> I know Vizio is considered more of a low-end brand, but I have a ... probably 2010s era Vizio that's one of the best TVs I've had.
I bought a Vizio back in 2006 that is still running today. It's now at my parents' house but runs as well as when I bought it.
Unfortunately I also have a modern Vizio I bought for the guest bedroom. That thing is a piece of shit. It's just ridiculously slow, sometimes won't display the picture from an input signal, and software updates break stuff all the time. Before I bought it I hadn't ever bought a cheap "smart" TV but it's been worse than I imagined they would be.
> the TV takes 15 seconds to start up??? and takes 10+ seconds to select a youtube video to watch. back when I was a kid, tvs turned on right away and you could change the channel in less than a second.
I'm not old (mid-30s) so maybe TVs that predate me were quicker, but I remember the old Zenith[1] in the living room would take 10-15s to warm up and sometimes we had to turn it off and on again a few times to get the picture to work. The DLP Sony that replaced it was even worse; upwards of 30s before the picture was more than a dim outline moving on the screen.
TVs are objectively better in terms of speed (my Samsung Q70 takes about 5s to boot; quicker than my Apple TV) and picture quality today. You can make an argument that the smart TV aspect of a TV is worse, but you can also just not connect it to the internet and use a Roku or Chromecast or Apple TV.
> Am I the only one that would love to be able to buy a dumb TV?
You can find them if you look; Newegg, for instance, has quite a few, but most (even those identified as TVs rather than monitors or digital signage in the item description) are in the Monitors category under computer systems, and not the LCD/LED TV sections under electronics.
Above about 46” it looks like it's all super expensive monitors and digital signage (but some refurbished units that aren't too expensive), below that they seem to have some actual TVs with reasonable prices and other units in a similar price range.
> I'd like to buy a TV and know it will work the same in two decades as it does today.
TVs from about a decade ago fit the bill while being of "acceptable" 1080p quality. Lord knows the manufacturers aren't bothering with updates anymore if they even supported them. My primary TV is a Samsung from 2012 and I've never felt the need to upgrade. I can't tell any quality difference from any non-high end TV today.
> I am hoping I can still get a "dumb" panel the next time I need a new TV (which is hopefully never).
Protip: when you go to buy one, don't go to consumer electronic retailers - if you find a commercial electronic wholesaler (e.g. one that sells equipment for businesses), you'll find heaps of dumb TVs that are basically giant computer monitors. Same panels, better warranty, and nothing in them except a panel and a bunch of input ports.
Businesses often use these in reception areas, operations rooms, etc.
It does, but only just. There are still a few models around, but the category of large-format dumb displays has virtually disappeared over the past decade. Commercial displays have almost entirely turned into smart TVs that run business apps instead of consumer apps.
>so poorly maintained that in a couple years you'll need to buy a new TV.
I think they consider that a feature. For the record, I absolutely agree as a consumer that TVs just need to be awesome display panels with a recent remote and sufficient inputs. But I understand why the manufacturers may not want to buy into that.
> Vizio makes the lion’s share of its money selling TV sets. But the company is looking to a future in the streaming ads that appear on those sets, too
As a Vizio owner, I hope they don't make it impossible to use these as dumb terminals. One of my Vizios isn't even a TV proper — it has no tuning apparatus. As long as it's got HDMI (for my phone/tablet/computer), that's all I need.
I bought a TV for a monitor. 55" 4K curved Samsung a few years ago for about $600. It went down in price and is probably discontinued now because curved TVs are stupid. Never connected it to the internet, so it's not too smart.
Also, a real "monitor" doesn't come with a TV tuner and this did.
>I'm not adverse to buying commercial displays for home use, but it's hard to find places that carry them and list prices.
I just spent 3 minutes googling for dumb tvs and found lots of them instantly. Why bother with commercial displays if you can buy cheap dumb TVs at Walmart? Here's a review for one [0].
My experience, having now bought several used plasmas from about that era, is that they tend to have extremely bright black points, comparable to a ~2015 mid-tier LCD screen. Fairly cheap modern LCDs seem to have superior image quality with sharper pixels as well.
Is this not your experience? Have I just been unlucky and purchased some aging panels? When I got into the market, I was of the impression that plasmas were renowned for their high contrast ratios, but I have been less than impressed.
> Did middle-class Americans commonly have 480p LCD EDTVs, or were they a rare transitional stage of television with little uptake? My family jumped straight from CRT (technically rear projection) to a 1080p HDTV.
Scottish and very much not "middle-class", but I had a 720p-capable CRT TV in the early-2000s or so. I only got rid of it in about 2010, and still kind of regret it, but it was huge. Secondhand it cost about 400 quid in 2002 money! You can imagine what it must have cost new.
Around about the same time I fitted a VGA input board to a spectacularly expensive Loewe TV for a local high-end home cinema shop.
> It's impossible to buy a TV these days that is not infected with Internet of Shit.
It's possible, they are just called monitors or commercial displays; there's a significant premium for them at typical living room TV sizes compared to things marketed as “TVs”, though.
>How do you think manufactures can afford to sell these large screens at such cheap prices.
TV prices have been falling for decades[1], long before manufacturers could truly benefit from the data provided by smart TVs. So other factors are probably much more important - such as cheaper materials, automated production, economies of scale etc.
Also, ad revenue wouldn't explain why "stupid" computer monitor prices have also fallen greatly during the same time period.
I bought a Vizio back in 2006 that is still running today. It's now at my parents' house but runs as well as when I bought it.
Unfortunately I also have a modern Vizio I bought for the guest bedroom. That thing is a piece of shit. It's just ridiculously slow, sometimes won't display the picture from an input signal, and software updates break stuff all the time. Before I bought it I hadn't ever bought a cheap "smart" TV but it's been worse than I imagined they would be.