They're pretty much at the point of flat out lying about things, like the prayer case. Sotomayor, in her dissent, included actual photographs of the coach huddling/praying with the whole team, which is quite coercive behavior. It wasn't a 'quiet prayer'.
Yes, I am surprised at how quiet they've been this week. Must've grown tired of having every new denial answered with a new document showing them to be lying again.
I wouldn't take their description of these events as gospel. They clearly use selective information disclosure to enhance their case. For example, they imply their investigative journalism led to Drell no longer being employed at Stanford. She is the Director of Stanford Linear Accelerator.
In short: this individual is not operating on level and is attempting to make stanford's administration look more evil than they actually are. The statements about lies are literally only believed by this one individual.
What I find odd isn't that they don't tell the truth. I never expected them to. That they didn't remain silent on the issue is odd though. What can denying possibly gain them at this point other than tanking their credibility?
lol. they just flat out lied about Roe and "settled law" during their interviews and you're standing up for them? Come on. They absolutely sold their soul to get on the bench, there's not a single doubt there. Except Thomas, he is just a plain old evil grumpy old man.
Yeah, right.
Like those liars didn’t say in their confirmation hearing that Roe vs Wade was an established precedent and wouldn’t be touched.
Either you are so gullible that you still believe them against all the evidence or you are in bad faith.
Tertium non datur.