Women can more readily get attention, but not necessarily the kind of attention they want. Women also become emotionally invested in fictional characters or celebrities. Same, same, but different.
Women can more readily get the kind of attention they want, with minimal effort.
Getting emotionally invested in an AI seems to me like it would go hand in hand with giving up on human relationships. I'm pretty sure men are more likely to do that than women.
The studies that show that women are more inspired by other women also show that men are indifferent to the gender of the role-model. Not that these studies seem that convincing.
women are the top market for clickbait articles... wonder why they're more susceptible. Might be similar to why they're more obsessed on average with celebrity than their male counterparts.
I want to preface with ‘only in my experience’, ok?
Men are a distraction while trying to focus on work/studies. And they are constantly vying for attention too and it’s flattering.
From my perspective as female, it took a lot of my mental space and time to engage male attention. First we take a lot more time to groom ourselves. Physical attractiveness is time consuming for women(just trust me on this) and there is also competition amongst women ..but in a different way than how men compete with each other.
At the risk of generalizing, I would say that women/girls are more mental/emotional than men..these emotional space shares the same mental bandwidth as the focus and concentration required to do work at hand.
Again..I am generalizing and I want to say that this is my opinion only.. women need to learn how to compartmentalise their mental spaces. I would likely have several mental ‘rooms’...one for work..one for family..one for fun..one for men(or more depending on how many men catch my interest etc). The key is to manage traffic of thoughts and bandwidth to each of these rooms.
I won’t pretend to know how men think. (But would like to know more!), but my gut instinct suggests to me that men have different thought processes and mental modes than women.
Sex differences of this type can be seen as privilege, but, in the real world, women who show strong emotion are often described as being hysterical or with other negative terms and marginalized while men are described as driven go-getters for the same behavior, and rewarded.
you must be kidding then, women aren't less motivated by these things at all, women don't care about status?? cmon!, it's only the "common" or expected ways to achieve these things that differ between the sexes.. a lot of women acquire status trough their marriage, it is not as common the other way around.
Obviously women have agency; it just happens that they choose (in average) similar things. Like money (and fame). Men observe that and learn. And compete with other men to be chosen.
Edit: Ah, forget it. I don't think there's much point in my (second) comment; we're basically saying the same thing with slightly different words.
How a person perceives themselves, and how other people perceive them, those can be two quite different things. I agree that women are more qualified to talk about the former, but the latter is also interesting.
You can't be serious about thinking there's little difference between what men and women are interested in.
I don't know very many men with a strong passion for clothing, fashion, shopping, etc. Maybe 5% of the guys I know are passionate about those things. About 95% of the women I know are.
Sports. I really don't need to explain this one. If you've dated more than a few women, you'd find most of them have a relatively low interest in watching sports on TV. They'd rather be watching True Blood, or Gossip Girl.
Babies. My Facebook feed is non-stop overwhelmed with women posting endless parades of baby related content. Babies, babies, babies, all the time. This is a 27 / 40 something female thing in my observation. None of the guys do this, ever, outside of occasionally posting family photos.
I guess that must just be the people I know, and it just happens to perfectly match up with the cultural stereotypes.
This is absolutely true and it's been enormously helpful to me to actively seek out such information and have a more balanced perspective. An important difference seems to be that women very frequently get a lot of weird and problematic attention before they are big and it often outweighs the positives.
If you get enough positive attention and money out of it, putting up with some icky stuff can be worth it. But women frequently are facing a situation where it's far more downside than up in the early stages in a way that makes it actively difficult to even get traction.
I've spent a lot of years trying to come up with constructive mental models to help me more effectively navigate such things. I think it's problematic to frame it in strictly gendered terms. Among other things, this tends to make women feel like it's hopeless and can't be fixed.
I think women get raised to have private lives. Men get raised to have public lives. This ends up being self reinforcing.
I lived an extremely private life. I was a homemaker for a long time. Learning to effectively interact with the public has been a long, uphill slog.
It's perhaps been something of a gift that it's been so hard. The extremes of it have likely helped make some things apparent to me that may get overlooked by others due to being too subtle.
I think that this effect is localized in what can be described as "deep blue feminist college educated media women" bubble. That just happens to be uniquely vocal because of the media positions they hold.
In the real world it is more nuanced (and nobody really cares)
i've always said this but women have much better emotional regulation compared to men at the same age, they can make themselves do things that are boring but are valuable for their future in the long term. Men, i've observed are either too into something (at the expense of everything else) or can't care at all.
Not necessarily. There is a lot of anecdotal theories that women care more about how they are perceived by their peers. There might also be some research (a minute of Googling brought up this, although I'm quite sceptical of most sociological/psychological research).
> The researchers concluded that women seek to regain a sense of belonging whereas men are more interested in regaining self-esteem.