speaking countries.
"Un an après son lancement, 16 381 dossiers ont été déposés en préfecture sur l’ensemble du territoire français et 12 012 étrangers sont devenus Français" from the first link in the article: