I think the money comes from the same budget, and it's both cases infrastructure. At the end of the day you don't need that much expertise to allocate funds, it's more about politics.
America's infrastructure is being funded just fine. The numbers are coming down and have been doing so since their peaks in the 90s, an example are bridges are now half their number from before. However the Federal government cannot do all the required work on bridges or even roads as it does not have dominion over them.
What that means is that in many areas, same as with water distribution, this is wholly managed and supported by local authorities. This can be city, county, or even state level.
Kinda off topic but when I see how much politicians are struggling with infrastructure for years and finally now there is a bill with the $1B bill in infrastructure (and in reality it’s $500M in new investment). But at the same time we see so many agencies spending billions here and there... I think some process of how the gov works should be rethought. And how budgeting works too.
This is of course the big issue with infrastructure. The problem isn't the people doing the work, the problem is that they need to get paid for doing the work. Funding infrastructure is a political decision.
If what you say is true, theb why build it at all? Why spend money when existing infrastructure if government can already do it? Neither answer results in happy conclusions.