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user: xchaotic (* users last updated on 10/04/2024)
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created: 2010-05-13 05:21:57
karma: 1434
count: 704
Avg. karma: 2.04
Comment count: 698
Submission count: 6
Submission Points: 221
about: [ my public key: https://keybase.io/xchaotic; my proof: https://keybase.io/xchaotic/sigs/Ip2F9f2dBRMwTwCXRltbN9rwXQSsdR_y1ZzsHCvcnNk ]

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user: jacquesm
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created: 2008-12-06 15:23:18 karma: 227883 Avg. karma: 3.76 #common comments: 15
Jacques Mattheij

Teach yourself piano:


No longer on twitter:

      Screw Elon Musk and the horse he rode in on. There is
      no way I'm going to give that character my content or
      collaborate in anything he owns or has a stake in. 

      Still looking for an alternative. 
Founder of modularcompany.com , we do Technical Due Diligence for investors (early stage, VC, PE), vendors and acquirers in Europe and the Near East.

Partner at Tablomonto.com. If you have an interesting early stage startup in The Netherlands I would like to hear from you.

Founder of camarades.com / ww.com, creator of the first 'streaming webcam software'.

Small time angel investor, > 20 investments to date, > 20K < 100K Happy to report that now three of those have exited with nice returns.

My email is jacques@modularcompany.com, phone + 31 6 30 366 241, Netherlands

Feel free to contact me anytime, except for large money transfers from African countries or such.

And please don't even think of approaching me to get your stuff posted or upvoted, if you want something posted do it yourself, if you want stuff to be upvoted post interesting stuff!

If you comment and I'm not responding to you it may well be that you are filtered out from my view.

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user: ghaff
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created: 2010-03-03 08:23:33 karma: 44589 Avg. karma: 1.65 #common comments: 11

user: imtringued
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created: 2015-12-05 16:49:30 karma: 11098 Avg. karma: 0.8 #common comments: 11

user: amelius
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created: 2014-10-29 05:43:42 karma: 42902 Avg. karma: 1.63 #common comments: 10

user: gaius
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created: 2008-05-21 10:25:39 karma: 35963 Avg. karma: 2.51 #common comments: 10
Why yes, I am a beautiful and unique snowflake

user: pjmlp
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created: 2010-12-12 07:56:31 karma: 109153 Avg. karma: 1.76 #common comments: 10
Random developer with focus on distributed computing, secure systems, compilers and graphics stuff.

Dreamer that some day all major systems programming languages will support some form of automatic memory management.

Nowadays mostly busy with distributed systems across JVM/ART, CLR, Web platforms.

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user: toomuchtodo
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created: 2011-10-25 19:24:01 karma: 88050 Avg. karma: 2.82 #common comments: 10
random internet goober, chaotic good

Greatness is enabling the agency of others. Defend and empower the human.

“Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.” -- Robert Green Ingersoll

"If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable." -- Seneca

"My partner Charlie Munger says there is only three ways a smart person can go broke: liquor, ladies and leverage" -- Warren Buffett

“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” – Banksy

Follow: JumpCrisscross, jacquesm, eropple, metadat, myshpa, dredmorbius, arcticbull, textfiles, lotsofpulp, gabereiser, LinuxBender, bookofjoe, thelastgallon, dang

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user: wmf
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created: 2007-08-18 20:27:58 karma: 46152 Avg. karma: 2.46 #common comments: 10
Wes Felter, expert in datacenter/cloud networking and containers. Previously worked at IBM Research and a large investment bank.

user: gambiting
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created: 2012-08-24 18:20:39 karma: 29451 Avg. karma: 3.2 #common comments: 9

user: Retric
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created: 2007-09-21 11:11:58 karma: 55819 Avg. karma: 2.05 #common comments: 9

user: tptacek
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created: 2007-11-01 09:52:43 karma: 394296 Avg. karma: 6.04 #common comments: 9
Having said thus much by way of introduction, I commit the following to the candour of the Publick.

Helu! I'm Thomas.




(Don't apologize for contacting me! I'm happy to meet you.)

Daily follow list: 'jcranmer, 'pvg, 'DannyBee, 'JumpCrisscross, 'kasey_junk, 'tzs, 'dctoedt, 'idlewords, 'carbocation (many others who don't post often enough to call out like this).

All comments Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2023, 2031 Thomas H. Ptacek, All Rights Reserved.

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user: marcosdumay
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created: 2012-09-18 12:47:57 karma: 27273 Avg. karma: 1.67 #common comments: 8
My page:


A couple of projects:


A set of email extensions that make it possible to run a PKI over SMTP, making email privacy easy to achieve.

And, besides the extra privacy, the PKI needed shared data and access control, what led me to create a DAV-like system, that lets you share your mailbox over the net, by granting capabilities.


A CRUD generator for DJANGO, 'cause I couldn't find any good one.

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user: mcv
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created: 2011-08-11 03:11:25 karma: 23993 Avg. karma: 2.57 #common comments: 8
info+hn@vosdev.com http://www.linkedin.com/pub/martijn-vos/0/99/727

user: rbanffy
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created: 2008-03-12 08:11:01 karma: 158565 Avg. karma: 2.97 #common comments: 8
Seasoned software developer, proficient in Python, Java. Less proficient in Ruby and Lisp. A bit rusty in C and C++. Learning Erlang very slowly. Also a computer collector and restorer, lover of 8-bit computers, mainframes and interesting Unix workstations.

email: username at that google mail thing



[ my public key: https://keybase.io/rbanffy; my proof: https://keybase.io/rbanffy/sigs/HtF1uAf_RNpwIkNP1-YGWP_-3doWV6S5Cc1KywXeLYo ]

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user: rdl
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created: 2008-07-08 05:31:13 karma: 38800 Avg. karma: 3.75 #common comments: 8
Working on stuff at the intersection of cryptocurrency and computer security. Also a Puerto Rico resident (Act 20/22); happy to help people move to Puerto Rico to take advantage of the federal tax exemption, 0% capital gains rate, and 4% business income tax rate. Also FFL07/SOT02.

Chief Security Officer for Evertas Insurance -- the world's first cryptoasset insurance carrier. https://evertas.com/

Previously, CEO and Co-Founder of CryptoSeal (YC S11), which was sold to CloudFlare on 2 June 2014. CISO/Board Member of Tezos Foundation 2018-2020.

Previous startup founder (HavenCo, a couple ecash projects, distributed colo, and DoD/Iraq contracting, new thing), too. Deeply interested in computer security, infrastructure, security, conflict zones, and making the world a better place.

Aside from living on a Caribbean island during crypto export controlled 1990s, I've lived on a tiny artificial platform in the North Sea, plus more reasonable places like London, Amsterdam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and spent 6 months diving in Thailand.

"I, the greengrocer XY, live here and I know what I must do. I behave in the manner expected of me. I can be depended upon and am beyond reproach. I am obedient and therefore I have the right to be left in peace."

Email: ryan@venona.com (etc) Twitter: @octal https://twitter.com/octal LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanlackey

Top color: aaaaaa

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user: agumonkey
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created: 2011-10-09 09:43:33 karma: 29727 Avg. karma: 1.44 #common comments: 7
still thinking of that meta recursive tower of lisp os.


[ my public key: https://keybase.io/agumonkey; my proof: https://keybase.io/agumonkey/sigs/h1JKULpEG9Wv9YMohX2Ew4APfhorub4PXuoPzlF5fxk ]

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user: eru
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created: 2007-08-16 11:01:16 karma: 30335 Avg. karma: 1.29 #common comments: 7
You can reach me via email (generalbaguette@gmail.com).

Living in Singapore at the moment.

user: jedberg
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created: 2007-03-24 02:09:50 karma: 72921 Avg. karma: 5.98 #common comments: 7
CEO of DBOS. We make the best platform for serverless backends that need a database. https://dbos.dev

I used to run reddit.com's servers, then I ran Site Reliability at Netflix, then I worked on making Alexa faster and smarter, and then I helped build a GPU cloud.

I enjoy technology, hanging out with my daughter and son, advising and investing in startups, and some other stuff.

You can reach me at {anything}@jedberg.net, and also send me any great investment leads there!

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/jedberg; my proof: https://keybase.io/jedberg/sigs/f2MDMfeLg---Sa3dsAQASZXctDSSz4GutwD8oOnuUzE ]

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user: londons_explore
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created: 2016-09-05 15:47:49 karma: 35497 Avg. karma: 2.72 #common comments: 7

user: PaulHoule
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created: 2010-12-09 18:39:41 karma: 78160 Avg. karma: 2.48 #common comments: 7
Software developer at a major research university. My unit has been part of the open data movement for 75 years.

I live on a farm near Ithaca, NY.

Some projects I've worked on: a voice chat service for the Brazilian market, the market leading open access e-Print server, e-business systems for car dealerships, wineries and a pallet recycling company, decision support systems for sales territory assignment, a collaborative visual editor for knowledge graphs, a social network for a secret society, a rich metadata database for the global performing arts with hundreds of Postgres tables that we should have built in RDF, a similarity metric for generic concepts (people, places, creative works, ...), a search engine for patents powered by a neural network, conversion of Freebase to an RDF graph with perfect referential integrity, an automatically curated collection of more than 1 million images of thousands of topics, a study of statistics of the sound of crumpling paper, and two efforts to commercialize foundation models before

Current side projects involve: structurally modelling financial messaging standards such as FIX, FPML and ISO 20022 with OWL DL, prototyping a smart "RSS reader" with coupled workflow engine and text relevance and clustering models, and a system of "three sided cards."

North American Weaboo.

paul.houle@ontology2.com (607) 539 7490

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