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I began as a junior dev and climbed up the ranks til the point where I became the SME in some areas of the product.

Got laid off because sales goals were not met while they retained people which I think were incompetent in their work. Even some guys which I think were better and more critical to the projects were dumped.

I'm not climbing that ladder by being proactive and "pragmatic" again...

Call me a paycheck stealer, quiet quitter etc.

Just give me some JIRA ticket and let me read books while I get my job done in 1-2 hours a day.

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Sounds similar to me. I didn't get laid off though, and my climb was only one actual promotion even though I was filling a tech lead position. I managed to switch teams right before the layoff/outsourcing. I tried hard on the next team and again achieved a great reputation in the department. But it meant nothing and I got nowhere. I even had a few people in the department ask why I was taking a demotion out of the group - I wasn't, they all just thought I was a higher level than I actually was... fuck the system.

I've done the same, heated in the moment. Basically our two most senior devs quit, so a large burden shifted onto me, and I was suddenly the most tenured dev on our team, with knowledge of systems no one else had and could not even easily get since the others (and others before) had quit. But curiously they promoted the new guy instead of me. Ok fine... I told my boss, an arrogant VP at the company, that I should be paid x amount for my increased role and importance to the product. He got back to me 2 weeks later (took his time with this), and said sorry. Quit on the spot. They had to completely overhaul their roadmap and soon after that team folded, got absorbed into another, the VP got fired, and I got a sweet new gig. The execs were too thick headed and full of themselves to see that my quitting would cost them exponentially more money than a relatively modest salary increase based on my increased role. Not a single regret.

I was laid off a few years ago. I wouldn't say nepotism was the cause but it was rampant. I butted heads with my direct manager. He didn't understand how software is produced. If C-levels didn't like something we were building, he'd double down and quadruple the feature set thinking they would find some aspect useful. The layoff didn't negatively affect me although I was taken by surprise. I thought upper management would see that I was doing right. He had a special place because his brother in law was in the upper tier. It wasn't a great fit anyway and I got a great job afterwards so it was probably for the best.

I feel for you too. It wasn't a startup and the job was local, but I took a salary drop and swapped a cosy-but-unrewarding role with a global corporate to join a 40-strong SaaS development company that wanted someone to come in and sort out their internal and customer support infrastructure - they had no strategy, procedures or hierarchy and were constantly firefighting - shuffling resources between projects according to which customer complained the loudest.

It became clear very quickly that the two founders who brought me in wouldn't embrace any change that didn't come from them, and they had a total fear of empowering anyone else to make executive decisions - even about their own team members; I constantly found my guys being assigned to firefighting for other teams without my knowledge, so workload planning and scheduling knowledge sharing periods was impossible - we had information silos all over the place and if someone went on vacation they would often be called or emailed frequently because they were the only ones who knew about a specific part of a project or system. I wasn't allowed to attend support review meetings with the customers - the Directors went alone and told me what had been agreed, and they constantly dealt directly with one of my guys (the company 'guru'), assigning him work and making it impossible for me to grab his time so he could share his skills with the rest of the team - I highlighted it as a serious business risk that this guy was the only person who knew some of the tricks with some of our internal and customer infrastructures, and that he wasn't encouraged to document or share his knowledge, but they dismissed my concerns.

When we had that Friday afternoon talk after 9 months of trying to bring in some best practices and semblance of organisation, I left the office for the last time with a sense of great relief that I was out of the clusterfuck.

It only took me a few weeks to find a much better role and I hope things work out for you too.

Edit: Looking back at what I wrote, it might be that the OPs circumstances just offered the opportunity for a bit of a personal rant, which was not the intention. My main point was based on the fact (not explained at all by me in my post) that when I met the two Directors (twice), prior to joining, the setup and opportunity for me looked very positive, and I was convinced I was going to be empowered to fulfil the role. Things turned out very differently, and I clearly did not fit in with the company culture the founders wanted to both leave and stick with simultaneously (it was their comfort zone, and although they knew is was not the best was to run a business, they ultimately couldn't leave it). Moral: Shit happens, despite due dilligence, but that doesn't make it right.

I was laid off in December last year. Looking back, it was clear why, I was the youngest member of the team, had the least experience and was struggling to pick up the new tasks assigned to me with the limited knowledge I had about the product and its underlying tech. I don't think my performance was judged too harshly or it was a major contributor, rather my superior had to make a layoff happen in the team, and I was the one with the least time in the company and least proven experience.

I got down leveled when I moved to big tech.

Spent two years completely remaking the product I was tasked to work on, while the two other engineers on my team, both a level above me, cheered me on and didn’t do much.

I turned our product from a total waste about to be cancelled into a promising tech with some momentum, but I spent all my time coding instead of writing about coding, and I likely won’t get promoted again this cycle.

It’s been very strange to see the fruits of my labor benefit the org while feeling totally unrecognized outside of my team.

Now dealing with massive burn out for the first time in my career. Not sure what to do. I make sure to put out fires and do the bare minimum to keep up the product momentum, but I have no love for the org and just don’t think I’m cut out for the politics games.

Once upon a time, I singlehandedly retooled my company's flagship app for an entirely new software platform in less than three weeks, in order to ensure we were available on the new platform when it launched. I worked days, nights, weekends, and even dreamed about the damned thing as I was porting it over.

Six months later: review time. My boss tells me that he was monumentally impressed with the dedication, perseverance, and capability I demonstrated throughout the year, especially on the aforementioned product. And, as a result, he was very proud to give me...a 3% raise. I was deeply offended, and that was the beginning of the end for me there. I quit a few months later. I hear that layoffs have been rampant since I departed, which makes me feel a little better.

Anyway, long story short: fuck those guys. Polish your resume and tell them you're doing it.

Well, I gotta say. That was exactly what happened at a start-up I used to work for.

The sales guy didn't produce, survived a couple rounds of the Board getting anxious, and then he got canned.

At that point, we were already redoing the marketing materials ad nauseum. The Board was bringing in various consultants, and the engineering staff was even getting pared down (a year and a couple million bucks in).

Then, the marketing guy quit, probably just before he got fired (that was me). Then, the CEO got axed a couple weeks later.

That experience is one of the big reasons I write code today, instead of focusing on marketing. It sucks being in a position where you know you are getting blamed for the failure of the product (at least partially), but you're not sure what you can do to make it better, or if it's your fault at all.

It's more clear cut in programming if your code or your product sucks.

Sorry to hear about that. It is very important imo to always remember that it is just a job. Even if you are career driven, self starter, workaholic, try to soak up as much knowledge and do not do crazy overtime except maybe a bit in a startup if you are one of the first 10 employees and believe in the product.

No company will say thanks for wrecking your personal life and ending up burned out.

It is still perfectly possible to climb the career ladder without overtime and doing extra tasks for no extra pay etc.

Time is a persons most valuable asset and the companies know that. Do not waste it on repetitive monkey tasks which are the result of multiple product development failures covered up by incompetent managers. There is not much to learn in these places. These are for people with sub average ambitions, fair enough.

Your point with the hr would be funny if it weren't so sad and real. Anyone who was ever subject to such will immediately understand why concentration camps have happened. Never trust HR beyond rota planning and perhaps payroll. They are the ones posting these ridiculous developer job adverts, we have all seen them.

Years ago I took a dev role at a very well known UK organisation, a prestigious brand supposedly good for the career. Their systems turned out to be smoke and mirrors of the most braindead kind. One and a half days in I'd seen enough and I quit. If you know, you know.

SaaS Sales job: Failed to make sales quota, put on probation, failed to make quota again the next month, was ushered out the door. First adult job (ignoring the non career jobs) and first job firing.

Another SaaS Sales job: My sales were fine, highest in our department, new director came in, i didnt really want to be there anymore, invited the whole department out for burritos, execpt for the unlucky 10 of us whobwere prompty canned by HR lol. This was a blessing in disguise transitioned into software development after.

I like this list. I’m at a Fortune 500 now after being unceremoniously dumped by a company that was trying to get themselves sold to private equity (If you watch daytime television in the USA you’ve probably seen the old company, and likely never heard of my current employer).

Being able to correct code on other teams if we’re blocked with a pull request, versus having no idea who owns the code and being actively stonewalled and ignored by people at the old place. Having documentation and business requirements written up vs being given source code and the old developer rage quit. Having a competent BA who is competent enough to read code vs having a BA whose job is literally only to ask me to update my tickets and badger me to write up the requirements to hide their own incompetence. Having good conversations about the tech we use vs feeling gaslit when mentioning a potential solution to a technical problem and having nobody respond or make eye contact.

Realizing that everyone who had been there a long time had the personality of a whipped dog. My coworker had letters from his wife encouraging him letting him know he could do it if he just worked hard! Which I suppose worked until the entire dev team got fired a year after I did.

I was really scared after leaving a great job and moving to that terrible one that I’d made a terrible mistake and most dev shops were just awful. Maybe they are but I’m glad I stayed where I am, I got an offer to make way more but I’m 100% sure I’d be laid off now due to covid-19 if I’d jumped ship. Based on my companies response to Coronavirus I think I might stick around for a long time.

I advocated at my own risk to try and improve our working conditions. Being honest and carrying out my work in the way I was most comfortable doing, directly and assertively asking for better physical and social conditions to perform our duties, and using my own equipment where theirs was a hindrance. The tech stack was relatively ancient, but I accepted that as part of the role, because it wouldn't have improved much of anything to swap YUI for another. Anyway, I learned after I was fired that our group cubes were replaced by something less soul crushing and more configurable, the sales guy who screamed on his bluetooth headset every hour while typing on his mechanical keyboard was moved, and the guy in charge of the failed project I was assigned to was promoted. So honestly idgaf about improving whatever company I'm at anymore. I just try and pick one that will not suck so bad and plan to stick around for 6 months.

That's a good theory, but it doesn't always work that way. I was working on the most profitable product the company had, but was laid off anyway. The new 6 month CTO had a new idea for how software development should be done and I wasn't part of it. Meanwhile at my prior job in IT my boss begged me to stay, I think because I made him look good.

I've definitely been that person who didn't want the project to succeed - and I was the key developer (and an external consultant). I was convinced that we were implementing the wrong thing. Even though I tried to suck it up and do the job, it was hard to do my best on something I was sure was going to fail.

I had to be talked out of quitting a couple of times. I think they might have been better letting me quit the first time, and getting a replacement who didn't have so much ego affecting their work.

I subscribe to that. I left my previous job just after two months because I was put into a chair as a developer and then ... nothing for two months. I literally got paid to do nothing.

Manager? Product Manager? Team leader? They were all pretending that newly hired people does not exist. But they went great lengths to poach me from a previous job, to do nothing? I am perplexed by this behavior until today. I have quit and set up my own company where I have less money but at least I am working on something.

I've done that too, it really sucks. My boss wasn't thrilled about it either but it was a directive from a lot higher up than she was. I took that as cue to look for a new job myself, as did others. Not everyone left but enough such that between the layoffs and the devs/BAs that quit caused a project to slip such that they had to pay "fines" as designated in the contract and a couple senior leaders were let go.

No, and I am actively interviewing to leave. I treat interviewing like a chance to “re-level” myself with a sorta-objective third party, and I am getting offers for 10-20%+ higher comp.

The fundamental issue is that optimizing things, paying down tech debt, maintenance, etc just don’t get nearly the same fanfare as new features or product launches. I don’t blame people, because the latter is flashier, and more understood by nontechnical folks in the business.

For people like me who work behind the scenes, you need a trusted manager who understands the importance of your work and will go to bat for you, and/or you need to regularly publicize your accomplishments in a measurable, easily understood way. For me, that means posting a tidbit in Slack whenever I make a noteworthy change.

I wish my sort of work was respected inline with its business impact, but alas, it’s harder to measure or communicate things like “developer time saved” vs “feature X bumped sales by y%.”

Something very similar happened to me at a startup a few years ago and it took me a long time to realize what had happened and why I felt so terrible about it.

Even though my title, salary, and perks were still the same, it was a de-facto demotion. Important parts of my compensation (involvement, agency, sense of ownership, diversity in work effort) were just inadvertently phased out as the company I helped grow was big enough to support product managers who could do just the most rewarding parts of my job but not actually code or anything.

I think (hope) there are things that one can do to guard against this from happening, and just being aware of this phenomenon is valuable.


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