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The US suffered around 58k casualties during the Vietnam war. Nearly as many people domestically are dying each year from opioid overdoses. In 2017, that number was 47k. Now compare and contrast this with 9/11, which killed roughly 3k. If you believe the government's bald faced lies, that should be a great enough loss of life to spur them into action. Yet there's nothing substantial being done to fix this. Keep in mind here that 9/11 is supposedly what got us the Patriot Act and legalized sexual assault in airports.

So not only am I saying the US government doesn't care about civilian mistreatment, they actively encourage it by turning a blind eye to corporate greed. North Korea does bad things, but it doesn't matter because nobody talking about is actually willing to help those people. So they're just pawns for you to signal about. No policy is impacted it whatsoever.

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The US isn't concerned with civilian casualties. Of course, it wouldn't go out of its way to inflict them, but it simply pays no regard to them, no matter what their scale. Look at US actions in Laos, Cambodia, and Libya for direct instances of this, where hundreds of thousands of people were killed because of US actions.

you don't understand my point:

the US is the only country on earth that ever dropped nuclear weapons on civilians. US generals decided to kill civilians, in retaliation, to achieve pure terror.

the US lost 3.5k civilians on 9/11 and started 2 wars for it.

but all this mil-porn floats around, civilian armchair heroes debate death and destruction with zero empathy or connection to reality.

just utterly inhuman.

You totally ignore all the deaths of civilians caused by the US military and other actions.

I've traveled extensively in Indochina and met people who lost their entire family to those 'uninteresting connections'. I'd love to see if you have the courage to say that to them.

I think the tl;dr of the article was that American policy has resulted in the most civilian deaths since 1945. No global conspiracy needed. Those number are out there for anyone who cares enough to research them.

My problem is, folks such as yourself continue to discount the evil cost to humanity of ignorance of Americas recent multiple, heinous crimes against humanity, and folks such as yourself justify these evil acts endlessly, such that they continue unhindered by civilian oversight, in order to avoid the cold hard truth: the American people have the blood of millions of innocent people on their hands, today. Just as the German people did in 1945.

My problem with you specifically, is that you are doing this:

“People tend to turn away from disasters such as a war gone bad very quickly. They turn away because it bothers them morally, but also because the carnage challenges their strongly held self-perception that their country is a force for good in the world,” said Tirman. “In the face of something horrible, people are much more likely to become indifferent than they are to protest. Oftentimes it’s even easier to just blame the victims for causing their own suffering.”


Most of the civilian casualties aren't even documented in a war. If you think the military you support invades a country and only kills the bad guys, you are watching too many hollywood movies.

The US is directly and indirectly responsible for more civilian death than any other coutry since the cold war ended.

Basic human decency should be the answer to why you shouldn't help kill even more.

Imagine how many civilians the purveyors of 9/11 would’ve killed if the USA wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars on the military.

I would love you to find me a source for millions of non enemy combatant deaths directly caused by the US.

Notice that I never said that the US hasn't committed shameful human rights abuses. I'd be happy to discuss them. Most are taught in schools, like Kent State in which 4 students were killed. Do the Chinese teach about Tiananmen, where hundreds were killed?

If you seriously want to compare the US to one of the bloodiest nations in the history of the world, I'll take that comparison any day.

Let's just say the government is super evil and they covered up 99 deaths every 100 deaths for some reason, although we have no evidence that they did. They lost 50,000 people.

The US lost half a million.

Are you happy now?

No offense, but 9/11 is nothing compared to 50 thousands Afghan innocent civilians killed by US in response.

(Edit: please observe all the downvotes, implicitly claiming that lives of Americans are somehow more valuable.)

So roughly 100 were killed for every american dead in 9/11. Thas's a harsh punishment, US certainly doesn't know what mercy is . Edit: missed by two orders of magnitude. Still, a lot. Also: not a blame, just observations.

Yes, exactly. And this is, incidentally, why Americans are so afraid of looking at the statistics of their wars.

Because the very real evil of America's wars is obvious, in plain view, for all to see.

“People tend to turn away from disasters such as a war gone bad very quickly. They turn away because it bothers them morally, but also because the carnage challenges their strongly held self-perception that their country is a force for good in the world,” said Tirman. “In the face of something horrible, people are much more likely to become indifferent than they are to protest. Oftentimes it’s even easier to just blame the victims for causing their own suffering.”


This is so callous.

You're casually talking about the deaths of hundreds of thousands, maybe a million people.

_Of course_ your government cares. They _also_ care about needless death. They're trying to walk the tightrope.

If you want a look at a country that just goes: Eh, whatever - check out sweden, and the US.

Which have at least as much economic damage, if not far more.

I know we're talking about drone strikes, but we should always and forever note that the civilian casualties from the US' war on terror far outweighs [0] those who died from terrorism. Not to mention the US troops who died to make Iraqi oil available to US businesses, or who continue to die by suicide and social deaths related to their experiences in the war [1].

[0] https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/figures/2021/WarDeathTol...

[1] https://www.npr.org/2021/06/24/1009846329/military-suicides-...

Following this logic, all Americans who didn't protest it are guilty of the millions of civilian deaths caused in countries like Vietnam and Iraq.

> I would love you to find me a source for millions of non enemy combatant deaths directly caused by the US.

The US killed roughly 20% of the population of North Korea with direct targeted bombings of civilian centers and infrastructure.[1] They destroyed so much of the country that they ran out of targets. Civilian death estimates for North Korea alone start around 1.5 million.

"We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, someway or another, and some in South Korea too." — General Curtis LeMay

[1]: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-us-war-crime-nor...

The the US government allows these stats to be researched at all, much less put into writing. It's always been obvious the vast majority of deaths in US involvement overseas are innocents, including a lot of women and children. The 90% figure surprises me not at all.

Why does 9/11 matter so much but not the many far more horrible atrocities that the US regularly supports or commits (and that 9/11 was partly a response to). Clearly some lives are considered worth far more than others.

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