Relevant historical note: That's how Reddit started. In the beginning, it was just Reddit. Not much different from HN. Then they added subreddits, and what was reddit became /r/ until they closed it.
Nowadays the reddit engineers perverted the link system for old reddit users. New reddit users link to posts using a syntax that for old reddit users returns the submit a new post page.
Also, just to twist the knife further, old reddit users can't open full resolution images hosted on reddit anymore. Click a link and you get thrown to this url:
I'm not boycotting Reddit, but years ago I had to un-train my fingers from unconsciously going to Reddit, because the value had gotten so low (or, on the front page overrun by manipulators years ago, it had negative value).
The following Ublock Origin rules aren't perfect, but they mostly blocked the Reddit main page, which was what muscle memory would go to. While permitting search hits, links from HN, etc.