> Yes, but you started off talking about crypto so that's what I'm going to address...
I didn't talk about crypto at all, and I don't see any connection whatsoever to this subject. Admittedly, even my comment was off-topic. Now it really goes way off.
I apologize. That reply was to a person who mentioned non-fungible tokens, a cryptocurrency thing I really don't like. It got me into an emotional state and I said something that in retrospect was excessive. For that I am sorry.
My criticism on the original comment is not about his take on crypto, it is about taking that stance about quite literally anything.
If one refuses to argue because they believe the other side is irrational, then abstain for conversation instead of just name-calling/shitting on the thing on a public forum. This is somewhat equivalent to posting some egregious opinion and then saying "don't @ me".
I dunno, I'm no cryptocurrency fan, but this style of sarcastic writing just rubs me the wrong way.
I absolutely think we should try to convince people to stop this kind of wasteful work, but belittling someone like this isn't likely to change their mind.
You’re welcome to point out the conflict, but please drop the snark: “But of course that is not relevant to the discussion, because crypto users are evil vampires sucking away the life force of the world.”
Now they have turned to acting like you aren’t genuine in their next reply, haha. When they actually tried to pull a “I don’t know if I’m a crypto proponent”
In what way does 'oh you hate crypto? what about airplanes?' add something valuable to this conversation? I'd rather have something concrete I can point to explaining my sentiment rather than simply being rude about it.
That has nothing to do with my point, which is that by no reasonable standard, can the people producing/buying/selling NFTs be singled out as "evil" for contributing to global warming.
You're obviously getting overly emotional, and throwing whatever you can at the people involved in cryptocurrency ("they're evil for using energy") to see what sticks.
I reiterate, it's a reckless and disingenuous way to conduct oneself, regardless of whether the underlying grievances motivating the hostility have merit.
It's like I'm talking to a child when I talk to you. I wouldn't bother if you didn't constantly pop up to derail conversations about crypto with your "crypto should stay hard" attitude. I suspect you want crypto to remain impossible to get right just so you can continue to stay relevant.
The rest of my comment frankly wasn't for you, it's for the folks reading what you write and blindly accepting it. At least now they can see how petulant you can be when facing differing points of view.
Nope, I'm suggesting that a negative and hostile attitude, like the one exhibited towards the CryptoCat team by tptacek and others is not healthy to the industry.