CDNs caches will only be as legit as the customers using them. And since moderating content at scale is a hard problem, one cannot assume all CDN data is legit.
I wish I could find it, but I read an article a while ago that showed how CDN-cached stuff usually, well, isn't. At the very least it's not something to rely on when making decisions about payload size.
It kinda depends on statistics; I'd like to see some figures about CDN cache hits like that. I know the theory is sound, but I also gathered that one usually only gets 20% cache hits on websites with caching enabled. or something.
A sane CDN doesn't cache error responses. There is no legitimate reason to cache a non 2xx/3xx response, unless you / your CDN is really pinching pennies.
Caching a 5xx kinda makes sense I guess, but a 4xx client error? That's nuts.