On my own blog, I almost went so far as to offload all comments to twitter. Basically, each blog entry would have a corresponding tweet that you would @reply to. But then I concluded that most people don't want their comments on blogs filling their twitter stream.
I myself have long wished people on Twitter would stop writing interesting slice of life comments, and instead link to every single blog post they write.
I've never written a tweet. I avoid comments too much. I do use it to follow reading lists from a few journalists, writers, academics, and artists. There are much better ways, but twitter is what everyone uses.
Comments are often terrible. You know the kind of comment where you have absolutely no idea what is being discussed or why, only that it has made someone very angry? Twitter is the land of such comments, devoid of anything other than hostility or snark (for a mile example, a gif of "double face palm, when one face palm isn't enough" kind of thing - you really have no idea that the person is responding to or what their thought are).
But I don't want to tweet the title usually I want to find a nice quote and edit to fit. If I can't and the site tries to editorialise me pasting to twitter then I will not tweet.
It would be great if the author had just made a blog post and tweeted it. This sort of seems like useful information, which will suck to lose when this tweet inevitably disappears and isn't updated later with new information.
Tweets make excellent momentary entertainment. Let's stop using them for anything else.
I'll take a contrary opinion -- forcing each thought into a tweet is a nice constraint that compels people to get to the point. This would probably be less well-written as, say, a Medium article.
I dunno, it actually kind of releases my inner editor. "What can I do to make this comment extra pithy?"
I dislike that it's essentially impossible to share more complex ideas on Twitter, but that's different that just having to make a single idea more concise so it'll come in under the Holy 140.
The nice thing about Twitter is that it is what you make it. You can choose the style of Tweeter to follow and you can Tweet how you like.
Incidentally it's amusing/interesting that the comment policy on the blog is the opposite to what he expects from Tweeters.
"if all you have to offer is general platitudes like how happy you are to have found my site and what a wonderful place it is, I will delete your comment and report your comment as spam"
> I agree, I will collect these into an article some day
To be clear, I was not encouraging you to do this. (I'm not discouraging it either. I'm ambivalent.)
I just enjoy seeing people use media in new/unanticipated ways.
(That said, Twitter threads suck beyond a certain size (sixish). This is especially the case if the author intentionally decomposed an entire blog post/article into a sequence of 140-byte chunks. Write a fscking post/article and link to it from a Tweet; perhaps with a couple of threaded pull quotes.)