If it's of any use: feel free to try it out on a Linux VM to see it's also the case, but the other day I helped a coworker set-up Nix on macOS and no daemon restart was necessary after enabling flakes.
I'd love to comment on the article other than it looking very thorough, but being a NixOS user means I'm cursed to not be able to tell what "obvious" thing you might have missed. What I can say is "congratulations on posting a beginner's course knowing full well you're cursed as well", and thanks for publishing your blog! I've found it to be a great resource multiple times.
I wrote a blog post on NixOS/home manager configurations with nix flakes. I make sure to link out to other resources for those who don’t have the whole background. See: https://jdisaacs.com/blog/nixos-config/
The Nix team, including the Nix author and chief developer of flakes (upstream in this thread, so be kind all), is also working right now on enabling the nix3 UI for non-flakes setups as well: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/2023-01-16-nix-team-meeting-mi...
Consensus is hard but I'm glad to see people coming together on this. Really looking forward to seeing the new Nix command and flakes move forward (independently)
> I’ve since given up using search.nixos.org and now just grep the nixpkgs repository.
I still use search.nixos.org as well, but this is the single biggest step anyone can take to massively level up with Nix. Nixpkgs is an incredibly valuable collection of examples, both of how to use Nix and of how to configure the upstream services that NixOS supports.
It might sound ugly, or overinvolved, or intimidating, but once you add the Nixpkgs codebase to your list of reference documents, many things become way faster and easier.
I've been smitten by NixOS ever since I first tried it 2 years ago. Its the first carefree experience I've had with my system. As a side note, this result includes first tiny contributions of mine!
That said, I really hope the community gets their stuff together on Flakes. They're designated as experimental and official document doesn't recommend them, but all the cool kids are already using them everywhere and it is fracturing the efforts and alienating newcomers.