Honestly that's the only improvement I've really noticed and appreciated. They keyboard is noticeably far less usable (for me), I don't use Touch ID, and I would much prefer MagSafe, usb-a, and hdmi ports over usb-c. At least until I can throw out all these dongles and use usb-c directly with my iPhone.
Besides being 3 grams heavier, I am not sure what hardware improvements have been made to the 3G S to give it faster user experience. Does anyone have more information on this?
The camera improvements are really quite significant - I was carrying my iPhone 4S and iPhone 6, and the quality of pictures, color, focussing was very noticeably different between the two, not to mention the considerable speed improvements.
So basically better zoom, which is nice, and more snapchat filters.
Not seeing a reason to upgrade from the 6 yet (other than Apple gracing those of us who want to actually be able to hold their phones in 1 hand with OIS).
Noticed this as well. I could hear the feedback more than I could actually feel it. Though I wonder whether the experience is better on the 13” model???
All he said was that there is a higher learning curve to the bottom buttons and that purchasing apps was slightly more difficult. All of this was in self-contained in a single paragraph.
Yeah, that's what I was just looking at. Up to 2 more hours of battery life, TouchBar, and a [slightly?] better microphone is the only difference I can see. Not much price difference either.
I just upgraded from a KeyOne to a Key2 and it's better in just about every way. Twice the storage and RAM, faster CPU, dual camera, more spacious keyboard, cleaner design, more solid construction, and the fingerprint sensor is faster and works better with sweaty fingers (i.e. while running/exercising) than my work-issued iPhone 7.
The "more balanced processing" is still rather heavily sharpened and extremely noisy by my standards, so this all but confirms what I felt before about phone raws.
I just moved from the first generation to the third generation and I'm pretty happy with it. It's faster in every way, same great battery life and the screen is much nicer for reading. One unexpected benefit is that Siri's voice annotation works decently enough.
If $500 isn't hard for you to swallow I say you should get one.