“We?” I made plenty of money off cryptocurrency, and I certainly don’t support this stance. I will never understand why such blatant toxicity is considered acceptable in many corners of the cryptocurrency industry.
You certainly are dividing the world into us vs them and trying to fit me into a box because I dared disagree. That's exactly the intolerance I was talking about.
I don't really care about the details: I do not trust anyone who works with cryptocurrency. I don't care how close you were with them, I simply do not trust them and I will not work with them. I will support the denouncement their work. Cryptocurrency is a disease, and I hold those who proliferate it personally responsible.
I do, however, credit the author for denouncing it even after being involved with something similar in the past. That's called personal growth. I won't hold a grudge against your colleagues if they choose a similar path for themselves.
Nope, I'm suggesting that a negative and hostile attitude, like the one exhibited towards the CryptoCat team by tptacek and others is not healthy to the industry.
I have said this before and was heavily downvoted.
If you don't agree with the counterargument of the parent, the simplest way to speak out against cryptocurrency is to stop using the word "invest" and substitute it with "gamble" or "gamble with whales".
I dunno, I'm no cryptocurrency fan, but this style of sarcastic writing just rubs me the wrong way.
I absolutely think we should try to convince people to stop this kind of wasteful work, but belittling someone like this isn't likely to change their mind.
Edit: And I say this as someone who's pretty much, "fuck crypto". OP said they're from a third world country and were vague with what they purchased and, especially, why. Yet you've painted them as an absolutely disgusting individual. Geez.
You can check my comment history, I have never purchased a cryptocurrency in my life and have been loudly critical of it since the first mainstream mania in 2017.
However, I do not believe banks, which we allow to exist, should be allowed to become non-elected dictators, blocking fully legal transactions based on whatever the media mood of the day is.
I do have an intense hate of crypto. Not sure why you want to ignore tulips — speculative financial instruments seem like a very valuable comparison to crypto… For my part, I object to (a) the sheer narcissism of the crypto community, which claims crypto is better but fails to address the basic use cases needed to gain any practical traction in the real world (fast transactions, insured deposits), and (b) the way that crypto is hyped and ends up with normal people being taken advantage of (celebrity endorsements then a crash, NFTs).
Crypto doesn’t seem to solve any problem, but it sure has contributed to fucking over a lot of regular people
There are ways of expressing disagreement which are toxic, and there are ways of expressing disagreement which are not toxic. She has observed is that many anti-crypto people have been expressing their disagreement in toxic ways, and feeling justified in doing so. She is discouraging the first while encouraging the second.
If you'd spent any effort trying to understand what she or I were saying, you'd know that. It seems rather that you'd rather fight against imaginary arguments from your own head, which is far more troubling.