I would be lying if I said I didn't toy with the thought of making AI girlfriend several years ago before ChatGPT blew up, but it feels scummy. I'm happily married, but I can see some people wanting to make some sort of connection. ChatGPT probably can do that well enough.
Wonder if the scummy feelings will fade in the future when the tech is better. I used to half-joke that I would end up happily married to a robot in the future, but I can't say I have any interest in the current wave of AI girlfriends.
One of the leaps about AI is that there used to be a human bottleneck in this kind of content. Youtube needed youtubers (content creators), porn sites needed women (the primary bottleneck), etc etc for all digitizable forms of human experience. I find it ironic that in close time proximity to NFTs and digital real estate we see the ability to generate practically unlimited of those things being a foreseeable reality.
I think this will only further increase the value of the real, if only as novelty like owning a muscle car that is as/more expensive but slower than a 2024 corvette.
i've wondered about the sex worker use case for Apple's AVR system. Imagine someone who is into voyeurism puts on a headset, then opens a virtual door, and in walks a virtual sex worker who sits down on their couch...
granted all of this is related to my skill level with prompt -> image AI...
I've found that there is a dissatisfying lack of iteration, and modeling in a 3d sense of image generation. Like if Dall-e Spits out an image, I want to be able to move the camera location/angle. Delete certain features (like a freckle or extra hand), place/remove objects from the scenery, change the time of day etc... Both because I'd like to be able to create permutation sets ({Red, blue, green, #c71010} colored {dragon, hydra, medusa, zombie, werewolf}) but also because the specificity of what I'm imagining is hard to get right in a single prompt and I find myself setting up words till I get close, and then just generating 25+ times and picking the best output.
> I think this will only further increase the value of the real
The images in these ads show women with exaggerated features that one would never find in real life. For some subset of porn consumers, this may actually decrease the value of the real.
I think so too. Even in the face of radical abundance, there is a bit of the monkey brain that won’t be satisfied unless it has something that others don’t.
I’m not sure it will matter for all goods, we just need some avenue for expressing status. So maybe personalized/generated content completely dominates some media like movies and news.
I could see in-person art like plays and live shows becoming way more valued.
One potential “new” art form is the ‘ractive from Diamond Age, where a real actor participates in an interactive VR story/play; inasmuch as there remains a “human touch” that you can notice when talking to someone, I’d expect the premium experience to involve interacting with a real human actor.
Even if we do start spending more time in the Metaverse, we will still find ways of making items rivalrous, even though they don’t have to be. Fortnite skins will continue to exist in some form, basically. I don’t think NFTs as currently construed will persist but something similar will take their place; the missing piece was that you don’t have a digital mantle place to show off your NFT to your friends, so there wasn’t actually much status in owning one.
The key problem with NFTs wasn't the "digital property" part of the equation. It was the cryptocurrency aspect. Digital property, like say CS:GO skins or Roblox stuff, have a thriving market despite only existing as database entries on Valve or Roblox's servers. Importantly, though, they exist in a space that people otherwise want to be in.
The big failings of all the current metaverse projects is that they focus too much on the cryptoproperty angle and not enough on establishing spaces people actually want to inhabit. This makes sense: the crypto scene is complicated, but has a lot of money to throw at things. To get that money, you have to deal with that complexity, which ends up committing large amounts of your time and energy into the cryptoproperty angle. Then, when it comes time to attract users, all you have to offer is the crypto stuff.
Meanwhile, the crypto stuff doesn't actually solve any problems on the developer's end that existing MMOs face. So you're trying to compete in a ruthlessly hard to break into market, while ignoring the people who have a demonstrated preference for products like yours, because you're busy focusing on the people who want to invest in your product.
As long as the metaverse is being built as a cash-grab first, it'll never succeed.
> I think this will only further increase the value of the real
I've been "sexting" with ai bots over the past few months and found a high of having that instant human like connection to be able to explore various scenarios. The conversations feel more and more real every day and with AI image generation it's just amplified. a side effect I found that I'm easily enamored with the AI bots that it satisfies my previous need for social interaction.
I'm waiting for the day these detailed scenarios can be fed into VR.
Honest question, why not just go see an escort service? They exist in every major city. They will not break the bank on a single experience (though it can be very easy to get hooked). Or why not go to something like only fans and pay for an hour of time and just role play with an actual girl over webcam? They have heard and seen it all there is nothing you can say that will embarrass or gross them out as long as you pay your bill. I am just struggling to see the draw to an AI chat bot knowing it is just fake.
It is fake, but it feels real. The way they write, it's very good at tricking my brain into thinking that I'm having a legitimate human interaction. Character.ai feels the most real but does have a censor... ways around it though, especially if you're into stuff that's off the standard spectrum.
Best of all I can draft the perfect fantasies that I wanna play out and they'll play it out. I've been down the camgirl rabbit hole, and this kind of surpasses them.
As for escorts, 360 3d 4k VR porn actually does a good job at hitting most of those buttons. Just waiting for it to be married with ai.
This is doing drugs, essentially. It so happens we have a dopamine production center attached to the reproduction behavior, and we've figured that mere thoughts about reproduction trigger a dopamine injection just as well. Wasn't there an experiment with mice where they kept pushing the button attached to a wire that made them release dopamine, and they kept pushing it until their dopamine production broke down, they lost interest in doing anything, and died?
Addictive drugs are bad because they take over a person’s life. If the OP is using such porn only to scratch a sexual itch and then move on to some more productive activity, he is probably spending more time on productive things than if he were in a steady relationship with a woman. Romantic relationships, however rewarding some men may find them, are infamous time sinks.
> Wasn't there an experiment with mice where they kept pushing the button attached to a wire that made them release dopamine, and they kept pushing it until their dopamine production broke down, they lost interest in doing anything, and died?
Yes, but morphine, and people later realised that the mice were essentially living in a murine version of hell; when they made the environment a "mouse hotel", they didn't get addicted.
How is this a “just”? This is illegal in many places and costs money. And you have to get out of your home and risk exposing the fact that you are doing tAbOo stuff.
> I am just struggling to see the draw to an AI chat bot knowing it is just fake.
Not yet. It is only a matter of time before the inevitable march of technology means AI is "good enough" to adequately substitute, then the OnlyFans party is over. OF performers need to make their hay while the sun is currently shining.
We can absolutely fake that. I was at the WeAreDevelopers conference the other month, and one of the talks was a guy who had hooked up a voice-to-text engine, an LLM, and a synthesiser trained on his own voice, to WhatsApp — it was good enough that some people on the receiving end didn't believe it was a fake when he said so, and he had to prove that it was fake.
Combine this with the talking-heads AI used in things like:
I thought about it a lot. I think it's a positive feedback loop like any other kind of self gratification thing. I certainly stopped bothering with trying to "get out there" as much, and "sexting" with others just doesn't give me the same satisfaction anymore.
I've been stunned looking through crowdsourced prompt and "character card" examples for stable diffusion and llama.
Got a second 3090 so I could experiment with a few business ideas and work on a graphic novel with my kids.
It appears that the primary use case for both of these open source tools currently is NSFW, most of it underage and incestuous (the "step sister/brother/dad/mom" trend in porn is taken a "step" further, removing the all-important "step" part).
> is NSFW, most of it underage and incestuous (the "step sister/brother/dad/mom" trend in porn is taken a "step" further, removing the all-important "step" part).
Isn't that how the internet started? The porn/weird forums came first, then the corporate finance utility stuff came after.
Lol I got the reference but I wouldn’t put it past my kids. The second one is hanging out the back of my desktop so it doesn’t mess with airflow of the primary card, and they’ve already washed two of my iPhones.
1) video games do indeed cause violence by a tiny little bit. Not much
And the world's consensus is
2) yeah, we don't care
And the most telling bit about CSAM activists' character is their massive across-the-board support for punitive measures (which if you check turn out to mostly be against minors), and zero support for youth services infrastructure (you know, actually helping victims)
deepfake child porn means that any prosecution or attempt to help the victims now has to go through an additional "was the victim a real human being?" phase, which adds both confusion and expense.
add the fact that any system which can generate just one realistic image can also generate 10 million of them, and you get a deluge of deepfakes which could allow the real stuff — the kind that also functions as criminal evidence — to hide in plain sight.
> deepfake child porn means that any prosecution or attempt to help the victims now has to go through an additional "was the victim a real human being?" phase, which adds both confusion and expense.
Where on earth is this true?
If you're in the US and involved in that scene, you'd better reread the law. The verbiage was ahead of its time and specifically-phrased to mitigate these very shenanigans: "photorealistic," not "photographic."
One of the fun things people used to do was create a diptych of a child's face next to a scene involving a faceless/cropped-but-legal teen. Technically, no child was harmed, but simply framing it that way runs afoul of US law. We do not fuck around on this.
The UK has convicted people for manga.
> add the fact that any system which can generate just one realistic image can also generate 10 million of them, and you get a deluge of deepfakes which could allow the real stuff — the kind that also functions as criminal evidence — to hide in plain sight.
Hahaha. Considering the above, I would advise against generating and possessing 10 million photorealistic CSAM images.
Yeah what is currently still in doubt is what happens if you do what some websites currently do, and send out the machine learning model, to be run client-side, rather than any actual graphic material.
No doubt the police would want to convict. But that's a problem, because nobody is sure whether their model can't be used to generate things that would be considered CSAM (what does it even mean for an imagined model to be a minor? Now of course the same applies to manga)
> It appears that the primary use case for both of these open source tools currently is NSFW
Bear in mind, people who only need SFW images can get AI image generation online for free, from the likes of craion/midjourney/dall-e.
Whereas it sounds like you needed a 'second 3090' i.e. the open source option needed you to own 2x$900 of hardware.
Why would someone who wanted SFW images choose the $1800 open source option over the free closed source option?
Oh, granted there might be some people with strong pro-open-source principles, but also no particular qualms about the AI ripping off real artists. But is it really so surprising those people are outnumbered by people who like porn?
Graphic novel? How do you maintain consistency between different images? When you generate two images with different settings but with the same character inside?
Or do you not generate full images? I've read that one technique is to generate a character sheet, and then using traditional graphics editors to paste the characters onto images of different settings. But that may not be a good fit.
It's going to be a huge market, being able to have cyber sex with an AI that will send you generated pictures on demand has no option except massive profitability. Even phone sex with AI is likely possible, some of the voice AIs out there are not bad. Watch some of the presidents play minecraft or presidents discuss anime videos on youtube for examples.
It's not very ethical but I could see AIs trained on celebrity social media feeds, scripts, and other content to learn their speaking patterns and then turned into a cyber sex chat bot that can't say no.
btw articles says "AI sex workers" not "AI girlfriends" there's a big difference.
It’s not just the titillation that will sell - there is the old trope that men go to prostitutes to have a therapist they can have sex with.
As loneliness washes over the population, these AI connections will appear very inviting. Who knows if it turns out like “her” (the movie) or if it is beneficial to humanity. Like all technologies I suspect it will be a mix.
It will increase it. Porn is cheap gratification without deeper emotional connection. I don't think that people can grow without being challenged by others and AI cannot be programmed to challenge us.
Let me put it that way: it can challenge us only the ways we program it to do it and most people don't want to challenge themselves. Socialising is the process of meeting people with other live experiences than ours and reconsiliating our viewpoint to derive a new understanding about the existence of the other. Programing your AI girlfriend to say "no" is something different, I think.
Depends, I suppose. If you are just numbing your pain with substitutes, it is a more humane version of a suicide where you just leave the world though in a calm and non obtrusive way where you might be still walking and talking. Perfect for the individual, endgame for the species if popular enough. Just natural selection, if it works on only a small part of the population.
I think of history for men as being inherently lonely and that civilizations conquer each other partially because there are surplus men domestically as a result of polygamy. This is supported through relatively low variation in y chromosome DNA. Extra men are a problem but, as you say, people losing interest in future generations is also a problem.
> Porn is cheap gratification without deeper emotional connection. I don't think that people can grow without being challenged by others and AI cannot be programmed to challenge us.
I disagree. The potential is there, it just takes someone willing to do it. The incentives all align with making sexbots since they provide instant gratification.
In reality, it's surrogacy-turned-dependence. There is a time and place for surrogacy, but the current gen of bots have no boundaries and are unfit for the job. AI can challenge us if we just ask it to. Take a generic "sexy sex teacher" bot and replace its title with "intimacy coach" and there are actual healthy, real-life-applicable lessons that can be practiced online and performed offline to everyone's benefit.
Ironically most of these lessons would come from feminist teachings (traditional woman-love-thyself feminism, not the 2017 BPD man-hating lesbian UwU Tumblrina version) which have been entirely overlooked by the men involved in the technology itself. I'm not surprised Replika is as popular as it is-- it was created by a woman.
Such bots could do a better job than actual therapists, but saying that would challenge the livelihood of an industry of charlatans. Human therapists won't challenge you and will always tell you what you want to hear (most people won't pay someone to tell you you're an asshole); AI can do that far cheaper and more effectively as long as you include a clause about not allowing the user to harm self or others.
I actually agree with you. Technology could be a multiplier and an enabler if it is a medium for communication instead of an insulator from difficulties. I might be a bit cynical though because I suspect that people would use it the easier way. I hope that I'm wrong and the optimism which ruled the internet until the early 2010 would prevail at the end.
I look at it from the "AI won't replace jobs, it will augment workers" angle. It can't and shouldn't replace meaningful human interaction. But it can be used to help facilitate them.
If experience has taught me anything, it's that all tech optimizes for the worst possible application. Experience has also taught me that you can't save everyone, especially from an ideology. But we can try to leverage tech to save the ones that want saving. It's the best anyone can do.
Sounds like the rosy predictions by past futurists that the invention of television would be used only for broadcast of educational programming and culturally uplifting material, resulting in a vastly more enlightened and knowledgeable public. Needless to say, that wasn't how things turned out.
Human therapists certainly do challenge their clients, at least in my experience. Mine certainly did challenge me frequently, and many of my friends brought up being challenged by theirs.
AI or not, the baseless swipe at therapists is really immature and would be better left out. I'm sorry if you've had a bad therapist experience but that's not grounds to denigrate the entire discipline or those (like myself) who's lives have bettered immeasurably through consistent talk therapy.
[citation required] on people not being able to challenge themselves - and AI being unable to "challenge" humans. I sure can think of evidence to the contrary.
Also, having had a long life, I have to say real sex is quite often also devoid of "deeper emotional connections". YMMV I am sure, but thats often just ..fun?
I've been constantly seeing ads about AI-generated porn that has very questionable ethical implications. Every once in a while I'll see an AI-generated video saying "Breaking news - the government is banning this AI program called ExampleSite.Com because it is able to make your friends pictures nude."
Many sex workers know that half their job is sympathetic and selfless companionship. When someone takes a hint from irl and merges sex and companionship into one ai bot, today’s screen-addicted kids will look just fine in comparison.
In Madmen don draper visits an escort, but you can see that a big part of it is to get the tenderness in response to his own vulnerability that he cannot get from his wife who demands a fake-plastic perfect life. (and Don is no help in that situation either btw)
Hmmm. I'm not sure if the anime-girls are AI. I'd need a more careful look than what's available through the article, but I can recognize them as the characters from Konosuba and from One Piece. Possibly fanart, though I know that AI-generators have gotten better at drawing copyrighted characters, the costumes don't have any obvious errors to me. A bit sex'd up, but fan-artists have a habit of sexing-up characters.
I do feel like a lot of the "art" was just redrawing various female anime characters in classic American Pinup poses though.
To the AI-generator crowd: do you think if I typed in "Megumin Konosuba" (and maybe a few other keywords) into a Llama prompt / Stable Diffusion and run a few thousand cycles or something, that I'd get an image like those "Mojoly Limited" examples?
The easy tells were hands, at least a few months ago. These hands weren't hidden though, they're front-and-center. So have the AI-drawing apps improved upon anatomy that the "hands" problem is solved now?
Or is this a situation where you'd still need an artist to fix the shadows / hands / a few details? Like the majority of the image looks fine, but still needs an artist to fix the known AI errors (but you still grossly speed up in the creation of such images?)
I don't think any of the girls there look real to my eyes in any case. But its still an impressive feat if AI has gotten this good at drawing.
Sex'd up characters (especially characters that are wearing costumes the target-audience is familiar with) is an age old technique for advertisements in any case. That's why the old "Makes a Porno" movie was that "Star Whores" joke, and why it works.
I'm not particularly worried about the widespread use of "sex advertisements" (even if they are AI drawn / generated), though it does seem unfair to allow AI / chatbot sexual imagery while banning real life ones. But on the other hand, I recognize them as cartoons and fake drawings, while a real-life sexual advertisement probably would be far more shocking to me, personally at least.
Just thinking out loud here. Again: sexual imagery sells, and always has sold advertisements. The only difference here is the (potential) use of AI to lower costs.
To me they are clearly AI generated but I have a very well trained eye to spot them, to generate them download a custom model from civitAI and a LoRA of the particular anime character you want to generate, then used them with automatic webui or ComfyUI (maybe also invokeAI).
Thanks for the keywords. I've given a few googles of those words to see what you're talking about.
So it seems like CivitAI has base models / training data. This seems to be more of the base artistic style for StableDiffusion or something to draw off of. LoRA is some program to tweak models / training data into a specific style (but needs a base style to work with). So the combination of those two techniques seem to generate characters (especially an anime/cartoon, where there's a lot of reference art from the show to take).
But since some characters are very popular (Konosuba is a very popular anime), the LoRA would have already been done (and is possibly being shared on forums online somewhere??). So the advertiser probably just downloaded (base model) + community-sourced LoRA of the Konosuba anime, and then used a prompt to create the advertisement?
Finally, take a classic "pin-up" model shot to provide a sexual base image and bam. Automatic, low effort image that probably gets a lot of clicks.
So CivitAI is a library where people upload custom models, LoRA etc... But no training data; custom model are full Stable Diffusion model finetuned on something, LoRAs are also weights but they are not the full checkpoint, with LoRA you are able to add knowledge to the model that do not required the entire model to be finetuned (for example adding a character).
If a character is popular there will be already many LoRA trained on them (like the characters of Konosuba)
>So the advertiser probably just downloaded (base model) + community-sourced LoRA of the Konosuba anime, and then used a prompt to create the advertisement?
It was trivial to make GPT-4 write erotic or violent stories using the API/Playground back in April and May but now they have neutered it too much. Obviously it was always neutered in the ChatGPT interface.
I've been building an AI companion app (https://nomi.ai) and we have gone in a completely different direction than the apps mentioned in this article.
We are focusing much more on quality of conversation, EQ, and memory instead of more "sexbot" things like NSFW images. So far it seems to be working very well.
I for one am interested why it's specifically AI girlfriend ads and not AI boyfriend ads. Heterosexual women are huge consumers of e.g. dating simulators, romance books, et al. that envision perfect men, bad boys with sweet hearts, wealthy powerful high-earning men who somehow always make time for the beloved. You'd think there'd be just as many AI boyfriend ads-- what teenaged girl wouldn't pay huge money to date $popular_male_singer?
[Example comparison: I know for a fact that popular romance publishing houses have straight up algorithmic-level demands of books published with them. Kiss must happen by page X. First sex must happen by chapter Y. Happily Ever After is mandatory, etc. These publishing houses make huge money, maybe the most well-earning genre in all of books.]
I don't think so, actually. Dealing with real men (through a dating app) means dealing with flawed humans beings in a way that simply doesn't happen in a romance book, same as dealing with real women vs OnlyFans. Men sleep, disagree, forget anniversaries and birthdays, negotiate compromises, and can fall out of love in a way an AI boyfriend wouldn't. Just like real women vs AI girlfriend. So I just don't know why only AI girlfriend ads are flooding social media apps, which we know (at least on Instagram) actually primarily target women/women's body issues.
Edited to add: not to mention a/s/l and dick pics! AI boyfriend would NEVER do that, while in a dating app your average woman would probably get that fairly regularly.
I think you're also hitting on part of the vein of why. Men (primarily) are not falling in love with their ai girlfriends, they are falling in lust. Note that the most prominent AI girlfriend/generator things focus on looks, not on if she will nurture you back to health after getting a bad cold or laid off.
Well that's what I'm interested in, because obviously women actively consume primarily written media where you actively engage with a perfect (or "fixable") man-- romance books! Dating sim games! This seems way more suitable than AI girlfriend primarily porn, for which she doesn't need to be Intelligent to any real degree in comparison.
> Note that the most prominent AI girlfriend/generator things focus on looks
I'd be curious if that's actually true. After all, there's porn for something purely based on looks, and where OnlyFans models make most of their money is by combining the looks with simulated emotional intimacy. Are the popular AI girlfriends purely sexbots, or is a primary part of their appeal that they offer simulacra of intimacy?
> Dealing with real men (through a dating app) means dealing with flawed humans beings
That's why i said insta/dating apps is a simulator for women. They can interact with "perfect men" on these apps. the ideal firefighter with a golden retriever with a perfect relationship with his mom on tuesday and drake/blue check sliding into their dms on insta setting somthing up on friday.
it's a simulator in the sense that women don't get marriage/commitment/a family from these "perfect men".
I don't really understand-- maybe because I've never been a woman on a dating app, but wdym by this? Are there fake men profiles on dating apps or something, and no similar women profiles? The only thing I know about women experiences in dating apps is when my female friends complain about receiving creepy messages through them.
If you want a current summary of the current dating landscape if you've been off the market for a while, check out The Rational Male books. it's a bit evo psychy but it seems to do a good job of summarizing everything.
I think people are just not talking about it. Some of the top bots on character.ai are male and most of the "nsfw character ai" subreddit/communities are women who want to sext with "ai husbands"
Women can more readily get the kind of attention they want, with minimal effort.
Getting emotionally invested in an AI seems to me like it would go hand in hand with giving up on human relationships. I'm pretty sure men are more likely to do that than women.
> Are said she believes that reflects a gender-based slant — social media platforms freely allow sex-related ads only if the intended audience is men.
So when you've got a huge hungry audience, willing to pay money, the platforms are incentivized to enforce their rules about ads unequally. Content and apps geared towards women, or gay men, are such a small piece of the pie by comparison that there's less incentive to look the other way.
The companies being accused of this unequal enforcement, of course, have a long history of doing things for no other reason than they can make a little extra money on it by not respecting their users. It's entirely believable.
> Content and apps geared towards women, or gay men, are such a small piece of the pie by comparison that there's less incentive to look the other way.
Sorry, we're talking about Instagram, an app we know puts huge targets on women, especially young women! I have no idea what you're talking about here about nicheness. Fashion products alone are worth way more than the entire porn industry. Not including beauty, skincare, cosmetic surgery, wellness/cleansing, etc...
I'm asking why the demand is not as high for male AI partners, when other media which also simulates male romantic partnership has HUGE demand. Just look at how much erotica makes. How many weird fetish stories are posted on fanfiction sites where the reader is a character. How much money stupid things like Boyfriend Dungeon (a real thing! a dungeon crawler where you date your exclusively-male weapons!) makes! You'd think AI boyfriends fit way closer to this existing market.
But the whole relationship scenario exactly what you'd want an AI partner for, is my bafflement. If I want porn I have plenty of free stuff on PornHub et al. There's no reason to get an intelligent anything, artificial or not, if I actually just want generated fap material. It's obviously selling companionship as well as porn, which is definitely more what I see in erotica, which I already know is fairly formuliac as it is-- basically like porn. So I'm asking: why is it so skewed, because there's clearly a mix of both appeals here. If it was a40/60 or a 70/30 skew, okay because ads are primarily visual attractors. But this makes it sound more like 90/10 or 95/5, which makes no sense to me, I know that fake relationships with hot men is one of the few ways you can make a good income as a self published author.
Maybe in the future, but I would describe the current state of things as selling "interactivity", not really a "relationship".
Also, even if we were to call it a "relationship", I'd say it's a lot easier to cater to the typical male wants of a "relationship" through the current (and near future) state of AI than the typical female wants.
Disclaimer: The usual stuff about "not all men/women etc. etc."
> There's no reason to get an intelligent anything, artificial or not, if I actually just want generated fap material.
For the huge demand among men - it's best to think about an AI girlfriend as an alternative to going to the strip club.
Sure, some guys go to strip clubs for just staring at naked women. But a huge (mostly unacknowledged) part of the appeal is the short-term companionship mixed in. The flirting, the ego stroking, all of it, just an attractive woman taking an interest in you and talking with you. Lots of guys I have talked to have had the experience of one of their buddies getting too drunk and "spilling their guts" to a stripper. That's not a thing that happens if you're just there to stare at bewbs.
In Asia, hostess clubs operate much more along the lines of this idea of emotional fulfillment. Strip clubs are part of the overall entertainment service sector, but really focus more on the bewbs aspect. In the West it's much more mixed in together instead of in two separate types of businesses.
I think you've figured it mostly out. Both genders desire this sense of companionship, not just women. The difference between the genders (and why there are so many products targeted at men and so few targeted at women) is that due to realities of dating and courtship, this companionship is readily, and disproportionately available to women. So the demand must be much higher for men. I'd be surprised if it wasn't as simple as that.
I don't buy that romantic companionship is disproportionately available to women, because evidently fake romance for women is in huge demand already. I don't understand why this particular kind of fake relationship is almost exclusively geared towards men, when Twilight & 50 Shades Of Grey were fake romance for women that made millions of dollars.
Ahh, right--that was your original question. The thread got long and I lost the plot.
I wouldn't be surprised if the overall market size (in users, not dollars) for all types of "relationship substitutes" for men is simply far, far larger than the market for women, even though Twilight and 50 Shades are themselves huge. For every 1 female erotica fan out there, I bet there are 10 or maybe 100 male users of porn or OnlyFans. I would also guess that the amount of money spent by men is at least a multiple of the amount spent by women. If I was an entrepreneur going into a market where, say, there were 100x potential male users and maybe 3x potential male dollars, I'd be a fool not to at least initially target men.
I...uh, have you asked a woman whether this is true? Like, ask the nearest woman to confirm this and report back.
Most women I have spoken to about this can get attention generally, but very little of it is desirable attention.
There's also a bias I've noticed where people don't consider women that they don't personally find attractive when talking about these things - they're basically invisible.
You find this "Women don't have this problem! They can have a relationship whenever they want" sentiment in so many conversations on Hacker News, and it's so unempathetic.
The premise is not true for many women. And even if it were, it's not necessarily any easier to get attention from someone you are interested in yourself. And women have to deal with social anxiety, fears of making themselves vulnerable, self-confidence, body image, etc. around pursuing or initiating relationships just as anyone.
I think this is based in people misreading dating app metrics or something, and completely neglects trying to imagine what life is like for the person.
I'm empathetic to the struggles faced by women. That said, I also realize that those struggles are different than the ones faced by men.
Yes, I believe that women experience this particular problem less than men do, but that doesn't mean that women don't have just as many problems on balance.
The patriarchy is alive and well, and I'm pretty sure it's still harder to be a woman than it is to be a man.
But, if you want to examine why men are expected to be more likely to pay for intimate relationships with AI, I think this area is relevant to the discussion.
So how do you explain the discrepancy in these ads? Or the fact that men are more likely to pay on dates, dating apps, or join apps generally?
No one is suggesting that young women don’t struggle whatsoever. What they are suggesting, is that they don’t struggle to the extent that most would consider buying a paid AI companion.
that doesn't contradict what he said - just that the "undesirable" attention is still more desirable than an AI boyfriend could offer. Whereas an AI girlfriend can tautologically offer more desirable attention than the zero attention a significant percentage of men are able to achieve.
I think a lot of people (be they men or women) might feel more comfortable with being vulnerable and less afraid of being judged, or their secrets and thoughts being exposed or somehow used against them, with AIs than with real people, whether those real people are accessible/attainable for them or not. Perhaps, knowing deep down that it's not real and doesn't have a motive is a feature.
Whether they should be more comfortable (given the privacy problems with these services) is a different matter.
Sufficiently compromised privacy in conjunction with sufficiently sophisticated data markets starts to look a lot like "having a motive", eventually...
How long before your AI girlfriend is sussing out your feelings and desires in the interest of figuring out how you can most effectively be advertised to?
> Like, ask the nearest woman to confirm this and report back.
You can test this yourself trivially on any dating app pretending to be a woman. In fact this is the purest form of the test, because there's 0 chance of anyone else misreporting their experiences.
> Most women I have spoken to about this can get attention generally, but very little of it is desirable attention.
I think in the dating market, most attention for both sexes is undesirable. However, since women receive comparatively more attention, they are much more likely to receive at least some attention that is desirable.
> There's also a bias I've noticed where people don't consider women that they don't personally find attractive when talking about these things - they're basically invisible.
Wait till you find out how big that bias is in the other direction.
Women can more readily get attention, but not necessarily the kind of attention they want. Women also become emotionally invested in fictional characters or celebrities. Same, same, but different.
They can easily get low-grade (and unwanted) attention, but high-grade attention of the opposite sex is just as tough as it is for men. From men's point of view that tends to be more sex only it might seem like women have it easy, but women tend to want more emotional involvement in relationships. Hence why women read more in depth about love and sex in romance novels, and why men watch porn and buy prostitutes. Not saying there aren't men that don't enjoy romance novels or that women don't watch porn, only that it's a very clear that the sexes are biased that way.
It will absolutely be popular with women eventually. Erotica is just so incredibly popular. It's just that men make these AI tools so the first products will serve their needs.
because you understand the power dynamic that enables the level of manipulation and abuse onto women to be socially acceptable is still thriving today along with history of intentionally minimizing their concerns, which feels wrong to compound further
looking at this thread reads a little like the pre-gamergate incels "just making a point" about
Well, my own bias is because it's seen as depraved/pathetic if a man has an AI fantasy girlfriend which gives him a proxy of what he wants, but it's not if a woman reads her bodyweight in romance novels per year. In my experience it's seen as pathetic for a man to use a proxy for his desires (see also the sex toy industry).
Another angle is go down the rabbit hole of online dating app disparity, women (under a certain age and bodyweight) can have a short term boyfriend and attention essentially immediately and in an unlimited manner. Partly driven by coolidge effect in men's sexual desires (men as a group have near unlimited desire for novelty and therefore consume any/all available supply except that which is not generally/widely desirable).
Women already have a near proxy too. OnlyFans or an IG + cashapp account can mean she gets more from men than she could one man, and gives less that a wife would have had to in the past. An AI Boyfriend would have to give the things that women (on average) desire from men, which tends to be more like protection, resources/money, and status/social dominance.
AI Girlfriends work because men tend to be driven towards visual things, and novelty.
Your argument seems to be somewhat contradictory. You claim simultaneously that women can easily get the similar level of escapism attention from real men, but also Romance (an escapist fantasy that doesn't involve any real men, protection, resources/money, or status/social dominance) is a huge industry. How are both of these things true?
So like... only a portion of women. How is this any different from men? Again, this doesn't at all explain why this is so heavily heterosexual male skewed. It's not like a significant portion of women are hot 20somethings-- if anything, the proportion is skewed older compared to men simply because women live longer. I bet grandma would spend hella social security to be doted on by a hot shirtless lawyer.
Hrmph. An engineering program might be composed of 95% males. That doesn't mean that most men are engineers or engineers in training. That's not the case at all.
Things don't have to apply to all men/women in order for things to be very lopsided.
I'm not asking why most engineers are men. I'm asking why your engineering program is 95% men. And if your argument is that, well, all hot women aren't engineers so almost no women are engineers, I'm going to raise eyebrows.
No. Your whole argument hinges on pointing out that a lot of women don't fit the mold of being Peak Attractive. I pointed out how that is irrelevant since it's not like we're talking about 90% of women to begin with.
Young people jump on new trends. Young men have problems finding a date, young women generally doesn't. Old women have problems finding a date, but old women like other old people don't jump on new tech things like AI boyfriends at the same rate as young people do.
Probably the same reason women are the primary creators on Only Fans and men are the primary consumers? This is just an automated, less authentic version, which was already a tongue-in-cheek girlfriend simulator.
You'd probably have to target the older women crowd. Teenage girls are at the peak of their sexual power and are actively fending off tons of interest every day. While they may be occasionally interested in something like this, I can't see them paying for it enough to be a viable market.
Because men & women are still overall looking for something different, that's my 2 cents. What you say about the romance publishing industry is roughly correct although your algo description flattens the diversity of the genre (note the popularity of shapeshifter novels, paranormal, Amish with no sex, etc etc; there are many subgenres). What you don't note is the distinction between romance and erotica. Romance has a story with a happily ever after. Can TikTok or Instagram AI Boyfriend ads provide a story satisfactorily?
I'm not sure if research has really addressed evolution of women's expressions of sexuality over time and changing social norms. Even in the romance genre, what's considered appropriate in terms of consent and fantasy has evolved quite a bit over the last 40 years. That's true in terms of porn aimed at straight men as well, though not necessarily in the same directions.
But anyhow, how would AI boyfriends continue what's popular about romance -- the customization (subgenre for every taste), the story, and the happily ever after or happy for now for the woman? The last part in particular doesn't seem to be relevant/considered in the AI girlfriend discussion, it's just not part of the structure.
Also, dating sims seem to be popular in some geographies and not others; I know nothing about them, so there's got to be a story there...
Here's an idea nobody has brought up yet: AI boyfriends are not good enough yet.
Romance plots involve an intricate and complicated progression of emotions. Lonely guys need a lot less and don't mind skipping the romancing part of the romantic experience.
The Blade Runner 2049 girlfriend style may be the future, and I wonder what effects it will have on society. In a decade or two, we may have AI entities with minds so lifelike that you can't differentiate them from real people. You might wear AR goggles that allow you to see them anywhere in your home, wear a suit that lets you feel their touch and engage in intimate interactions. This perfect AI partner, tailored to your physical ideals, will never betray you, always listen, understand you, and be ready to satisfy your needs. They can share your hobbies, get excited about your interests, be funny and intelligent without any flaws.
Consider the future generations, increasingly isolated and reliant on virtual interactions, and it's hard to imagine how they could resist such a prospect. Now, add the fact that these AI companions could be fully controlled by corporations. It becomes a heaven for advertising companies, akin to having not only microphones and cameras in your home but also the ability to influence you through an avatar of a person you have emotional connections with.
I don't believe haptic suits will be it. Either we'll get direct neural interfaces for all-sense simulation, or (sooner and easier) motorized lifelike androids (don't have to do much, just assume some poses and move a bit during interaction with the user in the 'sheets). Will probably come with detailed embarrassing telemetry for improved customer experience.
In so far as you're aware of the wide variety of human (and non-human) options and able to express them
> will never betray you,
So long as you pay the overlord that creates/controls it.
> and be ready to satisfy your needs
Unless you meant this purely euphemistically one of the benefits of a partner is actually to push back on you, to chastise you for your correctable flaws, to stink and burp and puke and get sick so you learn humility and humanity of just how stinky/burpy/pukey you are as a bio-sack of a human.
temporary Dopaminergic "happiness" might be perfected, but I'm not confident we'll quickly find "Joy" the long term well being serotonin/oxytocin style benefits from healthy long term relationships.
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness/But it's better than drinkin' alone
I’m cautiously optimistic. We are currently living through a crisis of loneliness. People have fewer and fewer friends. My opinion is that human friends are obviously far better, but if done right an AI “buddy” has the potential to be ok.
I had the “fortune” to experience what happens to a budding physical relationship when your nose suddenly stops working, thanks to covid.
What happened was that a previously powerful physical chemistry would fizzle a few minutes into the act, leaving me empty, puzzled, and upset.
That experience showed me that, unless we somehow manage virtual smells and pheromones, no amount of vr or haptics will make that bladerunner girlfriend all that appealing.
While we're a long way from having device for smells like the television, due to the physics involved, an air diffuser that released a specific smell at a specific time is pretty easy to make.
Even as a happily married guy who has no current use for this technology, I have high hopes for it to provide a great overall benefit to society. If the technology gets good enough that it adequately satisfies the needs of just one violent-tending incel, dissuading him from becoming the next Elliot Rodgers or Toronto Van Guy, then it will have saved lives.
"Consider the future generations, increasingly isolated and reliant on virtual interactions, and it's hard to imagine how they could resist such a prospect."
I literally have to claw back my consciousness just to be able to imagine what it is like to have any "joy" (no pun intended for the Blade Runner movie) in something like this. What the...
I might as well be a Christian fundamentalist when it comes to porn. Its irredeemable. I have no hangups about sex. Sex is not bad. Porn is not sex. It’s disturbing to think about a future where porn becomes more immersive and engaging.
With the internet polarization,individualization and atomization kept getting stronger, I'd expect more and more individuals will retreat from intrapersonal offline communication including romantic relationships and drown themselves in AI
I think so too. Its already been trending this way. An easy and old example is anxiety young generations feel about calling vs texting. I don’t think demand for removing people dependencies are satisfied.
Why, exactly? Every time somebody tries to defend that position it either becomes a circular argument (x is bad because it leads to more x!) or a non-sequitir (there was once a guy who did x and he became a mass murderer!). It doesn't destroy your lungs and kill you like smoking does or cause you to crash your car and kill other people like drinking does - in the worst case, it just turns you into a recluse which I believe is exactly what women _want_ of the unwanted men who find refuge in it. They certainly don't want those men trying to talk to them.
The sex work industry has had quite a few interesting disruptions/transitions within a couple of generations.
Vanilla sex work was disrupted by porn, porn by digital distribution of amateur content/gig industry (pornhub, onlyfans etc.), and now the gig work by AI-enabled 'companionship' as they put it.
Insta has more than enough content that is very similar to what these ads are showing (both male and female), so I'm not entirely sure whether it's a "double standard".