Ah I see the plan here: Twitter knows their platform is a cesspool of abuse and harassment, but instead of fixing it they're pulling the rest of the internet down to their level so they stand out less!
I notice you talk about gamergate alot, but have you dealt with anti-vaxxers,militant atheists/christians/muslims, or justin bieber/one direction/ taylor swift fans?
One wrong comment might get you targeted by the crazy amount of subgroups on twitter who do harass and bully people.
I actually don't use twitter, because it's too easy to get harassed by so many different groups who will bully you over tons of things.
I think twitter on the whole, is great study of human tribal behavior. The 140 characters, lack of context,followers, everything about the very core of twitter enables narcissism ,in-group/out-grouping, and abuse. I think its time twitter goes away.
If only Twitter were merely an insubstantial epiphenomenon lacking influence on the real world, but unfortunately, people can use Twitter as a tool to destroy those who offend them.
Dunno who you followed, but my little corner of twitter is not gross at all. A lot of smart people, doing cool things, and linking to interesting stuff.
AFAIK you can't curate stuff in 4chan by following/muting/blocking, so it's more like reddit or HN than twitter.
A reasonable person could make the argument that there is a way to use Twitter without engaging with the worst of the internet, but the replies to that tweet are pretty gross, and the new owner of Twitter seems to think that's delightful.