> Musk's public response was “My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat, I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.”
It's worth noting that Musk's ex-wife, Justine, disputes this version of events.
Not even sure I fully trust Musk on this, after he lied about holding his child that died; when it turned out the mother did and it was SIDS related, he's got form on using his children to manipulate the outside world.
17 fatalities don't indicate that musk is a sociopath, but they certainly don't prove that musk cares about human life. They provide no useful information one way or the other.
This always was the case and there are zero recorded instances of such so no need to trot out this argument. Musk himself has Tweeted out the location of his child in real time.
But I expect there's something particularly poignant about the moment of death.
So to me, Musk's inaccuracy about that detail is very significant.