It doesn't even look the same, it's square and goes up to floor level for Tesla, Nikola's is round and doesn't go all the way down. And they barely patented it like a week ago. This is pure trolling.
> But, overall, the data offer some basis for confidence that a Tesla Model S will lose—on average—less than 15 percent of its battery capacity over the average 150,000-mile (250,000-km) life of a vehicle.
"More thoughtful and effective disaster policies are needed because the future will bring many more weather disasters like Hurricane Harvey, with larger impacts than those of the recent past." (From your own link)
You're talking like they didn't get invaded by the germans and lost 20M comrades vs the "atrocious war crimes against the jews" that totalled 6M... Russia took a beating and basically stop the german progress for the WEST to be able to regroup and refight way later.
Apple doesn't force anyone to use it's software except itself. Google forced other companies to bundle Google Play Services on all devices or you don't get to sell Android phones. Apple never forced another company to use it's software on all devices or no devices at all.
> The annual full price of an MIT education is $70,240.
> As a result, last year the average total price paid by an MIT student receiving need-based aid was $23,000, which is less than the cost of attending the average public university as an in-state student. Overall, we awarded nearly $120 million in scholarships, and 72% of students graduated debt free.
> Those who do borrow have debt at graduation considerably lower than the national average. Nationally, in 2017, graduates of four-year colleges who borrowed owed an average of $28,699 in loans. By comparison, members of the MIT Class of 2017 who took out loans graduated with an average debt of $19,819, way below the national average.
Looks like MIT might be cheaper than the average university.
Yes, today we know, how spread was knowledge of data abuse back in 2008? Because that's what the tools tells me, websites I registered to in 2008 (when I was 18 and young) have leaked my information.