You're picking other excuses for shilling cryptocurrency to detract from the hard cold sociopathic fact that you don't give a flying fuck about the environment or public health.
Given that the biggest threat humanity faces is climate change, support for crypto currencies in their current form is morally corrupt. Also I don’t see a reason why I should buy into some scheme that disproportionately benefits early adopters. I’m already forced to participate in one tilted economic playing field, why expose myself to another one.
Given the long and blemished history of failure, grifts and outright lies coming out of the cryptocurrency community, that is a ridiculous position.
Please stop wasting your time trying to defend cryptocurrency. At this point nothing you say will be believe because cryptocurrency bros have a long history of hype that goes nowhere. If you want to show the world that cryptocurrency is useful, go figure out a way to make it useful that doesn't involve breaking laws or wouldn't be better solved by using a DB instead of the block chain.
I dunno, I'm no cryptocurrency fan, but this style of sarcastic writing just rubs me the wrong way.
I absolutely think we should try to convince people to stop this kind of wasteful work, but belittling someone like this isn't likely to change their mind.
We get it- Hacker News is rabidly, irrationally anti-cryptocurrency. Which is ridiculous, considering most people here 1) Create or participate in online spaces and 2) Wish to monetize their services in ways that don’t necessarily involve advertising. You don’t think peer-to-peer micro transactions are going to transform your work in a fundamental way? Then I’m sorry, but you lack imagination.
Up front: I hate crypto. I think it is stupid and any use case it has can be solved much more efficiently with existing tools.
To me this blog reads like post-breakup copium. Dude just spent two years of his life and who knows how much money trying to find a market, only to realize there isn’t one. But he is sure someone else will find it! The technology is good!
No it isn’t. And no they won’t. Admit when you are wrong and serve as a lesson to others.
“We?” I made plenty of money off cryptocurrency, and I certainly don’t support this stance. I will never understand why such blatant toxicity is considered acceptable in many corners of the cryptocurrency industry.